BigJ's NEWCORE 1.1r (RELOADED!) ROM updated: 6-16-07
+++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.1r.++++++++++++++
updated ROM with kitchen CORE2 bigj.custom - here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -resolved Verizon #777 connection, its spelled wrong but if i correct it, it wont work, very bizzare provxml file... -resolved Verizon ##CODES -resolved Resco Recycle Bin being on by default -resolved SafeMode error messages on initial bootup -resolved Texas Holdem registration errors when opening the program -resolved Duplicate dsm file in alarmclock causing build errors -resolved Phoneweaver from draining the battery excessively (updated to r1.01) -resolved Duplicate entries in /SYS/option.xml forcing conflict error in remote desktop application -resolved Comm Manager not hard mapping to the side button -resolved IM+ issues with todayscreen plugin (updated to v4.36)... may still have issues from my own testing however -resolved DeviceLock issue that would play default.wav or simply refuse to lock-on-wake when activated (rolled back to 1.1) -resolved SMS inability to be received prior to opening the application -resolved Handyswitcher crashes by rolling back to 2.0 (3 is a pile of crap) -resolved hard locking on reminder notifications (I HOPE!) by rolling back MSVC to my older OEM package and shutting it off by default -added o2 Running programs todayscreen plugin -added Bluetooth fix files from unified kitchen -added Entry to keep the keypad light on longer than 10 seconds -added YouTube video downloader application -added PowerMeter to track your battery useage etc -removed newer applications that were more unstable than their previous revisions (Handyswitcher & DeviceLock) -removed BT Explorer. It loaded in startup, and was pretty worthless unless you had another PPC around -removed WiFi HitchHiker. It crashes to much to be useful. Discussion picks up on page 7 for this revision NOTES:: from this revision Im tired... I may have broken something on the verizon ROM because I was messing with that OEM package for a few hours. Please let me know if you get certificate Authority Errors or Security Warnings that you should not be receiving, the VERY little testing i did, everything was working properly. Again please dont forget to REMOVE the "ms_.nbf" file if you dont want your ext.rom wiped clean, prior to flashing. The threaded SMS thing took me a good day or so to figure out, and once I did it was actually quite simple. The file that makes the registry changes to allow the threading to take over was getting processed to soon in the build process wich allowed the systems entries to overwrite the threading takeover. It was good though because I was able to cut the package size down to like 600k from 3 megs because I actually figured out what in the heck every file in there was for and was able to clean it up nicely. The crashing on notifications... i THINK... is related to the new MSVC OEM package I started to use. I reverted back to my older package from 9.6 so that hopefully was the problem. I think it was this application because this package has everything enabled by default for the bluetooth, and interacts heavily with the notification system. The package I built a few months ago, i left out a sh!t-ton of the notification hooks because I hacked the audio routing dll so that it wouldnt have to rehook into the BT stack. (long story and yes i had help). Anyways I hope this squashes this bug because im sick of hearing about it and to be 100% honest.... i cant duplicate it. I knew for a while that the new handyswitcher was a pile of garbage but I gave it an honest shot, and it couldnt perform. I reverted back to the MUCH more robust and responsive 2.7 --- I also was FINALLY able to duplicate the random default.wav being played when people would hit the power button and was able to track it down to the updated devicelock program. Once I rolled back to the older version and chose the "lock-on-wake" option, the sound stopped playing. What was also nice was the stupid feature was working again, so woohoo to finding that one. Normally i dont use lock-on-wake so i couldnt duplicate the issue prior to this, but I got a new case for the phone and didnt want to pocket-dial people so i turned it on. I removed WiFi HitchHiker because the program just plain crashes to much. Its like 300k download from the website so whatever y'know, if you can deal with the crashes, go install it normally. The program has not been updated in years, and I think the author is on vacation. If anyone has a suggestion for similiar functioning program Id love to get ahold of it and see if its worth integration. As always post up your feedback, and any issues that you may find. Please try to only post issues specific to this ROM and not issues that are with the kitchen. I am receiving a lot of PM about issues that are not ROM related. There is a bug tracking thread for the latest kitchen (r4) that you can post to for support. The IRC channel is also a fantastic place to chat with me about whatever, and there are MANY helpfull people that frequent the channel.... AND irc is built into the ROM and pre-configured for PPCGeeks so you have no excuses! My board frequency is going to slowdown this week while i get some R&R and spend some time with the fam for fathers day and all that. If there is a "MISSION CRITICAL" failure ill take care of it promptly but I think this one is rock solid so cross your fingers. Thanks for sticking it out guys, I hope we nailed it this go! ~ Big.J :::Revision 1.2r TO DO LIST:::CYAN=DONE RED=WIP ORANGE=CANT DO MYSELF Using default file explorer will not let me TAP-CLICK and set-as-ringtone ==> I have no idea why this is broken, Temporary solution is to use resco explorer and manually move the sound file you would like to use as a ringtone into the /WINDOWS/RINGS/ folder. (researching) The Wireless today-screen plugin shows up and functions properly, it will not however allow you to tap the items to turn them on and off. A blessing in disguise for some but needs investigating to see if its a ROM issue or a kitchen issue. In the meantime just know that it accurately reflects the status of the wifi and bt, but you cant toggle them with the plugin. =============================== =============================== =============================== ***FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS*** MOVED TO THE VERY BOTTOM! SPRINT -All carrier customizations built-in -Flashes your ext.rom EMPTY, if you have files there you want/need DELETE the "ms_.nbf" file from the flash folder BEFORE flashing your phone http://rapidshare.com/files/37473608..._BigJ_1.1r.rar Please use rapidshare as your primary, the FTP should only be a fallback, I dont want to eat through the band on my mirror and risk losing it. http://pcperspective.net/bigj/SPRINT_BigJ_1.1r.rar _____________________________________________ VERIZON -All carrier customizations built-in -Flashes your ext.rom EMPTY, if you have files there you want/need DELETE the "ms_.nbf" file from the flash folder BEFORE flashing your phone -MMS, vz users *MUST* enter their phone # at this key!!! Quote:
