3.5 Contacts/SmartDialer working
I just loaded a rom with smartdialer working AND the contacts button AND ##codes working.
I still need to do some considerable testing. However if you will all just be patitent I will share all, and explain what I did etc. Remember, took me a couple hours to post corrections for the USB, and it was a full share. stay with me. I think I might have this.
I will also work with IMCokeman to release a newer base kitchen that includes the changes, assuming they dont generate more problems.
!!!!!!!!! YEA !!!!!!!!!
Assuming the latest build worked, i will post a rom image shortly for testing.. Waiting on the boot now. My intent here is for those who can to test these 3 functionalities agains a BASE 3.5 rom (The one we released right after fixing USB). This test phase is to check whether the phone is STABLE, while providing these 3 functionalities. You're help in testing against those items is/will be appreciated. However this is NOT a rom to cross test all the other jillion possible combinations implementations. This rom will ONLY have TotalCommander and the smart dialer loaded to it {cause the whole phone is useless w/o Total Commander}. Ok.. The boot just finished.. be back in a few.
4:19CST: YEP.. It worked.. wrapping for others to test momentarily....
4:29CST: Ok.. Its there in my directory. appropriately named. I'm looking for testing while i drive home.
4:41CST: Be aware, the rom posted comes pre-setup for Sprint. Verizon will have to wait until we base kitchen this. You do NOT need to load any sprint specific cabs on the one i posted.
Patience is a virtue.