Originally Posted by veritech
I upgraded the firmware on my 6700 back around christmas and now decided to try 6.1.
I downloaded BuildOS and installed. My Kitchens folder includes:
I started BuildOS opening the project "Apache_Helmi_WM6.1 Selections"
I get an error "TrackMe GPS Tool, Required module not in project"
I am able to make selections in BuildOS, I set my carrier to BellMobility.
In the menu bar, it shows Device: Apache, Rev: 1.00
How do I find out what rev I have?
Am I doing steps properly?
It's simple to find out the rev. Hold Power and Notes poke the reset hole. The screen will go black, but in a strong light there will be a number. The number is your bootloader revision be it 1.00,1.02,1.04 etc...
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro