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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by werewolf727 View Post
Is there any way we could expand the memory alotted in the kitchen for the ROM? I got the same error and although I kept cutting back on things again and again, I couldn't figure out any way to cook a rom with Office 2007 on it and NOT get the "out of memory fffff" error. My PPC says I'm only using 8.24mb of internal memory (no office at all), and thats with a few things I have active sync copy over after the rom. I have 35mb free and I'd like to use some of it for the ROM so I don't have to install everything from a .cab

BTW, I loove the new kitchen!! Its so sleek and dead reliable, aside from this error, you can't crash it. Now if I could just figure out where vcmd.exe goes...
Hint: You no longer need to copy in the vc .exe file anymore. The version included here is an OEM version that is not available at retail (furthermore if you try to use a retail .exe it will not work properly.

And no, as of this moment there is no way to re-size the partition. What is your bootloader version (look at the bottom of the screen when in bootloader mode or while flashing--you'll need a flashlight or strong light source to see the screen). You should definitely be able to build a ROM including Office. In fact, if you haven't overwritten the default selections, if you just open up BuildOS and click Play without changing anything what you will get is a more-or-less stock ROM that includes Office 2007. Do that and you'll see the "out of memory" error doesn't happen.

Then, add things one at a time until you get the Out of Memory error--then you'll know where the cutoff point is. Hint--if you're including "Additional Themes" or TCPMP, know that those packages are huge.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:32 AM
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I moved my OEM package for JPLDialer-Vista and when I run BuildOS I get a duplicate file error. The three files in question are the incoming, outgoing and missed call gif images. I'm going to guess that it's in the Phone OEM hidden in the rar file that's password protected. Is there any way around this error, or should I just plan on installing it from the CAB file?

With the kitchen, it seems that the BuildOS would read the UUID and overwrite files as the ROM was built. The Phone OEM was there and accessible and I never had a problem. Only with the WM6 kitchen and now the new BuildOS am I seeing this. I've renamed a few of my OEM packages to start with ffffffff but that doesn't seem to help in this case.

Thanks to everyone involved. This new format is great.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:38 AM
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I am using bootloader V 1.00. I haven't felt the need to upgrade that. Should I?
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulFix View Post
Also noticed that o2 option.xml lists itself as an excluded item

<Guid type="p">43fef5a4-b736-11db-8314-0800200c9a66</Guid>
<Exclude>43fef5a4-b736-11db-8314-0800200c9a66</Exclude> <<<<<<<<<<<<here
Using 071107_1, I checked O2Plus as one of my kitchen selections, but it didn't show up on my ROM. The above post seems to suggest that even though O2Plus is checked as a kitchen item, it somehow excludes itself when building a ROM. If that's the case, is there a solution?

I realize there originally was a problem with de-selecting O2Plus once it was a kitchen selection, but that now appears to be fixed. As an FYI, I created a ROM with some O2Plus components from the kitchen (Running Programs and Meters), but that caused general instability and sluggishness. I then loaded O2Plus from the CAB file and the problems went away. While I can load O2Plus from the CAB file, it would be great to save the space!
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Ryan07 View Post
I moved my OEM package for JPLDialer-Vista and when I run BuildOS I get a duplicate file error. The three files in question are the incoming, outgoing and missed call gif images. I'm going to guess that it's in the Phone OEM hidden in the rar file that's password protected. Is there any way around this error, or should I just plan on installing it from the CAB file?

With the kitchen, it seems that the BuildOS would read the UUID and overwrite files as the ROM was built. The Phone OEM was there and accessible and I never had a problem. Only with the WM6 kitchen and now the new BuildOS am I seeing this. I've renamed a few of my OEM packages to start with ffffffff but that doesn't seem to help in this case.

Thanks to everyone involved. This new format is great.
there are 2 ways around it. 1 is to fix your OEM to not have conflicting names. The other way is to put the conflicting files in the Patches folder instead of in your OEM.

Without using the patches folder, BuildOS doesn't replace the files because it has no idea if the prior files and the new files are compatible.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by werewolf727 View Post
Is there any way we could expand the memory alotted in the kitchen for the ROM? I got the same error and although I kept cutting back on things again and again, I couldn't figure out any way to cook a rom with Office 2007 on it and NOT get the "out of memory fffff" error. My PPC says I'm only using 8.24mb of internal memory (no office at all), and thats with a few things I have active sync copy over after the rom. I have 35mb free and I'd like to use some of it for the ROM so I don't have to install everything from a .cab

BTW, I loove the new kitchen!! Its so sleek and dead reliable, aside from this error, you can't crash it. Now if I could just figure out where vcmd.exe goes...
No, there's no way to increase it - yet.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Ryan07 View Post
I moved my OEM package for JPLDialer-Vista and when I run BuildOS I get a duplicate file error. The three files in question are the incoming, outgoing and missed call gif images. I'm going to guess that it's in the Phone OEM hidden in the rar file that's password protected. Is there any way around this error, or should I just plan on installing it from the CAB file?

With the kitchen, it seems that the BuildOS would read the UUID and overwrite files as the ROM was built. The Phone OEM was there and accessible and I never had a problem. Only with the WM6 kitchen and now the new BuildOS am I seeing this. I've renamed a few of my OEM packages to start with ffffffff but that doesn't seem to help in this case.

Thanks to everyone involved. This new format is great.
You have three options (in order of difficulty):

1. Ignore the errors (hit OK). All that means is that in your call log the missed, incoming, and outgoing icons will be the standard ones instead of the ones included with your phone skin.

2. Move the three files out of your OEM package and put them in the "Patches" directory at the root of the BuildOS directory (C:\BuildOS unless you changed it). That will cause them to be copied in during the build process, replacing the originals.

3. Rename them so their file names do not conflict and use an initflashfiles.txt file to copy them to \Windows using the correct names. You can look at some of the dialers in the pppcgeeks_oem.rar package to see examples of how I did it.

Once you have that dialer installed you may want to verify that it works properly for 911. Skins sourced from GSM devices may cause the phone to lock up for up to a minute when dialing 911. Also, other CDMA specific functions like the active/inactive data arrows and ## codes may not be functional on GSM-based dial skins.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by werewolf727 View Post
I am using bootloader V 1.00. I haven't felt the need to upgrade that. Should I?
Nope... bootloaders are the rare exception to the "newer=better" mantra. Stand pat!
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 12:27 PM
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Strange issue with XP and RUU... I keep getting a fatal exception in RUU and it stops working.

Any one else experience this?

Win Vista Business 32 bit. B/L 1.00

Luckily I have an XP machine sitting here so I just succesfully flashed with that... but I'd like to figure out what is going on with RUU. I followed the instructions from modaco's site to the "T" and had successfully loaded an older ROM using it on my Vista machine.

Any suggestions? I'm sure I did something stupid or forgot something.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 12:38 PM
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I did try this on an earlier rom and it worked. However it was not straight from a kitchen. I am using bootloader 2.02 by the way. I tried the recommended post several times to no avail. I seem to lose connection as soon as it goes into bootloader. Any help appreciated.
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