Originally Posted by kvictor017
I don't know boss....this IS Microsoft we're talking about. I think they're gonna come back to the front. At least on the same level as Android and Iphone. Let's also not forget that this is the release version of WP7. It's gonna get better over time. Like i said earlier, this is gonna be good for consumers, b/c now they have to listen to us, or lose market share. Let me go get my whip.... lol
Well... if current sales in the US are any indicator....
I think Q1 of next year will really tell the tale. I know Verizon is going to be pushing Android HARD from here on out and I see Sprint is adding more Android phones to the lineup. But honestly the worst thing WP7 could possibly want is if and when the iphone moves over to Verizon. You think their sales are dominating now... just wait. I think ALL OS are going to take a hit if and when that happens.
I dont think WP7 is going to bomb but they arent going to catch Android, Iphone or RIM. As "fragmented" as Android may be they are pushing out new phones like an army. And one thing I like about them as compared to other OS is how often they update. I've only had my Evo since June and during that time i've had 3-4 pretty good updates.