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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 12:11 PM
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Re: Sprint To Block Palm Pre Activations on 3rd party plans!!!

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post

2nd- what did sprint do with the instinct?? make you have everthing plan? nope, just needed unlimited data, same as the Pre... also go buy your Pre, and flash to metro, their program for flashing runs through ANY block a National carriers has on it, even a lost/stolen block
no what they did at first with the Instinct was bar employees from activating it, but it didnt last but a few weeks. i never wanted one though lol. but they are doing it with the pre and it looks like it will last longer then a few weeks lol but ive made up my mind i want the tp2.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 12:14 PM
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Re: Sprint To Block Palm Pre Activations on 3rd party plans!!!

Originally Posted by 551skydiver View Post
I searched for this already so don't flame me!

All 3rd party retail plans from Radio Shack are getting audited. That means if you don't work for the company anymore and still have the $20 3rd party plan IT WILL BE CONVERTED sometime in July. A memo and form was sent to all stores and it asked all employees who have the plan to fill out a form and submit it for auditing purposes. I know of at least 15 former employees who are going to be screwed. Anyone know if BB or any other dealers are going through the same audit?
if you have worked for an Indirect dealer then they did this like last year sometime. they do it about once a year. what we had to do was fill out a form submit it and as long as it was done by a certain time then we were all good if not your phone was shut off. however if you had been an original customer like you activated your sprint phone on a normal customer plan then made the switch then you were just automatically switched back.

thats just how they do it. but even when i left sprint for 4 months i just filed the paper work cus the owner is my a long time friend. but im back now and had planned on coming back.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 12:16 PM
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Re: Sprint To Block Palm Pre Activations on 3rd party plans!!!

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
1st- how are your "15 former employees you know getting screwed"? their FORMER employees, why should they still get a SERO plan.. so their hardly getting screwed, just getting corrected..
completely true...but its really nice to have a $30 phone bill. other wise i don't know if id even have a phone. might make a switch to QWERT its a text only plan $19.99 for unlocked GSM phones. all i really do is text, but it is nice to have internet. but its not a necessity.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2009, 12:04 PM
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Re: Sprint To Block Palm Pre Activations on 3rd party plans!!!

Originally Posted by 551skydiver View Post
THey did the same thing for the Instinct... but that didn't last long. Most people just waited for the rush to be over and called CS to do an ESN swap. BINGO!
Exactly... but the problem is when you buy the Pre it has to be activated in the store. If you could somehow purchase aPre and go home and get on your computer to do the ESN swap with the cs chat console then you would be in like Flyn with a big fat grin!!!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Sprint To Block Palm Pre Activations on 3rd party plans!!!

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
Exactly... but the problem is when you buy the Pre it has to be activated in the store. If you could somehow purchase aPre and go home and get on your computer to do the ESN swap with the cs chat console then you would be in like Flyn with a big fat grin!!!
can you explain this in more detail, say that if i were to get a pre and i would go online on my sprint account, you stating that i would be able to do a esn swap online, or with cs chat... just asking since I got a pre on a sep plan but i want to see if i can add it to my F&F plan...
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