-Some users *MAY* need to follow these steps on the #777 Connection 1 - Set the username to VZW 2 - Set the password to verizon http://rapidshare.com/files/37497619..._BigJ_1.1r.rar Please use rapidshare as your primary, the FTP should only be a fallback, I dont want to eat through the band on my mirror and risk losing it. http://pcperspective.net/bigj/VERIZON_BigJ_1.1r.rar _____________________________________________ ALLTEL -All carrier customizations built-in -Flashes your ext.rom EMPTY, if you have files there you want/need DELETE the "ms_.nbf" file from the flash folder BEFORE flashing your phone http://rapidshare.com/files/37476491..._BigJ_1.1r.rar Please use rapidshare as your primary, the FTP should only be a fallback, I dont want to eat through the band on my mirror and risk losing it. http://pcperspective.net/bigj/ALLTEL_BigJ_1.1r.rar _____________________________________________ GENERIC -Requires your carriers ext.rom customizations to run after flashing http://rapidshare.com/files/37487107..._BigJ_1.1r.rar Please use rapidshare as your primary, the FTP should only be a fallback, I dont want to eat through the band on my mirror and risk losing it. http://pcperspective.net/bigj/GENERIC_BigJ_1.1r.rar _____________________________________________ KITCHEN AVAILABLE NOW! http://pcperspective.net/bigj/BigJ_R...en_7.03.07.rar UPLOAD STARTED 11:17pm PST [] GMT -8 122 MB (128,399,739 bytes) NOTES The Kitchen in its default state is FULL! If you want to add anything at all, you MUST remove something. I know the games are the easiest to uncheck, just double check your OEM additions file sizes. -Kitchen ChangeLog 7-03-07 updated PIMBackup to r2.3 6-21-07 updated PIMBackup to r2.0 updated CorePlayer Retail OEM to 1.1 Cleaned up older coreplayer retail OEM package removed recbar.dll and recbar_en.dll from threadedsms OEM (not needed cuz MMS is broken) 6-19-07 updated WM5torage to r1.75 updated phoneweaver to r1.02 (now needs registering) 6-18-07 Updated Resco Explorer to v6.1 Updated Resco PictureViewer to v6.32 Updated Resco PictureViewer PRO to v6.32 set default on build to PRO instead of standard 6-16-07 decided to re-implement my bluetooth fix files from the unified release after reading the r4 kitchen bugs Verizon ## codes & #777 connection now working, I used sprint files to do it though so please report back 6-15-07 newer version of devicelock errors frequently, rolled back to 1.1 for stability updated resco explorer OEM to disable recycle bin resolved texas holdem registration errors fixed safemode errors on bootup changed checkbox for "Games" on system to read Solitaire and BubbleBreaker, re-alphabetized them as such 6-14-07 changed order of todayscreen to match that of stock flash. TIME -> CALENDAR -> TASKS -> MESSAGING updated ThreadedSMS making the package a meg smaller as well as correcting it to run properly when processed by BuildOS added RGU to handyswitcher 2 to ignore messaging/activesync/outlook 6-13-07 updated voicecommand oem to not be on at startup, also corrected bt announcement dll rolled back handyswitcher to v2.7 as 3.0 was proving to be highly unstable (moved v3 to misc oem) updated verizon carrier package with the one from helmi_r3 kitchen to resolve ## code issues renamed verizon carrier provxml to allow it to process during rom build, not after Cleaned up zREG folder and removed exessive spacing, also added a few more customization entries cleaned up alarmclock OEM package. somehow had two DSM files, removed both and re-created DSM 6-12-07 updated phoneweaver OEM to v1.01 changed registry revision to v1.1r fixed shortcut for ext.rom unlock, accidently left it in zREG folder fixed coreplayer retail OEM fixed duplicate entry in /SYS/option.xml master file that had remote desktop removed minesweeper, its missing dependancies and i dont want to find them fixed and re-integrated the youtube video downloader into TCPMP 081 OEM package 6-11-07 forgot to clean out the backup .nba file i was using in the last kitchen release, added like 40 megs to package haha, removed changed out the btd.dll as per the bugs thread, nobody is reporting issues, but i dont want them to later >< power meter looks cool to, will also let them troubleshoot power drains o2 running programs looks interesting and is small, may add that into default ROM fixed comm manager hard button shortcut in apache_sap folder updated IM+ OEM package to v4.36 to fix todayscreen plugin _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ICARUS THEME PACK! http://rapidshare.com/files/36667507/IcarusTheme.rar http://pcperspective.net/bigj/IcarusTheme.rar _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ METROID THEME PACK! http://rapidshare.com/files/31295675/MetroidTheme.rar http://pcperspective.net/bigj/MetroidTheme.rar _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ SONIC THEME PACK! http://rapidshare.com/files/32583144/SonicTheme.rar http://pcperspective.net/bigj/SonicTheme.rar _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ MARIO THEME PACK! http://rapidshare.com/files/32583145/MarioTheme.rar http://pcperspective.net/bigj/MarioTheme.rar _____________________________________________ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ This is revision 1.0u of my üb3r AKU 3.5 ROM ++++ NOW WITH 100% MORE MUSHROOM ++++ It is based on the NEW CORE kitchen provided by Helmi_c (the latest as of this time) This is my RELOADED revision, The phone has been fully themed! If you have *ANY* issues with it please post here and I will resolve them as quickly as I can. Included in this ROM -Bluetooth on/off cycle shortcut -Soft Reset Button under programs -Windows Media Player TODAYSCREEN Plugin -Additional Bluetooth Profiles -Ability for TCPMP to play YouTube Videos -SafeMode -Resco Picture Viewer -Adobe Acrobat Reader -Pocket IRC (pre configured for PPCGeeks Channel) -Instant Messenger Plus (Yahoo, ICQ, AOL, MSN) -Processor ID Utility -Group SMS -Call Firewall -WiFi HitchHiker -.NET 1 & 2 -Texas Holdem -DopeWars -PhoneWeaver -Weatherpanel -Weatherpanel Pilot -Updated Calculator -FreeCell -Spider Solitaire -Space Invaders -Missile Defense -BlueTooth PAN issue resolved -UI Tweak program put in for customization -Dictionary Editor (modify the spellcheck & T9 prediction) -Contact/Schedule/Task/Etc. Backup Manager -Tasks+ (updated task plugin for the today screen to allow more options) -WM5newMenu (fantastic plugin to alter your softkeys) -PencilBox (dope drawing program) -Today plugin to see last call made or missed -configurable -Added option to remove Voicemail Icon under phone settings -Daylight Savings time Fix -Chess -Mappy -Pacman -Missile Command -JezzBall -Whirlwind 21 -Othello -LIVEsearch (great mobile alternative for movie times, traffic, etc.) -softkey control panel applet (allows you to mod your right & left softkeys w/ a gui interface... find under settings) -WM6 RDP client -VJCandela "flashlight" program -Galaga from namco arcade classics -ScreenCapture Program (screencap from wideawake) -BTaudio (allows you to route ALL phone audio through your BT headset, music etc.) -An alternative to Cyberon -Calendar+ (awesome hook for the calendar that allows massive calendar configuration) -Updated Clear TEMP w/ both shortcuts (has a quickclear shortcut that is awesome) -Core Pocket Player TCPMP 81rc1 (best media player, i cant get the retail one to play streaming asx so...) -Cribbage Game (old school card game) -Updated Devicelock feature (configure