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  #271 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 07:34 PM
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You shouldn't need this with the most recent ROM - Are you on 1.1?
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  #272 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 09:50 PM
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Verizon MMS Setting

So do I need to make a new string? I have no string in there which looks like "X-VzW-MDN"="

From the post this is what needs to be in there.

-All carrier customizations built-in
-Flashes your ext.rom EMPTY, if you have files there you want/need DELETE the "ms_.nbf" file from the flash folder BEFORE flashing your phone
-MMS, vz users *MUST* enter their phone # at this key!!!
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]

I am lost on this one. LOL Any help please.

Two Evo's 3D's Running CleanROM 1.2 -8/12/11
BaseBand | PRI 1.16_003 | PRL 21080 |HWv002
If I helped you, please hit the button.
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  #273 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2007, 11:34 PM
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Yes, new string named X-VzN-MDN with a value of your phone number.
That is all I needed to do and I can send and receive pics fine
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  #274 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2007, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by JBabey
The only problem I have is that since I flashed, after pluging in the device at night, I wake up to find that the device has frozen (like the olden days). This has happened almost every night since flashing.
you failed to specify which ROM you are running, your carrier, what applications you have installed since flashing, and what was currently running when it happened. I don't feel that this is something to do with the ROM per-se but a modification made after the fact. Keep me posted.

Sorry, you're right. I put the device and carrier in my profile, but I have too many post-flash installed apps to type I really load up this thing BUT I think I found out what the problem is: WeatherPanel, or more precisely when WeatherPanel accesses the web. Last night, my device froze about 10 minutes after WeatherPanel updated. Nothing but that was running. Tonight I'm gonna turn off the automatic update and see what happens. I'll let you know
XV6700 with 2 gig miniSD card running Apache WM6 Kitchen CE OS 5.2.1908 (Build 18508.0.7.0) - UPDATED 20071217 (Thanks Helmi_C and Co.) with a few of my own additives

"when I was a boy, everything was right..."
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  #275 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2007, 11:47 AM
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So... Pocketbreeze? No one? Dunno if anyone's tried it and failed?

Any info at all?
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  #276 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2007, 03:49 PM
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Problem with UI Tweak

My 6700 is on Sprint's network and I am using BigJ's 1.1r. I Changed today themes then changed back to the default. I had to adjust the task bars back using UI Tweak in accordance with the instructions in the FAQ.

-Once you change off of the default theme, you cant get back to it
go to your themes and choose "Windows Default", the task bars will be bright blue

Open UI Tweaker and select "WM5 Color Change", then select "Softkey Background" and Taskbar Background" from the drop down menu and set each one to R=0, G=113, B=132 you will now have them back to the original theme colors
This worked fine. Then I switched to another theme and tried to go back to the default yet again. Now there seems to be a problem with WM5Color Changer because there are no items to choose from in the drop down list. The screen looks like this:

Any ideas how I can fix this without a hard reset?

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  #277 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2007, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant

Basically the same hardware? Are you nuts?

a) Two cores. One at 133MHz to run the phone, one at 400MHz to run apps.
b) Twice the storage
c) 2MP camera
d) Much more useful dpad as opposed to a joystick
e) Better quality screen (read the reviews of the Telus model if you don't believe me)

I could go on and on but this thread is about J's ROM, not the 6800. Do some research and you'll see just how wrong you are.

In any case, I've still not re-flashed my phone... hoping that J comes through with the new ROM tonight because I don't want to flash my phone to the clean and simple ROM when J is releasing one that should fix the problem...
Done my research...

While I didn't know about the screen; I still don't see it worth $600-700 for the "updates" if you already own a 6700. I'm not wrong about that, it's my opinion. Yours may differ, points a,b,c above are a joke to me and wouldn't effect my daily use of the phone. Especially point c.

IMO the only major changes worth noting are the d-pad and possible bluetooth fixes. The rest are just geek factor things or for the "i need to have the newest" people who toss away $$ at the drop of a hat.

Once the phone drops to $300-400 it'll be worth the upgrade from a 6700 IMO.

We can start another thread if you want, I don't want to hammer this one up with 6800 chat. And really arguing over ones opinions in life is rather pointless if you haven't figured that out yet...

I really posted the original comment as a joke. I should have put a smiley on the end of it. Sorry,,,
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  #278 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2007, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by mdphoenix
So... Pocketbreeze? No one? Dunno if anyone's tried it and failed?

Any info at all?
I don't believe anyone has done it yet. I've never seen it anyways.
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  #279 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2007, 07:30 PM
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I can't send mms still... Even after the correct string...
It fails to send but I can receive on Verizon. Weird
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  #280 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2007, 09:11 PM
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I have BigJ Rom 1.1r and can not get the ##3328873 to activate the modem to work. When I dail the number it just rings and I get a message. Any ideas how to get it to work for me.
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