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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 07:17 PM
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What is up with all the nexus hate

EVERYDAY there's something new on hating the nexus one..... To screen issues, multitouch issues, now 16 bit picture gallery, can't see in the sun, grainy text, google earth apparently being as fast on the droid as the nexus even though its server based which ain't even a real test, droids colors supposedly look better.... etc...

Wtf, why all the hate on this phone.. its amazing, I've been on 2 bars 3g vs droids full bars evdo and the nexus killls it...

I just don't get what these people see.... droids cool and all, but nexus is just the shit..

Hell mine had 45 apps installed the droid had none and my n1 out performed it noticeably. ...

Stop hating people...
(Hummingbird FTW)

Last edited by Dragon2; 04-14-2010 at 12:05 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 07:41 PM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

hmmmm, having never used one i can't complain about any hardware issues. however i am pissed that absolutely no news has been given with regard to the cdma verizon nexus one since it was announced back in january to come in spring 2010. do they really expect a 4-6 month (depending on when its released) old phone to sell well, especially when they don't even advertise it?(other than the google amount of banner adds, pun intended). i remember hearing the march 23rd rumor, which seemed reasonable. i would have dropped dough on retail price had it come out then. but after hearing absolutely nothing official in the past 4 months i couldn't care less about it now. i sold my tp2 long ago when i heard the n1 was coming to verizon. but now i am so used to my dumbphone again, i just don't care.

don't get me wrong, i am not hating the phone so much as i am mad at the lack of communication on its arrival. and its my own fault for wanting new tech too. this won't be "new" enough for me by the time it breathes cdma frequencies...thats my rant.

i wish there was one site where everyone reviewed everything at, haha. then you could compare all the negative comments about everything. because it seems the media chooses what negatives get exposed, and in this case it is the nexus one. very sad indeed. its not like engadget posted about all the problems people have with their tp2, and i bet those amount to more than the issues with the n1. plus you only hear negatives, how often do you see editorials on engadget talking about how so many people love a certain device, nope, never, just the negatives (unless its apple related, haha).

it would be interesting to compare how many n1's have been sold to how many have issues, i bet its a very small percentile, just blown way outa proportion

Last edited by MrGoodCat; 04-13-2010 at 07:45 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 09:00 PM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

Originally Posted by MrGoodCat View Post
hmmmm, having never used one i can't complain about any hardware issues. however i am pissed that absolutely no news has been given with regard to the cdma verizon nexus one since it was announced back in january to come in spring 2010. do they really expect a 4-6 month (depending on when its released) old phone to sell well, especially when they don't even advertise it?(other than the google amount of banner adds, pun intended). i remember hearing the march 23rd rumor, which seemed reasonable. i would have dropped dough on retail price had it come out then. but after hearing absolutely nothing official in the past 4 months i couldn't care less about it now. i sold my tp2 long ago when i heard the n1 was coming to verizon. but now i am so used to my dumbphone again, i just don't care.

don't get me wrong, i am not hating the phone so much as i am mad at the lack of communication on its arrival. and its my own fault for wanting new tech too. this won't be "new" enough for me by the time it breathes cdma frequencies...thats my rant.

i wish there was one site where everyone reviewed everything at, haha. then you could compare all the negative comments about everything. because it seems the media chooses what negatives get exposed, and in this case it is the nexus one. very sad indeed. its not like engadget posted about all the problems people have with their tp2, and i bet those amount to more than the issues with the n1. plus you only hear negatives, how often do you see editorials on engadget talking about how so many people love a certain device, nope, never, just the negatives (unless its apple related, haha).

it would be interesting to compare how many n1's have been sold to how many have issues, i bet its a very small percentile, just blown way outa proportion
I agree, verizon needs to announce that thing, I think them and google may be butting heads since verizon wants it in stores and google is saying no... atleast that what I heard...

But yea, who wants a new phone that's 4 months old...

Hurry Verizon
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

I think it all depends on where you're looking. A LOT of the negative things I read come from people or sites that are iPhone fanboys. I think some iPhone users are scared that there is something that can actually compete with their toy and supposedly every major carrier will be getting it (they've been announced but no official dates).

I've read about plenty of iPhone users that have switched to the N1 and they've been happy with it.

I've read some of the negative things you've talked about, and honestly, I can't see any of them. Mine looks better in direct sun than any of my old WM phones. I don't have any hue issues that I can see. Text looks sharp and clear on mine.

My biggest complaint has been battery life, but its slowly getting better. Its been off the charger for about 14 hours and I'm at 52% with moderate to heavy usage today. A few phones calls, quite a few texting, wifi on most of the day, some browsing, some streaming music.
At&t iPhone 8 Plus
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 11:54 PM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

Let the beat drop

Sprint Evo
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 09:09 AM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

Getting rid of mine as soon as the evo drops... had too many problems with it. I've come to a realization that HTC phones are pure crap in terms of build quality (so why would I be getting the evo)... I just cant resist. If I have more issues with that phone I am just going to have to leave htc alone.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 09:16 AM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Getting rid of mine as soon as the evo drops... had too many problems with it. I've come to a realization that HTC phones are pure crap in terms of build quality (so why would I be getting the evo)... I just cant resist. If I have more issues with that phone I am just going to have to leave htc alone.
Sounds like you've had bad luck with your phones. For the most part, I have been impressed with the build quality of HTC phones. I have owned in the following order Mogul>Touch>Touch Pro>Diamond>Touch Pro 2, and so far all of them have held up very nicely, including my TP which I know many people had problems with. Ah well, you win some you lose some I guess.

On the other hand, I have not used a Nexus One and cannot comment on this, though I will be getting an EVO day one.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 09:37 AM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

Lemme tell you, I own an Iphone, I own a mytouch, I owned a diamond, I use a Nexus one. I have used a droid, a pro, a pro2, a 3GS...

Hands down the best one of the group was the nexus one. The iphone does not even compare to this thing. The droid was bulkier, uglier, laggier. The winmo phones were good in their own right but lacked widgets and apps.

till the Evo comes out this is the illest phone you will be able to get IMO and a totally freaking awesome device.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 10:35 AM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Getting rid of mine as soon as the evo drops... had too many problems with it. I've come to a realization that HTC phones are pure crap in terms of build quality (so why would I be getting the evo)... I just cant resist. If I have more issues with that phone I am just going to have to leave htc alone.
What problems have you had with the Nexus? Mine's been great so far.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 10:42 AM
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Re: What is up with all the nexus hate

Well I have never bashed the N1 and would love to try one out. You know how it works... if someone has a certain phone and are stuck with it for a while, sure they are going to be biased towards it.
That being said, you are comparing a stock N1 to a stock Droid. Ofcourse the N1 will walk all over it. Now try comparing a stock N1 vs. a Droid OC'd at 1.3ghz. Things change a bit. I'm sure that the N1 will get OC'd to 1.8-2.0ghz soon and it'll be a pissing match again. All in all, the software can be the same on both of these, it's just the clocking of the processor (which can be easily changed) and the hardware (which cannot) that make the difference. At that point, to each his own.
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