under settings) -DigDug Game (namco arcade classics) -GSalarmClock (best alarmclock I've used, free) -Tetris Game (actually kevtris, updated to revision2) -LVM Time (one line time/date on today screen) -Memmaid (great manager, the reclaimRAM option is dope) -MMS (Picture & Video mail) -MsPacMan (namco arcade classics) -Resco File Explorer (best file explorer in life, includes reg & ftp plugins) -ExtendedROM unlock (unlocks the extendedROM on boot, awesome!) -Winrar (Pocket WinRAR, dont leave home without it) -Battv (Colorful batti alternative) -Handyswitcher (Wisbar... eat your heart out, this task manager rox the sox) -WM5Storage (uh, cool) -XCPUScalar (Great/stable overclocking tool) -Yhatzee (kills time, fun, has a computer opponent) -Updated Solitaire Graphics (noice) -Added a few more themes (just for fun, people like choices) -Mix of crossbow, my own, & older aku sounds (changed some alarm sounds & others) -Default windows ring (Mario...) -Sprint Extended ROM (fully working SPRINT customization, iota blah blah) -Option to sort contacts by first name as a menu item -added menu items to mark all as read, and delete all in outlook Removed -MSN (seriously... thank god!) -Cyberon (There is so many better ones!) -clearstorage (learn how to hard reset your phone like a man!) -IA_Zip (winrar handles zip much better) -Btagext.dll (Cyberon Dependancy) -pegcards.dll (replaced with updated graphics dll module) -getMMSVideoSizeLimit.dll from camera OEM folder (updated it for MMS) -clockdll.dll (had to update it to correct DST fix from MS) -btd.dll (updated Apache Drivers folder to fix btpan issues) -80-85% of the System Help Files Registry -Stopped LED from flashing -Increase & enable all file caching on the system -Glyphcache to 4069 -FatFS enabled & set to 2096 -Removed all icons from the tray -Put the clock in the top bar -Set Cleartype quality to 2 -Disabled menu animation -Disabled Window animation -Set KeyLock to 1 -Changed Battery "poll" to 1388 -Set word prediction to 0 -Increase Max Vision connections to 30 -Set phone to auto-sync time from the network -Disabled Flight Mode -Disabled volume up/down sounds -Pocket IE set to "MakeFit" to stop sidescrolling -Set VC attenuation to 1 and initvol to 3 -Set Camera framerate to value 13 -Disabled builtin date/time in favor of loading lvmtime -Put in custom revision # for AKU setting -added in the new DST timezone settings to accommodate the DST fix -added "Remove Voicemail Icon" setting from hidden to show -Stopped a lot of the today screen items from loading on boot -changed the default bookmarks -added owner name -changed ppc default name _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ +++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.0r.++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen CORE2 bigj.custom - here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -added MMS Picturemail package that does NOT rely on a cab file to run anymore -added .net 2 & .net 1 -added wifi hitchhiker -added call firewall -added group SMS -added Processor ID utility -added Bluetooth on/off cycle shortcut in programs -added IM+ Instant Messenger Application -added youtube tcpmp flash player plugin and instructions on downloading & watching -added safemode -added resco picture viewer -added pocket irc -added texas holdem back in -added verizon carrier ROM that allows for NO ext.rom -added Alltel carrier ROM that allows for NO ext.rom -added blank carrierlogo.gif to remove the phones carrier branding on the phonepad -added adobe acrobat reader -added numerous additional bluetooth profiles (printer, passwords, images, file xfers, audio, ftp) -added bluetooth shared folders and bluetooth explorer -added soft-reset button to programs -added Windows Media Player Today-Screen Plugin - Yay! -added Newer style comm manager -removed pdf-x reader in place of adobe's. pdfx would crash on multi-hundred page PDF's and adobes does not -removed phonealarm integration. This application is HIGHLY unstable as an OEM -removed PIE+, its a tiny application and users were having issues with settings saving to the registry properly -removed older style comm manager NOTES:: from this revision Built with the new CORE kitchen. Extensively tested, User approved! I finished my theme up, kid icarus, and then was donated a starting package for the current theme. The starting package inspired me to switch themes right in the middle of production so now the kid icarus theme is available via a CAB file install, you can download it just below along with the other older themes ive used, and will also be included in the kitchen. This new ROM kicks @SS! in every place the old one was lacking. I wish to thank my beta testers for dealing with me and my gustapo style interigations, dealing without a comm manager for at least a week (oops). and for just plain being wonderful to ensure you guys got a stable release on v1.0r. If your curious about the BETA issues, it was battery, and some cab installation errors. I tracked this down and resolved it so your battery life and all your cabs will be what you would expect from a BigJ release. This ROM is called RELOADED, as is the kitchen i released which you can find on the mirror FTP. Enjoy! +++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.6u.++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen unified, here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Resolved Bluetooth issues, all of them, finally! ON/OFF toggling no longer cycles forever, PAN is working 100%, GPS units all working properly -Resolved WM6 crossbow theme. I figured out why the stupid icons werent showing up cbow (forgot the crossicon.dll) -Resolved minor slowdowns (upped the cache to 4m for FS and FAT) -Updated PhoneAlarm to r1.60.1 NOTES:: from this revision Bluetooth issues are now 100% resolved. PAN has been FULLY tested, file xfers are FULLY tested, turning on/off has been FULLY tested. There are no more lockups or hangups with BT. The PAN functionality has been restored for laptop users. GPS & Headset issues are FULLY resolved. I will have a seperate thread documenting the files I changed and have a link to download those changes to make implement into your own kitchen. This will most likely be my last ROM on this kitchen. Another kitchen is on its way, and I will most likely pick back up from there. This release is to be considered stable and finalized in its current state. If you do happen to run across issues that can specifically be tracked down to this ROM, I will correct them and if need be, release an update, or at the very minimum a CAB file to patch the issue. SPECIFIC ISSUES WITH r1.6u. Nothing as far as the ROM is concerned, there are 2 issues outstanding both of wich are not ROM related. 1 - User.agent string. Its functioning exactly the way new WM (windows mobile) devices are supposed to function, unfortunately most portable websites do not recognize the new WM portable useragent. 