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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2007, 01:13 PM
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Apache/6700 vs. iPhone

First, let me say that I'm a long time lurker and very occasional poster here. My XV6700 is incredibly more useful and stable due to the work of others. I'm currently running Helmi's AKU 3.5 1.0.3. My gratitude and complements to all of you.

Ok, since I'm a gadget/phone nut, I of course had to go out and purchase an iPhone. After checking it out at an AT&T store, I was blown away by the experience. I hacked it to use a pay-as-you go SIM, spent $25 for airtime, setup my XV6700 to forward all calls and SMS to the iPhone, then used it exclusively for a week. Everything works so easily and seamlessly. Browsing is amazing. The screen is stunning. Despite it's MANY shortcoming, it is really an awesome device. You guys need to head to your nearest Apple or AT&T store and hold one for yourself.

Anyway, today my pay-as-you go airtime was all used up, and I switched back to my XV6700, which is what prompted this post. Now all morning long I've had this strong feeling of relief. What do I mean? It's a a strong feeling of relief over how happy I am to be back using a "real phone"

Heh Heh.

Now all we need is for Microsoft to deliver a groundbreaking, next generation mobile OS. We need something with the WOW and design of the iPhone, but with power and versatility of the Windows Mobile OS. Will it ever happen?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2007, 11:05 AM
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What didn't you like?

I played with an iPhone yesterday, and it was everything that my 6700 isn't.

Just looking for a subjective review, what *didn't* you like about the iPhone?

I have a long list of complaints for the 6700. Namely ...

* It often locks up when I answer an incoming call ... I have flashed the ROM with a dozen different AKU's, never solved that issue.

* It's pathetically slow. It got a little faster when I put AKU 3.5 on it (thank YOU PPC Geeks ... but it's still a SLOW little phone. Compare it to the likes of an iPaq (even an old one) with the same mobile OS and you will know what I mean.

* The notifications don't work. They pop over and under windows, and often lock up my phone.

* I reboot it every morning (soft reset), to try and head off the reboot I know I will have later.

* Using the WiFi for any extended amount of time (3 hours or so) absolutely kills the battery.

I could go on, but this was not intended to be a gripe thread. I would just like to know that the iPhone doesn't have some of these problems. I'm considering one myself.

-Ray Haque
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2007, 02:48 PM
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I'm curious about onemajor thing with the iphone... the typing function.

My gripe with my old PocketPC, and the #1 thing I like about the 6700 is the slideout keyboard... I have always hated typing with a stylus, and even more, I hate how the pop-up keyboard uses half the screen.

Does the iphone have a good solution to these issues? I haven't yet seen how text messaging is accomplished on an iphone.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2007, 03:48 PM
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Well My girlfriend has the IPhone and it freezes all the time if you do something to fast or try to change the screen to fast it freezes. The battery life is the best thing on the phone. She only charges it like every two days and she has a 1 hour ride to and from work and listen to music. But it does freeze alot and the EVDO is a lot faster.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2007, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by badutahboy
I'm curious about onemajor thing with the iphone... the typing function.
From what I understand, it's "not bad". I banged out a WEP key on one which I was able to do pretty quickly. But basic puncuation is missing from the standard keypad. So you basically have three different pads to scroll through. Letters, numbers, and symbols.

I also have heard complaints about the landscape keyboard. It only appears sideways when you are in Safari. For everything else, you hand to hold it right side up to have the keyboard appear.

I too like the keyboard on the 6700. But ... it adds so much to it's size. I tried to wear it on my hip for a week in the sideways hip-clip holster, but I kept smashing into stuff. It's like walking around with a TRS-80 strapped to your hip. Now, I slip it into my pocket, and walk around with rectangular erection instead.

On the battery ... from what I was reading you can get 8 hours of TALK time on a single charge. WOW!! Well over 24 hours of off and on use.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2007, 06:04 PM
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Re: What didn't you like?

Originally Posted by rayhaque
I played with an iPhone yesterday, and it was everything that my 6700 isn't.

