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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2007, 06:11 PM
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im sorry i refrshed the page and my computer accidently posted the same thing 2x.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2007, 10:28 PM
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OK konceptz gave you the wrong code. What you want to do is type ##RTN# (which is ##786#). Then look in the list there and find MSID. As long as you MSID correctly shows up there then you're fine. I know it is missing when you go to reprogram the phone--that is the case and always has been.

If you're not receiving calls then either some data proram is holding open your data connection, or there is a problem with Sprint's provisioning (call them and have them troubleshoot from their end), or there's a problem with the phone itself.

From the ##786# screen you can do a master reset (hit the right softkey labeled "Reset") but you will need to know your phone's six digit MSL number. None of us know your MSL code--it is unique for every handset. it is the same six-digit code you use to program the phone (##xxxxxx#) so if you know that number it's the same. Otherwise call Sprint and ask for it.

A master reset restores your phone to out-of-box state... so after it's finished you will need to re-program in your phone number and MSID. It also does a hard reset of the phone in the process so make sure you've got anything you want to keep saved. If that doesn't solve your incoming call problem then the issues lies either with Sprint's provisioning or a bad phone. In either case, deal with Sprint.

Good luck.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2007, 12:31 AM
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I had the same problem

Hit ##778# >edit>msl #> modem> preferred settings. This needs to be on automatic. It probably says HDR only. My phone does not ring thru when its set to HDR only. You can prolly change the same setting by goin to setting>phone>services>mode of operation. make sure you haev it hybrid mode.
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