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Old 03-13-2009, 02:03 AM
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Thumbs up 3/31 Mac Users CAN FLASH there TP's!!!



I am not responcible for any damages caused to your phone during this process.

Ive seen a few people post that they wish they could flash Custom Roms but cant because they are using Mac's like this user,
Originally Posted by epitaphromance View Post
not all of us have access to a Windows computer, especially one without access permissions, i got a mac, cant really unlock my phone with a mac.... otherwise i could just do the SD card flashing..... just havent been able to unlock my phone.

This is for the non-windows users out there mainly. :

You will want to use a *BLANK* microSD card for this process. You have to Reformat your SD Card to FAT 32.

First you will need to UNLOCK your PPC from your SD Card ,(Thank Cornelious here, You ROCK!!) http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=61333

This guide is only for the sprint touch pro, you break anything its not my fault you do it at your own risk!!! to make it verizonable you need to get the nbh outta the verizon unlocker.

All of this stuff is in the unlocker thread, I just linked to the sspl, and extracted the nbh for ease of use. Remember your sd card must be formatted fat 32 prior to all this fun stuff.

download the SSPL here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...1&d=1225521707
extract this and put the exe in main memory on your phone. (meaning the SSPL should not be on your SD card.)

then download the attached zipped up nbh. Extract it then transfer it to your sd card (not in any folders just on the root of the sd card.) You should have no problems just downloading this with your phone from the site. It says RUU_Signed.zip, but inside the zip it is already named properly so don't rename it after unzipping it.

click on the exe you put on your phone to open up the sspl then it should prompt you to push power to flash. Once the flash is done you are unlocked. You can verify by holding power and vol down while pressing soft reset. It should say cmonex if you unlocked properly.

NOTE: some users have reported getting stuck in an unbootable loop after this step. simply flash this copy of the stock rom and you should be good to go. if this note helps you please sent hotspace some thanks for figuring this out ftp://ppcgeeks.com/Raphael/Users/ImC...RUU_dumped.rar

Questions and answers from Cornelious's thread specific to Mac Users.

Q: for some reason when I do this, it never prompts me to flash the device. I have the nbh on the sd card and I have the installer in the main memory, but I'm never given the option to flash...any ideas?
A: are you clicking on the sspl-manual to enter bootloader? Is the nbh file unzipped ( The attached NBH should show up as RAPHIMG from your phone. if you see RUU_SIGNED its still zipped.) and on your sd card? (not in any folders?)

Q:Yeah I followed your instructions to the dot. My bootloader appears as follows:

"Security Unlocked" in red text w/ gray background at the very top of the screen
MicroP-Raph (LED) v0C85
MicroP.Raph (KEY) v0685 (? I think that's what it says...almost impossible to read ?)

I never get an option to load a new SPL onto my device...
A: The SD card is either not formated correctly or it is not a HCSD.

Q:If i need to reformat SD, what would be the best way? I have a mac...
A: Disk Utility for mac should be able to format it fat 32 just remember formatting the sd card wipes all files off it.

Q: can i do this method with no pc at all?
A: yes. As long as you download the two parts with your phone and your sd card is formatted fat 32 you don't need a pc.

Q: I formated the stock SD card to fat32.
I have the SSPL-Manual.exe file in the maine memory and the RAPHIMG.nbh on the SD card.
All I get is when i open the SSPL-Manual file is:

"Security Unlocked" in red text w/ gray background at the very top of the screen RAPH800 MSG
MicroP-Raph (LED) v0C85
MicroP.Raph (KEY) v0685

Just like a previous poster. Can someone help me with this? I really want to get this device unlock to start loading custom Roms. The reason why i cannot do this on my computer is cause I have a Mac.
A: did you rename the zip file or did you extract it? besides extracting it you shouldn't have to do anything besides put it on your sd card (just on the sd card not in a folder)

Q:how do i save to the Root of my 1g sd
A:just copy and paste to storage card. Not in any folder, this is what is referred to as root
for example if its drive F:\ then F:\RAPHIMG.nbh would be root (F:\Any_Folder\RAPHIMG.nbh would not)

