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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 03:49 AM
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Question WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Hi guys! I'm not making this post to "stir up the pot" or anything, it's just that I'm really curious.

Background: I come from a line of Palm products (M100>IIIc>Treo650) and made the jump to Windows Mobile last year with the crap of all crap Mogul phone.

Now, I was used to the speed and responsiveness of Palm's products, and I was NOT prepared for the Mogul's sluggishness...even WITH one of No2Chem's ROM's (Thank you No2Chem and DCD, who made my phone usable)

Okay, so naturally I upgrade to the Diamond. WAY better experience, more memory does go a long way, but....there is still a lag. It's not an "unusable lag" like the Mogul, but it's just noticeable, and I wish it would go away, LOL

I gave my Treo 650 to my girlfriend last year, and I still toy with it every now and then. I was playing with it today, and was just AMAZED at how fast it was! Opening programs, everything. I did the same with my Diamond (with programs that were already "open"), and the response was fast...but not "Instant" like with the Treo.

I also noticed this when I played with my first Blackberry last week. The thing is RESPONSIVE, instant. Even my buddies Iphone. FAST. I wonder what Symbian and Android are like?

So...my question is: Why is Window's Mobile so slow?

I'm happy with my phone (Now), but I PRAY to Existence Itself that when Windows Mobile 7 comes out, that it will be built from the bottom up to be FAST.....like everyone else, you know?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 05:20 AM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Originally Posted by Journeyjeans View Post
Hi guys! I'm not making this post to "stir up the pot" or anything, it's just that I'm really curious.

Background: I come from a line of Palm products (M100>IIIc>Treo650) and made the jump to Windows Mobile last year with the crap of all crap Mogul phone.

Now, I was used to the speed and responsiveness of Palm's products, and I was NOT prepared for the Mogul's sluggishness...even WITH one of No2Chem's ROM's (Thank you No2Chem and DCD, who made my phone usable)

Okay, so naturally I upgrade to the Diamond. WAY better experience, more memory does go a long way, but....there is still a lag. It's not an "unusable lag" like the Mogul, but it's just noticeable, and I wish it would go away, LOL

I gave my Treo 650 to my girlfriend last year, and I still toy with it every now and then. I was playing with it today, and was just AMAZED at how fast it was! Opening programs, everything. I did the same with my Diamond (with programs that were already "open"), and the response was fast...but not "Instant" like with the Treo.

I also noticed this when I played with my first Blackberry last week. The thing is RESPONSIVE, instant. Even my buddies Iphone. FAST. I wonder what Symbian and Android are like?

So...my question is: Why is Window's Mobile so slow?

I'm happy with my phone (Now), but I PRAY to Existence Itself that when Windows Mobile 7 comes out, that it will be built from the bottom up to be FAST.....like everyone else, you know?
to late u stired the pot...lol..jk, but idk its not that slow to me its much faster then my LG fusic and when i was playing with my sisters iphone i didnt really see a speed increase maybe because she has the old 1 & my brothers g1 is just basic to me also...i think its 1 thing to play with something & its another to live with it cuz then u see all its faults...kinda like chicks at first glance 1 may seem better then the other but u wont really know until u spent some real time with both the beezies

Dank-Ass Robba

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 06:24 AM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Originally Posted by Journeyjeans View Post
Hi guys! I'm not making this post to "stir up the pot" or anything, it's just that I'm really curious.

Background: I come from a line of Palm products (M100>IIIc>Treo650) and made the jump to Windows Mobile last year with the crap of all crap Mogul phone.

Now, I was used to the speed and responsiveness of Palm's products, and I was NOT prepared for the Mogul's sluggishness...even WITH one of No2Chem's ROM's (Thank you No2Chem and DCD, who made my phone usable)

Okay, so naturally I upgrade to the Diamond. WAY better experience, more memory does go a long way, but....there is still a lag. It's not an "unusable lag" like the Mogul, but it's just noticeable, and I wish it would go away, LOL

I gave my Treo 650 to my girlfriend last year, and I still toy with it every now and then. I was playing with it today, and was just AMAZED at how fast it was! Opening programs, everything. I did the same with my Diamond (with programs that were already "open"), and the response was fast...but not "Instant" like with the Treo.

I also noticed this when I played with my first Blackberry last week. The thing is RESPONSIVE, instant. Even my buddies Iphone. FAST. I wonder what Symbian and Android are like?

So...my question is: Why is Window's Mobile so slow?

I'm happy with my phone (Now), but I PRAY to Existence Itself that when Windows Mobile 7 comes out, that it will be built from the bottom up to be FAST.....like everyone else, you know?
One reason Windows runs or seems to run alittle slower than other OS's is because it has more programs that are running unnoticed in the background.These are programs and parts of the OS that don't fully shut off when not in use. There are programs that you can DL that will fully close these programs. Like MemMaid for one, but use caution and make sure what it is that you are closing because that can seriously effect your system.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 06:34 AM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

its the price we pay for bein WinMo fans
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 07:06 AM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

i'm taking bets on the exact post # when this goes off-topic. i say post # 8.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Originally Posted by mr8820 View Post
i'm taking bets on the exact post # when this goes off-topic. i say post # 8.
ill take that bet ill say # 5...lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 07:42 PM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

LOL! Cool, I take it then that nobody knows. Here's to praying that WinMo7 is like Lightening!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 08:00 PM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Another freakin Palm OS loser. I had a palm TREO and i am Happier than pigs in sh*t to be with my XV6800...this guy is full of cr@p...write him off as being just another doodee in the proverbial toilet bowl of palm users.
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Old 04-05-2009, 08:14 PM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Originally Posted by maxvolt View Post
Another freakin Palm OS loser. I had a palm TREO and i am Happier than pigs in sh*t to be with my XV6800...this guy is full of cr@p...write him off as being just another doodee in the proverbial toilet bowl of palm users.
wow man, fighting words. You gunna tell me that im not entitled to an opinion? Will that make me a "loser"... lol F*ckin chill out. Dude had a question, if you can't answer it, DON'T SAY ANYTHING. Its that simple.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: WHy is Windows Mobile so Slow compared to other OS's?

Originally Posted by syanni85 View Post
wow man, fighting words. You gunna tell me that im not entitled to an opinion? Will that make me a "loser"... lol F*ckin chill out. Dude had a question, if you can't answer it, DON'T SAY ANYTHING. Its that simple.
+1 , MaxVolt , we here at ppcgeeks try to help one another out not bash them for whatever the case maybe. he had a legitemate question especially coming from a diffrent OS that is faster. Chill the hell out and like Syanni said if you cant answer with a decent responce or even an intellectual one, DONT!!

And i noticed youve been a member for quite a while and only have 9 post, and you chose this bashing post to be one of them? Way to go Fellow PPCGeeks Member!!

Last edited by MoonZ*BabysH; 04-05-2009 at 08:43 PM.
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