Originally Posted by pgdeaner
Originally Posted by Krayziepop
Check out this site...
Just as a test I played a youtube video on it and it played flawlessly. I can't do this on my Apache.
I am able to play you tube videos on my 6700 flawlessly. For youtube mobile I use the HTC stream media player. For the true you tube page, there is now an TCPMP plugin that allows you to use the rugular youtube page and watch any of the videos. Click on a video and it opens up tcpmp and streams it for you flawlessly. The great thing about our device is, we can pretty much get anything on it. It just takes some competition for us to step it and and show we can do that to.
I agree with you there. The most incredible thing about our phone is the community that supports it. It would have been nice if Sprint, Verizon, or one of the other carriers had released half as competent a product as the developers here have put together. Helmi_c, luv2chill, colonel, imcokeman, and the others have put in a tremendous effort and the results are truly amazing.