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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 07:06 PM
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Please Help, samsung omnia doesn't recognize phone numbers after registry tweak

Please please someone help

My samsung omnia was working perfectly fine. After editing a registry, however, my phone stopped recognizing my contacts. I edited a registry so that I could change ringtones. Heres what i did.

I followed the directions here:

To change to My Storage location:
String:\My Storage\

What ended up happening is that my phone stopped recognizing my contacts. The default samsung contact manager only kept the information of six random contacts. For everyone else, it just displays there number without there name or picture of anything. I use windows mobile shell 3.0 and that contact manager also lost all the information. However, I also use Vito's sms-chat program. This program still has all my contact information just like it did before. If i get a text message, the notication on my phone reads a random number, but when i open the text program it has the contact name next to the message.

I also downloaded "Fun-Contact", which also doesn't recognize the contact numbers.

I think something happend which changed where the phone looks for contact information. All the information is still there because the text program has it, but the contact manager can't find it. Does anyone have any idea of how to fix this? I would be incredibly grateful. When I get calls, the caller id just reads the number, it can't connect the information with the number. please please someone help

I changed the regestry back to "windows" but it didn't do anything.

Last edited by alerk323; 06-13-2009 at 07:08 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 07:10 PM
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Re: Please Help, samsung omnia doesn't recognize phone numbers after registry tweak

You might have better luck posting this here.... wish I could be of more help...
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