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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2007, 02:32 PM
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Brandnew replacement.

Im now on my 3rd ppc. This one was said to be brand new and it is. BUt i noticed a few problems withh it. Hopefully someone can help me out.

-My storage Card will disappear from time to time and popping it in and out doesnt really help.

-It will rename the storage card to storage card 2[i notice this when i dont use the camera for awhile then decide to take some pics]

- noticed this week that it doesnt ring all the time it just lights up or will ring. [i use Mring n Phonealarm but those are not the problems]

- when i first gotten the phone i noticed that it consumes the battery quicker than any other phone i had.

My previous phone had a problem making calls it either will take a very long time to make them or decide not too. Or give me a bubble saying the signal may be unavailable...blah, blah. this phone does it too once in awhile but a soft reset helps.

dos anyone know what would be the cause of these problems?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2007, 02:58 PM
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flash a new rom and the new radio to it....you will be very very happy, and all those problems will disappear
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2007, 03:17 PM
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Re: Brandnew replacement.

Originally Posted by bigbuddy
Im now on my 3rd ppc. This one was said to be brand new and it is. BUt i noticed a few problems withh it. Hopefully someone can help me out.

-My storage Card will disappear from time to time and popping it in and out doesnt really help.

-It will rename the storage card to storage card 2[i notice this when i dont use the camera for awhile then decide to take some pics]

- noticed this week that it doesnt ring all the time it just lights up or will ring. [i use Mring n Phonealarm but those are not the problems]

- when i first gotten the phone i noticed that it consumes the battery quicker than any other phone i had.

My previous phone had a problem making calls it either will take a very long time to make them or decide not too. Or give me a bubble saying the signal may be unavailable...blah, blah. this phone does it too once in awhile but a soft reset helps.

dos anyone know what would be the cause of these problems?
the storage card to storage card 2 issue will not be solved by the new kitchen. I still get these issue. Not quite sure why It happens, just noticed it happens when I have email attachments.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2007, 03:56 PM
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For me, the Storage Card 2 thing happens when your PPC tries to write data to the Storage Card when it's not there. This can happen is when you take a picture and you have it set to save pics to the storage card, but it is missing. Another time this can happen is if you have your PPC set to save attachments to your storage card and your push starts up. When anything like these examples happen, your PPC creates a folder called Storage Card in internal memory. Later when your actual storage card is detected it becomes Storage Card 2 since Storage Card already exists. Anytime I have to pull out my card I make sure ActiveSync is off and I don't take any pictures. Hope this helps.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2007, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by 4 Door Skyline
flash a new rom and the new radio to it....you will be very very happy, and all those problems will disappear
I want to do this but kinda freaked that something may happen to my phone. my parents wont be happy. I might have to do this to get rid of all these problems i was thinking of taking back to the sprint store again. So if i do this what are the cons?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2007, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by bigbuddy
Originally Posted by 4 Door Skyline
flash a new rom and the new radio to it....you will be very very happy, and all those problems will disappear
I want to do this but kinda freaked that something may happen to my phone. my parents wont be happy. I might have to do this to get rid of all these problems i was thinking of taking back to the sprint store again. So if i do this what are the cons?
Flashing a new rom is very safe, Because over 90% of mistakes made during the flash can be fixed by simply re-flashing... As long as you can get the phone into Bootloader mode, A re-flash should work.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2007, 10:06 PM
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EDIT: W00T for 503 server errors... Sry for the double post...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2007, 01:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Shaska
Originally Posted by bigbuddy
Originally Posted by 4 Door Skyline
flash a new rom and the new radio to it....you will be very very happy, and all those problems will disappear
I want to do this but kinda freaked that something may happen to my phone. my parents wont be happy. I might have to do this to get rid of all these problems i was thinking of taking back to the sprint store again. So if i do this what are the cons?
Flashing a new rom is very safe, Because over 90% of mistakes made during the flash can be fixed by simply re-flashing... As long as you can get the phone into Bootloader mode, A re-flash should work.
ok cool. thanks. so flashing a new rom is getting one of the ones you guys have been making posting right? so where do i go to found out how to do this and which om do u recommend? and how do i get a new radio? sorry for all the questions just new to this lol. can u please help me out with this?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2007, 02:26 AM
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Honestly, I don't recommend screwing around with an unsupported ROM if you're having problems with the device.

If you brick the device and they find an unofficial ROM on there, it could be a sticky mess.

Try this first. If this doesn't fix your issues, then you can try one of these ROMs but this fixes a number of issues:


Also... how do you know its not a refurb? Did you get the SPC and check in PST to make sure it doesn't have a refurb date?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2007, 02:56 AM
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Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
Honestly, I don't recommend screwing around with an unsupported ROM if you're having problems with the device.

If you brick the device and they find an unofficial ROM on there, it could be a sticky mess.

Try this first. If this doesn't fix your issues, then you can try one of these ROMs but this fixes a number of issues:


Also... how do you know its not a refurb? Did you get the SPC and check in PST to make sure it doesn't have a refurb date?
Well, If you feel a little overwhelmed, and want to let sprint take the helm on this, Just about any sprint store with the ability to repair minor issues should be able to flash a new rom for ya... So thats also an option...

But yeah, Id agree with EtherealRemnant on the point of using the Sprint Offical Rom First... Basically you need to do a few things to prepare to flash your rom.

First, Download that rom that is posted above, (that APA_SPCS one.)
Next. Make sure to back up all the contacts and such from your phone using ActiveSync or another backup program (I personally use ActiveSync.) Once the activesync is done, Remove your phone from the Cradle, Or unplug the USB cable from it completely.

Now that your data is safe, We can begin...

To Put your 6700 in Bootloader mode, Hold down the power (standby) button, the Notes (The lil tape deck) button and press the Soft Reset (Pinhole) button all at the same time... Your screen should go dark (backlight turned off) but if you look closely at the screen, You should see the word "Serial" on the top of the screen and a number like "2.02" at the bottom of the screen, Your phone is now In bootloader and ready to be upgraded. Re-Connect your phone to the computer using the usb cable as if you were going to use active sync, But now you should see your computer begin popping up status bubbles about finding a new device (should be called "Pocket PC USB Sync" If I remember.) Also, If you look at the screen of the 6700, It should now say "USB" instead of "Serial".
Once the computer is done installing the drivers for the 6700 (should go very quickly, Usually a few seconds) you can begin the ROM upgrade...

Run that "APA_SPCS_20600_303_127000_WWE_Ship.exe" file. A screen should come up with a generic picture of a PPC phone, Click on the next button, It should take a second to retrieve info from your phone about the current ROM thats installed, When its ready to proceed, You should see another next button... Click on it... Now for the waiting game, It will take between 5 - 15 minutes to flash the device with the new rom, And during the process you should see a 1-100% meter to keep track. Once the upgrade is finished, The program will switch to a Completed-type page telling you to remove the device and soft reset it...

Now, Many users think there done at this point... WRONG, Just because it doesn't state that a hard reset is required, Trust me, It will save you trouble down the road. So Now, Hard Reset your phone (Hold Down Bolth SoftKeys and press the SoftReset Button, Open the keyboard and hit "Y" to reset, Followed by "Space" when its complete to boot the phone back up.)

Now, Your phone should boot up and it will have the upgraded rom and your ready to go...
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