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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 12:14 PM
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Newbie WM Questions

I'm an old Palm OS user and I'm new to WinMo so I hope all you experts will be patient with me!

I'm still deciding on which PPC device to get but I know I definitely want Windows Mobile mainly because I want something that has a large developer community so there are tons of apps I can add to my device.

With my Palm, adding and removing programs and files is really easy. There's a desktop quick install utility very simply lets you add whatever files you want either directly to the device or to the memory card. It will automatically install itself to the right directory on the device. I only have to look at making sure a Palm app runs for my OS version and the display resolution.

I've been reading up as much as I can about WM, and I'm finding it may not be as simple as that I think because there are so many different PPC devices and not all WM apps will work, which then means I can't just get any WM device I want, but I have to get a popular one. For example, I see a lot of app development at the xda-developers site, but it looks like they are for HTC devices.
So does that mean HTC apps will only work on HTC machines? And I have to look for apps made only for my device?

And I've looked over some of rstoyguy's tutorials here, and it doesn't look like it's simple to add files to your device? You have to hack the ROM in some way? I can't just add/install apps? I have to customize the ROM to add them?
The main reason I wanted to get a WM device in the first place is because I thought I there were all these 3rd party WM apps already that I can use.

So there's this business with custom ROMs, the core OS (WinMO), and the GUI layer on top of that. I guess I can't just look at an app that says it's for WM 6 and assume it will work? Do I also have to make sure it's for my device's GUI layer, and then hack the ROM, and I still have to worry about registry edits like in full Windows OS's? And to uninstall, I have to do all that in reverse?

And I think I know the answer already, but will WM 6.5 be backward compatible to run 6.1 apps? I'm thinking not, but maybe it will be?

I'm a fairly technical person, so I can pick up on all this stuff, but truthfully I would really prefer something much easier to customize, and I'm big on customizing things to work exactly how I want them to, so software compatibility is a big issue for me.

Thanks for you input in clearing this up for me.
I did try searching through the forum first, but most threads are more specific.
So please point me to a link if I've missed something.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

I guess it would depend on what your looking for in the phone itself (screen size, slide out keyboard etc.....). Me personally i have a Touch Pro, and soon to have a Touch Pro 2. adding and removing files are very simple. there is a remove program that is built into WINMO. the only thing you have to to your phone too add these "free" apps would be to unlock it with one simple app. its not hard at all. the benifits of a winmo are endless. with the addition of Windows Market place coming in December the the sky is the limit for apps for the winmo. i personally think that every app available for the iphone there is one equal or better for winmo. i hope this helped you a little bit.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

It depends.. most WM apps are for any WM phone but there are a few exeptions. Say if you have a WM phone and you find an app you like , and you have WM 6.1. The app will usually say what WM version it is for, and even if it is for WM 6 or 6.1, your good. Even if by chance it is WM 5 that it calls for, your good. The exeption is if you have say a Touch Pro/ Diamond.. Then thats where it gets tricky. Apps for these phones are more device specific. You need to be sure you are loading the correct app for your device. Seeing that these phones run Manilla ( TouchFlo3D) on top of WM, you need to install most apps in a certain way or order, following certain steps or procedures, as not to corrupt your manilla files. It is really simple once you do it a few times, as most of the time it is just a matter of disabling tf3d. Once you install your app they can be easily removed off of your device by simplyusing the rwmove programs utility found on your device.


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

The only good thing you cannot find in WM that POS has - a decent call recorder. Otherwise, most everything else is there. Before loading up though, have you decided what you wish to accomplish with the device - main usage? Picking the goal means less time setting it up.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 06:57 PM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

Originally Posted by rfox View Post
With my Palm, adding and removing programs and files is really easy. There's a desktop quick install utility very simply lets you add whatever files you want either directly to the device or to the memory card. It will automatically install itself to the right directory on the device. I only have to look at making sure a Palm app runs for my OS version and the display resolution.

I've been reading up as much as I can about WM, and I'm finding it may not be as simple as that I think because there are so many different PPC devices and not all WM apps will work, which then means I can't just get any WM device I want, but I have to get a popular one. For example, I see a lot of app development at the xda-developers site, but it looks like they are for HTC devices.
So does that mean HTC apps will only work on HTC machines? And I have to look for apps made only for my device?

And I've looked over some of rstoyguy's tutorials here, and it doesn't look like it's simple to add files to your device? You have to hack the ROM in some way? I can't just add/install apps? I have to customize the ROM to add them?
The main reason I wanted to get a WM device in the first place is because I thought I there were all these 3rd party WM apps already that I can use.

