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bonuts 06-13-2007 08:06 PM

Workaround | MMS Picture Mail not displaying correctly
4 Attachment(s)
***Update Jan 2, 2008: I just upgraded my phone's ROM to WM6 using the kitchen. Looks like our friends (Helmi and others) fixed the Picturemail issue altogether. MMS links now take you to a Sprint web site that actually works. I do not think there is any need for the workaround now, unless you're running a older OS. Cheers to everyone who made this work!***

***Update Oct. 1, 2007: Before u get too deep into this workaround, user myteematt reported yesterday he's solved the root issue. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...4893#post94893. I have not tried myteematt's method but it's possible that the workaround described below is no longer the best choice for most people now. There are probably advantages and disadvantages to both his and my methods, I don't know. Just wanted everyone to be aware.***

I've created a workaround for picture mails not displaying correctly after upgrades beyond AKU 2.2. The workaround displays the picture in large format (the original .jpg). It's kludgy but at least, for me, turns something completely broken into something worthwhile. I thought I'd share since I don't see anyone making any headway in this department.

1) It requires you install MortScirpt (free). Download here http://www.sto-helit.de/index.php?mo...ew&action=view
2) It also requires the Opera webbrowser (free trial) (not Opera Mini).
3) Requires an internet connection

By itself, the Opera browser enables functionality of the Sprint picture site that IE (and PIEPLUS) will not. You can get it to show you a larger version of the picture, but you still can't download it or view the original. My script will load the original .jpg within Opera, and automates the whole process. You also don't have to make it your default browser (I like PIEPLUS for most things).

I also played with NetFront. NetFront, when it works, enables even more functionality. You can actually download the original picture. But in my trials, I found I couldn't get it to work reliably.

1) Install MortScript (if you don't have it)
2) Install Opera (if you don't have it)
3) Download the attached script. 'viewMMSpic.zip' Unzip it and put the single file 'viewMMSpic.mscr' anywhere on your PPC6700.
4) Open a MMS picture mail you've received (or send yourself one to test). Find the link in the mail, highlight only the link, and copy it to your clipboard.
5) Run the script. Alternatively, I have added the script to my left softkey using 'new menu for WM5' software. Eventually I think I want to add it to a hardbutton somehow.

The Script will launch the link (Sprint picture mail site) in Opera. It will then (transparently) grab the HTML and parse it for the link to the original .jpg. Finally it will open the link to the original .jpg in another Opera browser tab. No interaction from you.

If it doesn't work for you, or you get any errors, you might want to look at the text of the script. I tried to put some comments in there.
You might have to monkey with it a little to fit your personal setup.

That is it. I've tested it and it seems to work, but I imagine people could find some bugs with it. Also, I think there's room for improvement. For example, if I ultimately assign it to a hardware button, I might use Mortscript's keysending features to copy the link to the clipboard automatically.

Let me know your thoughts.

Ver 1.1 (6.17.07 midnight CDT)
- fixed comments section that could have prevented script from running
- fixed the URL to display pictures properly

Known Issues
Ver 1.1 (6.17.07 midnight CDT)
1) If you installed Opera to ExtRom or Storage card you will have to edit a couple lines of the script.
___Line 31
Run( "Storage Card\Program File\Opera\Opera.exe", link )
___Line 59
Run( "Storage Card\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe", Url )
2) If you installed the new Opera Beta you will have to edit lines 31 and 59 of the script. Change Opera.exe to OperaLaunch.exe
3) Every single time you run the script, you must have previously highlighted & copied the URL from the mms message. Copy it then immediately run the script. If you try to run the script a second time, without copying the URL a second time, you will get an error message.

luv2chill 06-13-2007 09:57 PM

Nice job on that. I agree it's a lot of hoops to jump, but for people who really depend on picturemail this is a solution.

I am hopeful that Sprint will fix their site very soon pending the release of the 6800/Mogul--which should suffer from the same problem as it uses the same user agent string MS changed as of WM5 AKU3.

nickm 06-14-2007 02:33 AM

Not bad, I have to copy my link to the clipboard anyway. Clicking the link doesn't start PIEplus anyway.

Shaska 06-14-2007 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by luv2chill
Nice job on that. I agree it's a lot of hoops to jump, but for people who really depend on picturemail this is a solution.

I am hopeful that Sprint will fix their site very soon pending the release of the 6800/Mogul--which should suffer from the same problem as it uses the same user agent string MS changed as of WM5 AKU3.

Isn't the mogul going to have fully working vision allowing for picture mail directly on the device?

At least that was what sprint seems to be claiming, That it will be fully vision capable right out of the box...

Elbimster 06-14-2007 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Shaska

Originally Posted by luv2chill
Nice job on that. I agree it's a lot of hoops to jump, but for people who really depend on picturemail this is a solution.

I am hopeful that Sprint will fix their site very soon pending the release of the 6800/Mogul--which should suffer from the same problem as it uses the same user agent string MS changed as of WM5 AKU3.

Isn't the mogul going to have fully working vision allowing for picture mail directly on the device?

At least that was what sprint seems to be claiming, That it will be fully vision capable right out of the box...

Yeah, from the spec sheets people have been posting, i recall it actually specifying "Picture Mail." Hopefully that means what it sounds like it means.

pixiebaby473 06-14-2007 10:57 PM

will this work properly with JBabey's Mario rom... the 9.6 version?

bonuts 06-15-2007 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by pixiebaby473
will this work properly with JBabey's Mario rom... the 9.6 version?

I was running on Jbabey's latest kitchen rom (Reloaded) when I tested it but I can't think of any reason why the rom would make a difference. hope it works for you.

MountainDew 06-17-2007 05:44 PM

Hmmm I followed the instructions but then When I go to open the scprit i get a message saying:

Invalid parameter count for 'COPY'

Like: Copye the link to the picture (Placing it on your

what might I be doing wrong?

bonuts 06-18-2007 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by MountainDew
Hmmm I followed the instructions but then When I go to open the scprit i get a message saying:

Invalid parameter count for 'COPY'

Like: Copye the link to the picture (Placing it on your

what might I be doing wrong?

Stupid mistake by me. Original post has been updates with a new script.

I included comments in the script without delineating a few of them. One line started with the word 'COPY' so I think that was the problem. Mine didn't throw this error for some reason.

I also made a small adjustment to the script. All my testing was done with pictures I sent myself with the 6700. Pictures I received from a Sanyo PSC-8400 were not coming up. It seems to be fixed now.

I think in a future version I am going to try to save a copy of the picture in the "My Pictures" folder so that you can view it completely full screen.

One last note, if you're using MS Voice Command or even the default one that comes with the 6700, I find it's a good way to kick off the script.

gbm85 06-18-2007 01:10 AM

Here's my workaround: Install the latest Opera Mobile beta and set it to be the default browser. Done.

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