Just looking for a subjective review, what *didn't* you like about the iPhone?

I have a long list of complaints for the 6700. Namely ...

* It often locks up when I answer an incoming call ... I have flashed the ROM with a dozen different AKU's, never solved that issue.

* It's pathetically slow. It got a little faster when I put AKU 3.5 on it (thank YOU PPC Geeks ... but it's still a SLOW little phone. Compare it to the likes of an iPaq (even an old one) with the same mobile OS and you will know what I mean.

* The notifications don't work. They pop over and under windows, and often lock up my phone.

* I reboot it every morning (soft reset), to try and head off the reboot I know I will have later.

* Using the WiFi for any extended amount of time (3 hours or so) absolutely kills the battery.

I could go on, but this was not intended to be a gripe thread. I would just like to know that the iPhone doesn't have some of these problems. I'm considering one myself.

-Ray Haque

The main thing for me is the versatility of Windows Mobile. It's really amazing how many 3rd party applications are available. You can customize the OS to your heart's content. The basic functionality of iPhone is brilliantly designed, but it's just that...basic functionality.

Besides a lack of applications, my main complaint after using the iPhone for a couple of weeks was missed calls and messages. AT&T's networks sucks, the vibration on the iPhone is weak, and there are no repeating reminders. I can't count the number of times I turned on the iPhone, only to discover that I had missed a call or message. This throws the benefit of a brilliantly designed phone right out the window. Hopefully a future release will bring customizable alerts and repeating reminders.

As to your problems with the 6700...it seems like something isn't quite right. (I guess you figured that out already). Seriously, my 6700 might lock up once in a few months, and I can literally go weeks without restarting. The speed is also completely acceptable. Notification were a problem, but phoneAlarm solved that. Granted, I'm a minimalist when it comes to 3rd party applications. Besides Calendar and Contacts, about the only applications I use daily are phoneAlarm, Voice Command, and eWallet. This level of stability and performance absolutely wasn't the case before the newer AKU's became available.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2007, 06:15 PM
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Talks about the iPhones prob.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2007, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by rayhaque
Originally Posted by badutahboy
I'm curious about onemajor thing with the iphone... the typing function.
From what I understand, it's "not bad". I banged out a WEP key on one which I was able to do pretty quickly. But basic puncuation is missing from the standard keypad. So you basically have three different pads to scroll through. Letters, numbers, and symbols.

I also have heard complaints about the landscape keyboard. It only appears sideways when you are in Safari. For everything else, you hand to hold it right side up to have the keyboard appear.

I too like the keyboard on the 6700. But ... it adds so much to it's size. I tried to wear it on my hip for a week in the sideways hip-clip holster, but I kept smashing into stuff. It's like walking around with a TRS-80 strapped to your hip. Now, I slip it into my pocket, and walk around with rectangular erection instead.

On the battery ... from what I was reading you can get 8 hours of TALK time on a single charge. WOW!! Well over 24 hours of off and on use.

I stopped in and played with one today.... I LOVE IT, except for the exact frustration I was worried about.. when typing, the touchpad for the keys is just too small (and I don't have big hands).. It took me about a minute to type "hi, my name is john". because I ended up typing jo, mu nsme is hojn due to hitting the wrong keys with my "fat" (not really) fingers.

I also couldn't get the portrait to landscape switch to work right... I don't know if I'm just not smart enough to figure it out, or if the two phones they had in store were already messed up...

Either way, it's a cool phone... TONS of potential... but I think I'd get frustrated if I were using it everyday.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2007, 08:22 PM
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ppc6700 for life.

the iphone simply isnt worth my time.

ive toyed with one.

didnt really like it.... its a neat idea, and consumers love it. but its not worth anything to me.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2007, 10:26 PM
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I guess for me the size of the iPhone, thickness wise, is the only thing i like, well i guess that and the clean design of it. Sometimes I hate the feel of 6700 in my pocket lol. But other than that... i'm staying w/ my 6700.
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