So there's this business with custom ROMs, the core OS (WinMO), and the GUI layer on top of that. I guess I can't just look at an app that says it's for WM 6 and assume it will work? Do I also have to make sure it's for my device's GUI layer, and then hack the ROM, and I still have to worry about registry edits like in full Windows OS's? And to uninstall, I have to do all that in reverse?

And I think I know the answer already, but will WM 6.5 be backward compatible to run 6.1 apps? I'm thinking not, but maybe it will be?

I'm a fairly technical person, so I can pick up on all this stuff, but truthfully I would really prefer something much easier to customize, and I'm big on customizing things to work exactly how I want them to, so software compatibility is a big issue for me.

Thanks for you input in clearing this up for me.
I did try searching through the forum first, but most threads are more specific.
So please point me to a link if I've missed something.
Welcome to Geekdom! First off, adding apps is a piece of cake. Two ways to do it: 1) D/L the .cab file OTA directly to your device and run it, or 2) d/l the app to your PC, attach your PPC and install using Windows Mobile Device Center (if a Vista PC) or via ActiveSync (if an XP PC). Most apps can be used on any device. Those created for WM 6, will run on 6.1, and probably 6.5.

As for adding files to your ROM, that is something that is done in the cooking process. As I've told many a new Geek, get comfortable around WM before you start cooking ROMs and/or flashing custom ROMs to your device. One sure way to brick your PPC is to improperly cook a custom ROM or not understand the flashing process completely.

Coming from the Palm OS, you'll find somewhat of a learning curve, though not a huge one.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 01:12 AM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

Thanks for the replies.

I guess what I'm confused with is when can you just add files via ActiveSync and when do you have to add them to the ROM?

I don't want to just install apps, but also other files like mp3's, ebooks, documents, pictures, etc.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 01:32 AM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

I almost ended up getting the Samsung Mondi the very weekend it was released. I've been eyeing this beauty ever since it was spotted back in March. It's the closest thing that has the features I want for a MID. No, I don't live an one of the WiMax areas, but I don't want it for a phone anyway.

I want a handheld device so I want a larger screen than what's on smartphones, 4"-5" for ebook and document reading. Of course, I want other features like wifi, camera, mp3 player with both headphone jack and speakers. Of course I want to play games and see what an accelerometer can do for games sounds really intriguing. I also want the standard PIM, calendar/appointment, notes, and anything else I can load onto a handheld device that I might need on the go. Might as well throw in a GPS. Don't really need a real qwerty keyboard, but don't mind if it comes with one as long as it doesn't make the device too chunky. Is that too much to as for in a perfect device?

The Mondi processor is disappointing, but the real holdback for me is the lack of excitement for it which will mean little community support and development. Even Samsung themselves don't seem to want to continue development with it because they already said they're not going to update it with WM 6.5.

The pics and specs on the HTC Leo looks promising.
I'm also waiting for whatever the HTC Thoth will turn out to be too.
There seems to be a huge HTC community which leads me to believe I should go with a HTC product instead.
They are both suppose to be released later this year, so I can wait a few more months.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 01:35 AM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

You add files to storage memory not to the rom. The only way you change the rom is with a flash and you can flash a custom rom made by a chef or you can build one yourself using a kitchen.
ActiveSync lets you sync files from your device to your pc so when you add a mp3, document, pictures, etc on your device or on your laptop the sync updates both your device and pc with the same data.
You can use cab files that are downloaded directly to your ppc to install applications or you can download an exe file that will install an app on your ppc through the usb that is connected between your pc and your ppc.
You need to have ActiveSync installed on your pc to sync if you have WindowsXP installed. If you have Vista or Windows7 on your pc then you need Windows Mobile Device Center to sync with your ppc.
When you install those programs and you sync for the first time you can select what items you want to sync between your pc and ppc.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

OP - You can pretty much forget about the ROM being a major factor when it comes to installing applications.

The ROM is the core OS, and only needs to be changed when you want to:
1) Get a cleaner option to the Stock device setup
2) Take advantage of up-and-coming features/utilities/tweaks (WinMo 6.5, TF3dv2, etc)
3) Really have fun!

Part of the reason that HTC devices have such a popular following is that they generally get released for all the major Cell providers. They also have a wide range of models that offer different screen types/sizes, keyboards, form factors, etc. That being said, most of us are big on HTC devices because they are more likely to have the combination of form factor and hardware we are looking for.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2009, 03:38 PM
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Re: Newbie WM Questions

As a hard core Palm user, I made the change several times before making the change. (Not a political statement). When I made the last change, I decided to make it the last and am glad I did. The Palm OS was fine 10 years ago; however, with the demands put on it and no changes to handle those new demands, the OS was nothing more than walking death. (Not a political statement). There are still 2 active Palms in the family and I have zero desire to use them.
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