2 - Phonealarm issues. The complaints here mirror those on the softwares homepage forums. The program seems to be an "alpha" at best as most issues are not resolved even in their final release. Since the software is not what I would consider to be stable, I will be removing it from the ROM as stated above. +++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.5u ß++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen unified, here are the changes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Updated PhoneAlarm to r1.60 b154 (final) -Updated PIMBackup to r1.9 (up from 1.8 -Replaced Bluetooth files yet again... -Removed more programs from loading on the today screen by default NOTES:: from this revision This is a ßeta! I went through the ENTIRE foresaken registry and replaced EVERY single bluetooth file with those from AKU2.0. In doing so I had to change some of the USB drivers as well, and replace the WMODEM files. I have been testing for 6 hours while watching TV ... changing profiles, turning the BT on and off in the com manager, making calls, transferring files. I even hooked it up 3x and connected to the wmodem on my laptop via BT as well as via USB. the phone charges and every single program is functioning properly.... because of this..... I re-enabled phonealarm BT functionality and profiles. For those of you willing to be brave and test out the BT and profiles in PA once again, they are there for you to do so. PLEASE REPORT BACK if you do! PA is now finalized, the update notes state that the bluetooth issues have been fixed permanently as well as the lockups on soft-resets. This remains to be seen. Im pumping releases so fast trying to correct issues, i dont have time to properly beta test for you guys, so i am making the beta's public. Enjoy the changed beta themes, as soon as i roll to a final, the theme pack for the beta will be available to download. RE: the bluetooth, if this hasnt solved the problem once and for all i will not be releasing another ROM until the problem is fixed permanently. Trust me when i say, its as fustrating for me, as it is for you guys. I pray, that all your BT woes are gone forever with this chunk of files. Its about 4am now... im going to bed. Ill give you guys about 2-3 days to test this Beta and let me know if its working or not. Cross your fingers, cuz it may be a long wait till the BT issue is resolved if this wont fix it. This is a ßeta! SPECIFIC ISSUES WITH r1.5uß -BT PAN is broken effectively making it not work with laptops -ALL headset functionality and GPS is fixed however. ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.4u++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen unified, here are the changes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Resolved Bluetooth compatibility issues with phonealarm -Added Outlook inbox menu item "Mark all as read" & "Delete All" -Added PhoneWeaver Profile Manager (start/programs/profile config) -Added Dopewars Game -Updated LVM Time to r1.1 -Removed Phonealarm's ability to use profiles with my skin. DO NOT USE THE PROFILES! Use phoneweaver for profiles NOTES:: from this revision Apologies about the phonealarm/bluetooth issues. I spent 2 hours on pocketmax forums reading and looking for a solution to no avail. As a compromise im releasing 1.4u early, with integrated phoneweaver to control profiles. Ive disabled phonealarm's ability to control the bluetooth, removed profile registry entries, and removed profile icons. Basicly dont use the profiles. I added PhoneWeaver profile manager for those of you that need/want to use profiles. Thank you for the feedback.... ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.3u++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen unified, here are the changes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Resolved Bluetooth instability issues (long story, please test and report back before i say 100%) -Resolved numerous application registration issues (yay!) -Resolved device name using illegal characters, changed to PPCGeek -Resolved crashes on soft-resets -Resolved lockups on incoming calls -Added Mars WeatherPanel, much more stable and user-friendly than spb -Added Mars WeatherPilot for 1 hand navigation of wp -Added skinned calculator, could not get 1-calc to integrate, oh well >< -Added default owner information -Added GPS Icon under settings by request -Added Keyboard modification -Updated Handyswitcher to r3 b58 -Updated wm6 solitaire (retained graphics dll however for nicer looking cards) -Updated Devicelock to 1.2 -Updated Phonealarm to FULL 1.58 release, rollback from unstable beta 1.6 -Updated browser.dll file, the user-agent string is now empty so it pulls the ua from the registry -Removed Spb Weather, crashed the phone randomly during updates -Removed more today screen plugins from loading by default -Removed Frogger began to "whitescreen" my builds like monopoly... weird -Removed HELP shortcut in start menu & programs (R.T.F.M.) grrrrr! NOTES:: from this revision Most of you followed this through the ßeta so I''ll pickup from there. The bluetooth is working properly for me. I have tested for 4 days, no soft resets, transferring files, using a headset, turning it on and off about 2x an hour all day long, using it to connect to a toshiba laptop, etc. I have it on good authority that Im forcing a mode that isnt "optimal", but since its working perfectly, not crashing, turning on & off properly etc. Ive decided to leave it this way. If you find issues with it still, please post up, and well see what we can do to resolve it. I pray that its as stable for you as it has been for me since i replaced the files. I got the files from 3 different kitchens, the AKU3.5 for the universal, the AKU3.5.2 refresh for the blueangel, and helmi's WM6 universal kitchen. The registry entries were pulled from helmi (what can i say, i trust his work!) and those are the same entries that change the BT mode from SAN to PANU (whatever the hell that means). In regards to the random lockups on incoming calls, and the soft-reset hangs, this was successfully traced to phonealarm BETA... as such the OEM package has been redone, and setup for the full & stable 1.58 --- In honor of this... I included the full profile icons for those of you that use them (they are still disabled by default, but if you turn them on all of the supporting icons are there). Im sure we have all tracked the user-agent B.S. so that should be pretty self explanotory. To reduce conflict in the future I just set it blank so it forces the browser to pull the ua from the registry. It also allows PIE+ ua options to override the dll. A few updates to the integrated applications of course, and the much anticipated WeatherPanel integration. ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.2u++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen unified, here are the changes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Resolved default background alignment issues -Resolved weather plugin, not accepting new templates or zip code searching -Resolved today screen issue, where to many items were loading on initial flash -Resolved version numbering (forgot to update it last time) -Added two additional weather template files (load your own into \windows\templates) -Removed HitchHiker Application, relied on .NET 2 framework wich is not included in the kitchen and therefore no longer in my ROM NOTES:: from this revision This release was the biggest headache ive had in months (read "migraine") Getting the weather application to recognize a template folder, was easily the worst OEM package troubleshooting ive ever done. It works now, thank goodness, and comes pre-loaded with gismeteo, weather.com and intellicast. Use weather.com for zipcode cities, or for more accurate go to www.weather.com and punch in the city/state (no zip) and hit search, click on the city.... in the address bar there will be a city code "USCA0107" or something like that... use that as the city code for the most accurate results. If you really care, i rebuilt the OEM package from scratch, force changed the setup.dll to make the %installdir% become %windows% and installed the program, i then let that dll hard-code the damn service file, then carried that over to the OEM package, exported and ran diffs on the registry and rebuilt the *.rgu file.... pain ... in .... the .....rear. tested 5 or 6 times because I had to track down wich file(s) were looking where for the templates... figured it out, created my own reg key after digging some forums to redirect the template folder to force-look at windows as the root path.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR but it all was not wasted, not only did i get the stupid things to work, you can now add your own template files to \Windows\templates\. I uploaded the OEM pack to my folder in case anyone else needs/wants it.... i would NOT suggest using sogarths, as its "broken" so far as template files are concerned. It was a good place to start though. Getting the theme files to re-align themselves was also a pain, but once i realized wich files the kitchen was looking for, and how to CHANGE the default files it looks for (wich also let me find and modify ALL of the today screen initial loaders so i put those close to a stock boot), i got it working properly again. I cleaned up the gradient a little and well, ya, there you go. Once i got it all togethor, i spent seriously 6 or 7 hours just playing with every single exe file on the phone. ran it into the ground, compressed 1 week of testing into a "itty bitty little living space" (alladin) and feel that this release will stand on its own now for quite some time. That being said, this will be the last release I make until school is out regardless of if issues arise. I will post up a patch in the form of a cab file if anything radical needs fixing (kinda like sogarth with the service packs). That, and i actually feel bad releasing so many revisions in such a short time, im sure you guys (like me) are burned out on flashing your phones and would just like to sit on a nice, stable flash for a while. Olay! comrades! You guys are the best! ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.1u++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen unified, here are the changes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Resolved email issues, email is now working properly -Added newest release of "PIM-Backup" 1.8 (up from 1.7) -Added Missile Defense Game (may not stay, but fun) -Added Resco 2007 1.1u specific issues -Hitchhiker not working (.NET2 dependancies missing, will be removed in r1.2u) sorry bout that, thought it was removed. You may install .NET2 if you would like it to run again. -Default background is now off-center when built with this kitchen, removing the pipe from the rt side of the screen and shifting left. Will recreate with my source files to re-center the image - the weather plugin... USA zip code search for cities not functioning. Need to add a US weather template for updates. ill integrate that template into the next release NOTES:: from this revision The email issue was rather simple once i ran a diff on my kitchens... the phone uses an HTML file for displaying, and i had inadvertantly removed it thinking it was a help file. Updated Resco to its new final release, and updated PIM Backup yet again haha. I put in missile defense on a request but it may not stay in, fun however so enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 1.0u++++++++++++++ updated ROM with kitchen unified, here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Added newest release of "PIM-Backup" 1.7 (up from 1.5) -Added newest release of XCPUScalar 3.01 (up from 3.00) -Added FreeCell -Added Spider Solitaire -Added PiePlus -Removed A ton of "new" junk from the unified ROM kitchen hehe -Removed new MMS OEM package, and re-inserted known working one from r9.5 to hopefully resolve a weird issue that has recently arised and may have been my own doing late one night during cleanup. NOTES:: from this revision Not everything has been fully tested and put through the rungs, but I hope this release to have my own touches with the added stability, enhancements & bugfixes of the unified project! r9.6 remains available in the older thread until this has been tested thoroughly. Please note that this ROM has *NOT* gone through my normal test phases and may contain errors. Please post with any issues that have NOT been resolved in the 9.6 thread. Sidenote: when i use the .NET sp2.2 files for the unified rom, createos.exe fails to finish running. It was the only issue I ran into and therefore .NET 2 sp2 is still NOT included in my ROM. ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 9.6++++++++++++++ removed r9.5 and uploaded revision 9.6 Here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Resolved Camera shortcut not showing up under programs -Resolved BT-Audio lagging, now instantaneous and no longer prompts -Resolved locking issues and application lockups by lowering the cache settings to free up more program memory and increase stability on older devices (a small % may need to fully disable FATFS cache) -Added newest release of "PIM-Backup" now allowing scheduled backups -Added Othello Game -Added Space Invaders -Added "Treo-like" Speed dial today plugin -Added Weather application today screen plugin -Added ext.rom unlock application (shortcut found under programs) -Added PDF Viewer -Removed Duckhunt (Pulled the game to lean more towards "retro" and to allow room for some other applications) -Removed Batti (Found an alternative I like much more) -Removed even more help files and pointless pictures from ROM Base NOTES:: from this revision This release is more or less a release for you guys, since we reached INCREDIBLE stability in the 9.5 release, I decided to gear this release more towards the feedback i was receiving with what to include in the next release as far as applications are concerned. There is the much anticipated weather application integration, the removal of "newer" games such as duckhunt and replaced by retro/classic type games. I fixed a few stupid mistakes from 9.5 like the camera shortcut and the BT-Audio routing being a hassle to use. I threw in the "neat" treolike speeddial today plugin that (believe it or not) has been around since the ppc6600 (wm3), and somehow lost to the pages of time until palm revived it. I dunno, i dont have much to say. This release was by far the most fun that Ive worked on, since I wasnt tackling retarded functionality issues, and the 2 solid weeks ive been running it, ive been extremely happy with its stability, even with all of the added today crap I put on the screen, it seems more "solid" than my previous iterations. With this release completed, I will be taking a break for the next month or two, I really need to focus on my upcoming finals. Unless there is a showstopper, please dont expect a 9.7 for quite some time. I hope you guys enjoy this release as much as I do, and the larger majority of my co-workers! A few people have asked for my kitchen, PM me and we will discuss details. ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 9.5++++++++++++++ removed r9.4 and uploaded revision 9.5 Here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Resolved BT PAN issues, Bluetooth should now be working properly with the PAN settings (thanks Sarid!) -Resolved Missile Command Registry Entry issue -Added Contact/Schedule/Task/Etc. Backup Application -Added Chess Game -Added Task+ today plugin to enhance task functionality/customization -Added Hitchhiker WiFi Application -Added Dictionary Editor to allow modification of T9 Prediction & Spellcheck -Added UI Tweak application to customize your themes to your liking (and get back the bow-mario default colors haha) -Removed MineSweeper (WM5 doesnt allow you to flag the bombs.... gay) NOTES:: from this revision Yet another maintenance release, a little bit of fine-tuning and a few little gems added to this release. The biggest issue I wanted resolved with this release was the BTPAN, since there is a fix, and no ETA on the next kitchen release, I talked to some of the other ROM authors and got what I needed to make an OEM package to get this working properly. I also was emberrased to have the missile command registry not in the ROM.... oops haha. I decided against changing the registry cache'ing & network time. The very few people who still have old models, can manually go in and change those things, there is more than enough information (especially on page 10-11-12) to resolve the issue and it seems to be the minority, not the majority that suffer lockups and punishing everyone did not seem fair. I also did some homework on the network time and found that not only does it NOT trigger activesync, it does NOT connect to EVDO to update. It uses the radio wich is always active anyways. What I found to be triggering the Activesync & EVDO was my exchange sync. When testing 9.5 i just backed up the PIM and never put in activesync settings, and found that it only would trigger ONCE after a soft reset and not again unless i reset the phone again. (or hooked it up to the computer). I have not had ANY success making a bow-mario theme. I have tried 4 FOUR different stupid programs to make themes, and none of them are able to allow me to get the theme to look the original way. soooo instead of a theme, i put in some really cool tools that let you just change the bars back to the original colors. Those tools also allow you to modify any theme color settings, so its defenitely a keeper! I was going to go with SPB backup tool, but the thing is HUGE compared to the one i found. The only drawback is that you cant "schedule" backups, but seriously....sync your stupid phone or copy your PIM.... i am so confused with the obsession of backup utilities. Either way i found a free one, tested it with tasks, contacts, and my calendar and it worked great. So there you go, a little "darkside" in the phone for you backup nutz. The dictionary editor is pretty sweet, i never knew you could mod that stuff until someone posted here asking for it with a hint that it was possible (thanks!). I threw in chess on a recomendation, and hitchhiker as well. Not sure what "added" features hitchhiker adds but there you go. Remember to load your wifi up before you open it though or itll just hang and error once you enable it if the program is open before wifi is turned on. I had to remove the PPC Hax program because it has some defaults that load when you open the program, and it SAVES THE STUPID DEFAULT ENTRIES when you close it and makes the system very unstable. As opposed to it READING the existing entries and displaying them. I was kinda bummed but editing the registry by hand is not to difficult so im over it. Regarding the to-do for safe-mode. My experience booting into safemode was unspectacular... seemed like a waste of time, if you screw up your phone bad enough to be in there in the first place, you prolly need a hard reset....with the backup tools you now have, as well as a really cool pim.vol file, and a computer that will sync your device... i think you guys are good! OH and before i forget, i did try out the TaskManager2.7 that a few people reccomended. It was lackluster, crashed the phone 3x, and seemed very "not - fluid" in its functionality. It defenitely had a slew of options that were neat at best, but nothing to write home about that memmaid doesnt handle effectively. I think thats about it, not to much but ramblings for these notes. Nothing *REAL* crazy happened when building up for this. I would like to thank Saridnour for his help getting the registry entries for the BTPAN fix, and all of you who have made wonderful suggestions, and stuck with me through all of the major bugs and glitches. I hope r9.6 is a long way off! ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 9.4++++++++++++++ removed r9.3 and uploaded revision 9.4 Here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Removed Texas Holdem (it needs an update to go online, and its retail, and its huge) -Removed smallmenu (what a pile of crap, i give up on cascading menus) -Removed Flash7 (very user dependant anyways & takes up very little room, so not urgent to have integrated into the ROM) -Added Some Tiny & Fun games: minesweeper, missile command, pacman, mappy, jezzball, whirlwind 21, duck hunt -Added PencilBox -Added a menu item under contacts for the rt softkey to sort contacts by first name -Added WM5newMenu (fantastic program!!!) -Added Daylight Savings Time Fix -Added Registry entry that puts back in the ability to clear the VM icon -Added Today Plugin that lets you see the last call you made/recieved/missed and is fully configurable! (dope) -Updated Kevtris to revision 2 from the author -Updated DigDug Game with its freeware equivalent (allows state-save, only hassle is you have to configure the pump button) -Updated MsPacMan Game with its freeware equivalent (allows state-save, and of course no longer a trial!) NOTES:: from this revision This revision is more or less a maintenance release. I was actually testing this build as you see above, but did not want to bother people with another release until the new kitchen was released. The DST issues seem to be huge for people though so of course I decided to step it up and get this out there for you guys. The DST fix is actually just an EXE that runs in the phones startup, if you dont need it, just remove it from the windows/startup folder. It was a blessing to finally be able to take my favorite two games and find freeware versions of them to eliminate the hassle of trialware in the ROM. I removed some things, and I hope their loss is acceptable (smallmenu, flash7, holdem) but I had my reasons. Between now and r9.5 Im going to work on fixing my OEM packages, I want to learn how to UPX my packages to save space and I would really like to start on my documentation project so others can follow in my footsteps. Thank you guys so much for your continued efforts & constructive criticism! ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 9.3++++++++++++++ removed r9.2 and uploaded revision 9.3 Here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -working MMS for Sprint! -resampled the custom audio in higher quality, resampled the default ring, changed some alarms around, and changed default.wav to suit the theme -found smallmenu to cascade, i dont like it much, but its there & better than wisbar -updated coreplayer to 081 w/ additional plugins to support more formats -added wm6rdp OEM package from FIN (works awesome!) -added LIVE Search (livesearch is freakin cool, thanks for the suggestion) -added flashlight program per request (neat, but be careful to not burnout the LED I removed the "always on" option) -removed IA_Zip program as winrar is superior -added SoftKey control panel applet (change your left & right softkeys via a gui in the settings! -Put Galaga in Games to complete namco collection -got rid of almost all the help files -updated the GETMMSvideo dll file for the camera to work better with the newer version of ArcSoft MMS NOTES:: from this revision MMS really does *NOT* want to be an OEM package, this im sure of. Instead of building a proper OEM, I built one that is missing the .rgu Registry file, and instead offloaded all the registry changes that are made to a CAB file that needs to be installed after you bootup. (will need to soft reset). This is not a compromise I wanted to make, but it works now 100% of the time, it eliminates the conflicts that were arising with the threading SMS application I use, and it correctly builds the outlook-mms inbox. I am hoping now, with a little help, to get a working OEM package that includes and .rgu file but well see... im pretty sick of flashing my phone right now. I estimate that unless there are HUGE issues, r9.4 will be once the new kitchen is posted up. I had two responses of a lockup, one guy found that the caching is what is eating the program memory, and he lowered it and it resolved the problem. I have not had that problem with my device, so if you do, you may want to turn the caching down just a hair. Also if your device is slowing down, run the "ReclaimRAM" program as it really helps clear up unused memory. I want to thank those of you responding here in the thread, and helping me out with issues, and making good suggestions on things we can do to make this a better ROM. ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 9.2++++++++++++++ removed r9.1 and uploaded revision 9.2 Here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -MS Voice Command *FINALLY* fully functional, now routes through BT headsets just fine! (thanks Slypher) -Added in BTAudio so you can route all audio (music etc.) to your BT Headset -Added in screenshot application (ScreenCAP) -Fixed DeviceLock REG setting (thanks Slypher) -Added "Alarm6.wav" for a big wakeyourassup for the alarmclock program -MMS *STILL* an issue on SPRINT, (researching) NOTES:: from this revision The MS Voicecommand fix.... Slypher pointed me to the registry entry that was screwing the whole thing up. The funny thing is.... that reg entry is CORRECT in the OEM .rgu registry file... what I did not realize, is that the OS entry for cyberon VC is placed *AFTER* the OEM folders are all built to ROM, so the old cyberon entry was being written into the entry where MSVC needed to be. You see since cyberon is built into the original AKU, the OS builds itself to have its registry entries. The file/folder you delete is the file that captures the cberon VC audio and routes it, since MSVC uses a different route, the DLL cant handle the request and fubars. SOOOOOOO....... in your kitchen....(and yes ill upload a new MSVC OEM)... delete the \btagext.dll\ folder from \OEM\Serial_BTUR.dll\ once that is deleted, make a copy of vcbthag.dll from the MSVC directory and name it btagext.dll thats it, now your MSVC dll file named btagext.dll will get written in where the cyberon one was, and will now route audio properly through MSVC!!!! Have fun all you kitchen builders! and enjoy yet another update to this schweeet ROM ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 9.1++++++++++++++ removed r9 and uploaded revision 9.1 Here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Hopefully* resolved MMS Picturemail issues (i sent two, they both worked) Fixed shortcut placement in programs (added wmodem & wisbar) Fixed dialpad skin to not have graphic covered by talk time when you have a picture ID set to that number Fixed pegcard.dll file (had incorrect solitaire graphic dll module in my kitchen ><) Updated alarm 1-5 to more suit the theme (1-4 are mario 5 is CTU) Updated default ringer to be more clear (increased wav from 11000 to 16000 from the original sample) Cleaned up & removed most help files and duplicate shortcuts in /windows/ NOTES:: from this revision found that CREATEOS chokes on initflashfiles after a certain amount, to resolve, I built ONE HUGE initflashfiles.txt and put it in the OEM folder under Z_Reg_Tweaks (the one i use to write all the registry changes after all the OEM packages are built to avoid reg conflicts) By doing this, I have had zero issues with shortcuts randomly not showing up on different builds of the ROM. And... for those of you following how to build a kitchen... make sure your initflashfiles & rgu files all have a HARD RETURN at the bottom (a blank line after your last line of txt) or it wont compile properly everytime in CREATEOS. I have also decided to build a version of this ROM that is not customized out of the box for SPRINT as our community here is not exclusive to SPRINT. I do NOT have access to a verizon phone however, so I will need you VZ people to give me feedback to ensure the same stability and functionality as the SPRINT one. Im glad to see this evolve into something that a large majority of you enjoy. Thanks! ++++++++++++++++++++REVISION 9+++++++++++++++ removed r8 and uploaded revision 9.. here are the changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ removed star power sound on volume control removed dominoes game to make room for microsoft voice cmd updated phone dialpad skin to suit the mario theme added microsoft voice command w/ working BT & button #5 removed .NET1 as much as i could and used kitchen netcf2 after doing research on .NET1 My Comments -I have absolutely no problems with this setup. Myself & others are struggling to include MS VOICE & PHONEALARM, so once we figure these out expect another release. I also plan on finishing my custom phone dialpad to suit my mario theme so stay tuned for that as well. Unfortunately I cant take requests, this rom was built for my fellow Sprint employees and all of my friends. We have tested now 8 revisions of this rom and find it to suite all of our needs. I know the spb suite things are fairly popular, but to be honest, everyone I know has 3-4 things only on their today screen and hate "junk" if you will. (BT audio route, phonealarm, lvmtime, calendar+) So we opted to not even include the OEM packages. I will be documenting my OEM packages on the FTP sometime in the next few weeks, now that things have settled down, and we have a stable kitchen. I have had an exceedingly difficult time with the instructions available on the forums, and tearing through countless hours of thread reading.... it has been decided that once the final kitchen is released I will be writing a step by step guide, with fully illustrated pictures on how to build your own ROM