Re: Free Google Voice invite!! Pretty Please.
You bro, I am GSLEON3 from XDA. You may know me from Kaiser forum though now I am in Touch Pro.
My mom is invalid. To make matters worse, my younger sister just had a kidney transplant at the Mayo Hospital in Arizona. This is all true, not just a made up sob storry, & you can ask many well known XDA members such as alltheway, RMB, Rzanology, P1Tater, Leo, JockyW, NATF, etc... I am also a Moderator at xda.
I only mention it because this would give them both free long distance in the US & would be sincerely apprieciated as it would mean that my brothers & myself can talk to my mom & sister more often as they could use the local number & dial out for long distance. It would also mean they can spend more time talking to other family members in other states in the US.
I have never responded to one of these type threads, but this time I cannot pass up the chance.
Thank you for the consideration.