Flash from microSD Card (Thanks to MadlyAlive, You ROCK):

1. Make sure you backup anything that is necessary to your day to day operations! At a minimum, please perform an ActiveSync to Outlook or your Exchange server prior to flashing! (SEE BELOW FOR BACK UP ON MAC)
2. Rename the custom ROM NBH file from RUU_Signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh
3. Copy RAPHIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD Card.
4. Hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously. While you're still holding those 2 buttons, press the reset button with your stylus.
5. When your Touch Pro tells you to do so, press the power button to begin the flash process. If you do not get the message to press the power button to flash, there is a mistake in the name of the NBH file or you do not have the file at the root of your microSD card.
6. When flashing is complete, perform a soft reset.

(Thanks clayt0njknight from Sprintusers.com for this part)

I know that you open source users and apple users don't have access to WMDC or ActiveSync, so either download a trial of SPB Backup and make a backup to your microSD card, go to sprint's website and download the Mac PocketSync client, or if you have bluetooth your contacts to your PC and import them into Evolution Entourage, Thunderbird, whatever your flavor is. From there you can pretty well follow the directions up there. You will want to use a *BLANK* microSD card for this process.


If your device isn't flashing, or is failing, check to make sure you're using a Touch Pro ROM, not a Diamond ROM, and make sure your device is unlocked. The latter is one of the most common reasons people post on forums "I can't flash my..."
Attached Files
File Type: zip RUU_Signed.zip (118.7 KB, 4 views) Click for barcode!
SGT MoonZ, Reporting for Duty...CBM, Google Search & Rescue Division!!!
Device Lock/Unlockers Details http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=64231

Last edited by MoonZ*BabysH; 03-31-2009 at 04:45 AM. Reason: better info!!
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Old 03-13-2009, 02:19 AM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

I would not try that. Parallels does not have hardware level access to devices as far as I know. No Mac windows emulation program does. Correct me if I am wrong please.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 02:27 AM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

your right to an extent, but there is a way to get around it and i have edited OP to show the link for it. Thanks for catching that.

Last edited by MoonZ*BabysH; 03-13-2009 at 02:34 AM.
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Old 03-17-2009, 10:00 AM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

or you can just run Boot Camp!
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Old 03-17-2009, 11:41 AM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

Keep in mind that this would only work on Intel based Macs. The older PowerPC based Macs are still SOL.
Now with VGA support on all software!

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Old 03-17-2009, 03:34 PM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

Im not sure if my parallels is configured correctly, but I cant get it to recognize my device.

I have an intel MAC w/Parallels, and Windows 7.

Anyone get it to work with Windows 7?

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Old 03-17-2009, 05:16 PM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

works fine, i did it when i got my touch pro a couple months back. just set it to the correct device under 'device' menu.
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Old 03-31-2009, 04:26 AM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

Okie so i put this together better, Got alot more info and the best way for all you MAC users to Unlock and Flash. if you have any more info let me know and ill gladly put it in the OP. i did my research and this i think will help alot of you that cant unlock and flash because of having a MAC and dont know its possible to do these things from your SD Card . Goodluck and enjoy!!
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Old 03-31-2009, 11:49 AM
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Re: Mac Users CAN FLASH!!!

Originally Posted by tnynyn View Post
works fine, i did it when i got my touch pro a couple months back. just set it to the correct device under 'device' menu.
Was that a response to me? Because for some reason my Win7 doesnt even access my airport so i can get online. I had parallels on this machine before with WinXP Black, and everything worked fine. I could even sync my Touch w/Outlook and everything. I thought i uninstalled everything from that. Could that be affecting my new install of Win 7? Or you think its because i got my Parallels from a torrent?
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Old 03-31-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: 3/31 Mac Users CAN FLASH there TP's!!!

Hey Moonz, this guide is very well written and is the perfect way for ALL Mac users to be able to load their own ROMs. This doesn't depend on them loading Windows in any way. Very well done.
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