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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2008, 10:06 PM
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Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

Thanks to Naigaboy for this post:

If you flashed the Bell/Verizon 3.3 Rom and you have the 2.04/2.05 bootloader, this information is for you. You have obviously noticed that you cannot boot the new wm6 ROM by Helmi_C or others, and when building Roms in the kitchen you could not put as much in the ROM as others have been able to.
This was because the new bootloader reformatted the partition sizes to add more storage to program storage, hence the boot issues.
We have been able to successfully revert back to the 2.02 bootloader, but this information is not being released at this time because we got different results when helping others.
(Really think it was user error).
If you want to try too revert back to 2.02, please follow the instructions below. Come into the chat room and ask for me (anything with naiga), colonel, luv2chill, imcokeman, or helmi_C if u run into any problems.

Just to let everybody know, you can return your device with whatever bootloader is on there. The carriers do not pay attention to that, just the OS (actually the splash screen is the tell all that you have done anything to the device). In order to flash the 2.05 bootloader back on the device you will need the bootloader flash files in the original vzw/bell 3.3 rom. needless work if i may add since the provider doesnt check for bootloader version.
Instructions to revert Bootloader. (Partition Table is not the same for g3 device: 1.04, 1.02 and 1.00 have the same partition table)
Download files from link below.
If you are on Vista and you havent updated the vista ruu drivers, download drivers needed and follow the instructions for vista OS from this link;
EDIT (07/30/2008 ): you do not need any additional drivers than what you get from updating Windows Mobile Device Center to a current revision.

Download winrar from http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm (if you dont already have it)
1. Put phone in bootloader (power, notes and soft reset)
2. Disable activeSync (right-click on activeSync, select connections, and uncheck USB)
3. Connect phone to computer and run mtty.
4. select "USB" in com ports and click 'ok'.
5. Press the "enter" key on your keyboard and you will get "USB>"
6. type (do not copy and paste), "task 28 55aa" without the quotes and press "enter"
Your result should look like so:
Binary0 Size: 0x100000
FAT0 Size: 0x3D00000
FAT1 Size: 0xA00000
FAT2 Size: 0x2C40000
All Size: 0x7440000
FAT0_ADDR=0x100000,FAT1_ADDR=0x3E00000,FAT2_ADDR=0 x4800000

7. Unplug phone and enable activeSync, then plug back in.
8. Double click on bootloaderfix.rar, password is "bootloader" without the quotes.
9. Run the upgrade utility.
10. Once complete do not reset the phone, phone should still be in bootloader, if not put phone in bootloader. check the version (should be 2.02)
11. Repeat steps 2 through 6 and your result should look like so:
Binary0 Size: 0x100000
FAT0 Size: 0x4000000
FAT1 Size: 0xA00000
FAT2 Size: 0x2900000
All Size: 0x7400000
FAT0_ADDR=0x100000,FAT1_ADDR=0x4100000,FAT2_ADDR=0 x4B00000

12. Repeat step 7
13. Double click on no_id ruu files.zip, password is "bootloader" without the quotes.
14. copy nk.nbf, radio.nbf and ms_.nbf from your carrier rom and place in No_ID folder.
if you dont have it already, download from http://www.utstar.com/pcd/uts_downloads.aspx
once downloaded, right click on the exe and click extract here (pay attention to where it extracts it to). There will be 2 folders in the folder u just extracted. the files are in the output files folder.
15. Run upgrade utility in the no_id folder.
16. Hard reset once done.
17. Now you can flash any rom you want.

Due to the success rate on all the devices i have reverted, I feel it is safe for you to do this as long as you follow the instructions completely.

For devices with 1.04 bootloader, you do not need the fix cos your partition sizes are not affected, thereby remaining the same. You just need to ensure that you are using the newer ruu to flash Roms (if you really want to revert back to 1.02, that is possible also).
Grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

Last edited by gguruusa; 07-31-2008 at 03:55 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 01:46 AM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

the download link for the FTP site doesn't work...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

Both the ftp and the vista ruu links are not working for me!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 06:42 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

Every search I perform on Google or elsewhere points to a version of this post that has been deleted.

Now the post is back but the links do not seem to work, except for the RAR.

I look forward to when the broken links get corrected so I can play with my xv6700 some more.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 07:53 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

ya the ftp is quite tricky. you have to click on "usercp" at the top of this website.

by the way I did exactly what's on this sticky and it worked like a charm. just be patient and read carefully.

mtty is a program that comes with the kichen downloads.

thanks again to all of you!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 01:24 AM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

Originally Posted by dutty.persian View Post
ya the ftp is quite tricky. you have to click on "usercp" at the top of this website.

by the way I did exactly what's on this sticky and it worked like a charm. just be patient and read carefully.

mtty is a program that comes with the kichen downloads.

thanks again to all of you!
Do you have the bootloader file? Its no longer available on the FTP site... at least not that I can tell. Would you be willing to upload it somewhere and share?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

Originally Posted by lopev02 View Post
Hi I have an XV6700. I tried to upgrade it but now the phone is on bootloader mode and when I insert the usb cable the device does not change from Serial to USB.... any ideas?
You've either got a bad cable, or a bad USB port on your phone or computer... Hope it's just the cable.

you're posting in the wrong thread tho.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 06:02 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

The link for downloading the bootloader fix was truncated when this thread was thrown in the trash can. The full path is:

As for the links to download the original ROMS, I never did manage to find that link, but I know someone has a link to the original vendor roms somewhere. They may be able to help.

As for my problem: I have a question about the steps required after the bootloader itsself is downgraded. If someone's using BuildOS, do they need to do step 13 and beyond, or will flashing the ROM using BuildOS accomplish the same task?

RUU link's also not working for me either.

Last edited by ecdmuppet; 07-30-2008 at 08:13 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 07:58 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

Originally Posted by ecdmuppet View Post
The link for downloading the bootloader fix was truncated when this thread was thrown in the trash can. The full path is:

As for the links to download the original ROMS, I never did manage to find that link, but I know someone has a link to the original vendor roms somewhere. They may be able to help.

As for my problem: I have a question about the steps required after the bootloader itsself is downgraded. If someone's using BuildOS, do they need to do step 13 and beyond, or will flashing the ROM using BuildOS accomplish the same task?

Thanks! I was searching everyone's user folders looking for a file that ended in bootloader2.0.4 based on the truncation...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 08:14 PM
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Re: Stuck in new Bootloader 2.04/2.05 from the bell/VZW 3.3 ROM, Help is here now

I'm trying to find the Vista RUU instructions and downloads. Can't make anything happen until I get that.
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