from the kitchen. I will also include my HUGE list of shit not to do... seriously, this is going to be important... like adding more ringtones, or overwriting the existing ones with your own.... will get you a white screen on boot... stupid shit like that. My struggles with getting the registry to do what I wanted, why some programs just plain wont work as OEM (like the 20226.cab)... i will also be including shortcuts you can use to ensure that when a new kitchen comes out, all you need to do is open a .bat file and ALL your changes will carry over to the new kitchen. I wondered so much why other ROM authors dont include a lot of these things, and after spending (no sh*t like 3 weeks) building up a stable, working, ROM... i completely understand why... it takes SOOOOOOO MUCH TIME!!! and when you are in the groove and getting your ROM up and running, you dont take time to note the changes you made, and the steps you took, and especially documenting the mistakes you made along the way. I cant thank enough people for the support Ive gotten from the community to see this through, to finally have a phone the way **I** want it. And now.... now that my kitchen is baking ROMs the way I want, to be able to customize each and every single persons ROM that I come across that wants it, fully suited to their needs in the case of a hard reset. PPCGeeks is the best support community I have ever seen, and if there is anything more that I can contribute, believe me I will. Please enjoy my release, I hope it to be of the same calibur as the others that have posted completed ROM projects. -Thank YOU! >>>>======--------F.A.Q. ???--------======<<<< -Phone will not vibrate once you install this ROM.... actually just a registry edit that re-enables the LED's fixes the vibrate function Quote:
-BlueTooth is functioning funny, wont turn on, gets the neverending spin and then shows on but wont work... This issue is related to the AKU3.5 Unified Kitchen. I have since resolved this issue, please flash the most current BigJ ROM to resolve this issue. Please flash the most current BigJ ROM. (was fixed in r1.6u) -Picturemails show up tiny and your unable to download the pic/vid The keys are incorrect for Platform & Version. This will work, but is only TEMPORARY for that browsing session! Quote:
"Version"="PIE" "Platform"="WM5" Picturemail should now show up properly! -People sometimes find that the MMS does not work you most likely forgot to run the vz or sp MMS-Registry.CAB file included with the download the vz is for VERIZON and the sp is for SPRINT -Once you change off of the default theme, you cant get back to it go to your themes and choose "Windows Default", the task bars will be bright blue Open UI Tweaker and select "WM5 Color Change", then select "Softkey Background" and Taskbar Background" from the drop down menu and set each one to R=0, G=113, B=132 you will now have them back to the original theme colors -DigDug no longer pumps! The free version button mapping is not the same Go into Game Settings, click on the tab at the bottom that reads "Button Mapping" -> Click on the one that says "Action" and looks like a black circle...change it from "Player 1 Start" to PUMP. -> Change rocket button that says "Menu" to "Player 1 Start". Now hit OK in the top right, and Play! pump now works the way its supposed to! -My Extended Rom still installs the sprint stuff... You have never *properly* unlocked your ext.rom Follow the instructions 3 posts up from the bottom on page 7... linked here. (has a file attachment, not hard to find) http://www.ppcgeeks.com/bigjs-revisi...start,180.html How Do I Backup Threaded SMS Backup this file from your /Windows/ directory PalmMsgV001 If you copy that file out of your windows directory and then back after a hard reset, then all your messages will show back up. -My contacts are gone! HELP! the screen just flashes when i click contacts (n00b) The PIM.VOL file is formatted differently on AKU 3.x you will NEED to sync your phone with activesync prior to updating your handset from an AKU 2.x ROM. >>>If you failed to do so, downgrade to the official ROM, and restore your contacts (pim or whatever) and then SYNC the phone, upgrade, and then sync back in. You can *NOW* use your old backup methods. -How do i DISABLE PiePlus? If you do not enjoy the enhancements of PiePlus it is very simple to remove, it is merely a registry key that calls the application To DISABLE PiePlus DELETE this registry key Quote:
now when you open IE, it will not load the "helper object" that is PiePlus -I'm on Verizon and my MMS is having issues Go into settings, hit the connection tab at the bottom, then click on the connections icon, after that hit "manage my connections" it will say edit or new, go ahead and hit edit, where it says enter a name for the connection put "Data Network Connect" then keep hitting next until you get to the user name there hit the advance icon and the tcp ip tab at the bottom and check use server assigned ip and check use software compression only NOT use ip header compression. the hit the servers tab at the bottom and click use server assigned address click ok then finish and you should be able to send mms and receive mms messages. - I dont know how to flash my phone with your ROM... There is a readme in the download that will walk you through it.
Sometimes it errors on build wich is NICE, but not always. Again, its all in the documentation included with the kitchen. |
just downloaded and running upgrade now ... will report back. Thanks BigJ!
Ok, just finished flashing and noticed two small problems: upon bootup I get "trial expired. Safemode off" - this error message appears twice after the second splashscreen. ~ nevermind, figured out how to resolve this ... Also, the hard button for comm manager is not assigned to comm manager - I had to do it manually; trying to pair up bluetooth stereo headset and bluetooth gps right now, will update bluetooth stereo headphones work perfectly [as it did before with 9.6 and 1.6] plus, there's no skipping of mp3 files during first few seconds using WMP or TCPMP BLuetooth GPS works w/ iGuidance 3.01 I gotta I think we have another winner here - great job BigJ |
NICE Work BigJ !! Thanks for the kitchen. I personally have spent the past 4 or 5 days rebuilding OEMs for the new kitchen method. ( I have a lot
![]() Even tho I have my kitchen up and running with my own O2 theme and bubble wait cursor, etc. I'll still flash and run yours for a while because you've always made some quality ROMs. Anyway thanks again !! |
wow EVERY TIME I get the PPC just the way I want them, a new ROM is released lol.
I am curious to try, BUT have some questions 1.) Does this ROM hang upon softreset as 1.6? or freeze aswell? I hope it will be alot more stable. |
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BigJ rockin' the sox off the masses!
Mine is also a crime deterent device,
Go ahead, try to take my wallet... --------------------------------------------------- Have Wifi and GPS on your phone??? Check out Navizon. It's $$$ in your pocket! http://my.navizon.com/Webapps/UserAd..._code=5E5D5D5F Navizon- Get paid $s to use your phones GPS & Wifi! My Navizon Thread: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=21590 |
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