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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 01:59 PM
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Unlimited Data Plan gets you 2000 free text messages!

This was brought to my attention in another topic so I did some research on some other forums. It seems to be the case that if you have an unlimited data plan on your account, you can call up Verizon and talk to the data department. Tell them that you want the complimentary 2000 text messaging package that accompanies the unlimited plan. The whole deal is that people using the data plan are traditionally business men/women and use Microsoft Exchange which sends sms notifications, they were trying to circumvent the issue of there customers getting mad at something that is defaulted into the system. But I digress, the code that you can use if they cant find it is 70246. And from other forums as well I guess you might be able to tell the regular customer service peoples that its called sms2k. Not sure about the last one but in any case figured its good info to have. Also it has been said, although I cannot confirm, that these 2000 include pix and vid. So its an all encompassing plan. So if you go for it and it goes through just remember to drop your previous texting plan! Good luck and post your results here.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 02:17 PM
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This was started with the i730, because of the SMS notification to check for mail. Exchange no longer does this, so it's not needed. But the idiot CSR's don't know this, so you may get lucky and get this applied to your plan.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 02:26 PM
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Hey, Thanks for the info good to know, some of the dates from posts on other forums are still recent so i figured i'd throw it out there. That being said I suppose the way to go about it is talk to CSR and give them either of the two codes hoping that they're not too knowledgable with Exchange and PPC/Smartphones, or get a data tech who is cool
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 03:18 PM
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Just tell them your company IT can upgrade the server due to conflicts in other areas that are more important then an sms fix.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 07:39 PM
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I can confirm this the exact code is "PDA SMS 2000 ALLOWANCE"
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2006, 03:37 PM
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Ok I finally had time to call Verizon to do this. I just called 611 from my phone and talked to a regular rep. I did not need to speak with their data department. I mentioned the plan and while it took the rep a few minutes to find the info it is all set up on my account now and when I log in to Verizon it shows under my account features.

The only draw back is acourding to the rep picture messages are not included in the 2000 messages. So if someone sends me a mms I will have to pay extra. Since I hardly ever send or receive them anyway and the new threaded messaging does not support them, it is not a big deal to me.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2006, 10:34 AM
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good stuff, thats interesting that they said no pix text. I wonder if thats actually the case or not theother forums I have read about this have said that it is sms and mms. I guess you'll be able to find out if someone sends you a pix message. Also and I dont know if this would even hapen for you but people have reported going over their 2000 allowance by a little at a time and not being charged for it. I imagine thats just because if a 'business' while using exchange is sending out a lot of notifications its not the phone owners fault. So, but I am glad it worked for you hopefully it saved you some $

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2006, 05:48 PM
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Well it should save me $10 a month. I am will send a pic message to myself and see if I get charged for it on my next bill. That will let us know for sure if it is included or not. I was amazed about how easy it was. The rep did say it was listed in a weird place in their system. She actually had to look under an area that discuss the microsoft exchange servers to find the info and set it up for me. It was not listed under the pda area for her.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2006, 09:59 AM
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I just wanted to drop in and just mention that technically this plan is supposed to be offered ONLY if you are using AUTD to get your email. If Verizon finds out that you're not, they can revoke this.

Secondly, they'll likely have this offer for a long time. I work for The McClatchy Company which has 32 daily newspapers now, and a great majority of our email servers are still NT 4.0 Exchange 5.5 servers. We're slowly phasing in newer one. We just upgraded to Exchange 2000 in March of this year at my site. So even though SMS is no longer required to do email push, not every company upgrades to the newest version of Exchange right when it's released.

The good news is that an Exchange 2003 server was approved in my budget for next year so I'll be doing the happy dance come Janurary and be able to stop using mail2web
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2006, 11:05 PM
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Omg It worked

I just called verizon and with no hassles i was able to get the 2000 texts messages for free. However I had to explain to them what the code was to get it. The lady and my guess is the majority of the customer service reps are not familiar with this program. Thanx for the great info.
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