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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 05:14 PM
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Re: Gizmodo just reported NEW iPhone to Verizon news...

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
To answer that question I'll amend my earlier statement by saying, "Who in their right mind is going to sign a 20+ month contract for a WP7 device? <Start Sarcasm> I hope all 100 people are happy with their choice... <End Sarcasm>

The Verizon iPhone is such a downgrade compared to AT&T's version, minus antenna design. I wonder if Verizon sales will be telling customers, simultaneous data and voice didn't make this iOS release but a future update is in the works...

Whoever stays with AT&T after all those supposed millions jump to Verizon will probably have significant throughput increases, then will sit back and watch Verizon's network crumble after they get slammed like AT&T did a few years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like AT&T or Steve "The Douche" Jobs either, I'm just calling it as I see it. The iPhone on AT&T is superior in round 1 with Verizon, maybe the playing field will level out in round 2, but I wouldn't commit to 20+ months with Verizon's version if I were to get an iPhone.

I humbly disagree. I don't understand how the ATT version is superior to VZW's in any way. The specs are the same.

1) VZW has better coverage than ATT. I think they have more customers (need to verify) and if not it's damn close. VZW does sell smartphones where people use data just like ATT, so to say that the iPhone was the reason ATT sucks isn't fair, because Android and WP7 use just as much data and radio and VZW doesn't drop calls every 2 seconds or move to "E" every other block. ATT might be able to claim "simultaneous data and voice" but that's ONLY on 3G and ATT's 3G is so spotty you can't really utilize that feature half the time anyways.

2) CDMA iPhones have ESNs which can and will be blacklisted, this will significantly cut down the theft rate and the phones will be more easily insurable as well. You can steal an ATT iPhone and ATT won't do anything about it. For some reason GSM networks never blacklist IMEIs and CDMA networks have no problem banning ESNs. I know you will still probably be able to flash it to cricket at some point, but not being able to use it on VZW or Sprint (they don't add ESNs) will deter theft.

3) The VZW version has mobile hotspot and I am not sure if ATT's version of iOS 4.2.5 will have the same feature (although you can tether on a jailbroken device, they can catch you and charge you for it)
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 06:24 PM
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Re: Gizmodo just reported NEW iPhone to Verizon news...

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
I humbly disagree. I don't understand how the ATT version is superior to VZW's in any way. The specs are the same.

1) VZW has better coverage than ATT. I think they have more customers (need to verify) and if not it's damn close. VZW does sell smartphones where people use data just like ATT, so to say that the iPhone was the reason ATT sucks isn't fair, because Android and WP7 use just as much data and radio and VZW doesn't drop calls every 2 seconds or move to "E" every other block. ATT might be able to claim "simultaneous data and voice" but that's ONLY on 3G and ATT's 3G is so spotty you can't really utilize that feature half the time anyways.
I can't argue about coverage, it is what it is. No bars means no service. Where I live and travel AT&T and Verizon have good amounts of coverage, this is where I base my opinions on. GSM though seems to have better penetration through the walls in the buildings I work in. I tend to have less bars with my CDMA then those with GSM, I'm sure others mileage will vary. I know at least 30 people with iPhones from work and personally, none of them ever complain about Pandora cutting out on them.

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
2) CDMA iPhones have ESNs which can and will be blacklisted, this will significantly cut down the theft rate and the phones will be more easily insurable as well. You can steal an ATT iPhone and ATT won't do anything about it. For some reason GSM networks never blacklist IMEIs and CDMA networks have no problem banning ESNs. I know you will still probably be able to flash it to cricket at some point, but not being able to use it on VZW or Sprint (they don't add ESNs) will deter theft.
I can't argue with these reasons either but CDMA is eventually on it's way out isn't it? If LTE is closer to GSM technology Verizon is moving toward GSM in the long run, so this would only be a stop gap measure, correct?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
3) The VZW version has mobile hotspot and I am not sure if ATT's version of iOS 4.2.5 will have the same feature (although you can tether on a jailbroken device, they can catch you and charge you for it)
Of course Verizon wants to give you a perk or two AT&T doesn't, I just think that where GSM technology is properly implemented it seems to work better then CDMA for the most part. It also seems to point to where the future is heading. I still think that AT&T has done more work getting their network in shape than Verizon has. All these extra users combined with their existing customers on 3G will undoubtedly bring Verizon network down like it has in the past for AT&T. Also once AT&T's HSPA 7.2 3G Upgrade is finally turned on which the iPhone 3GS and above supports, it SHOULD out do Verizon's 3G. That's why I'm saying that AT&T's version is better than Verizon's (on paper at least), all the complaints from AT&T will probably duplicate on Verizon very quickly come February. Millions of new phones within a short period on your network tend to have unpredicted effects--right?

I just don't like how Verizon chose to live in the past instead of the future, if Verizon releases a phone that millions have been craving, it should have been LTE in 2011, if Sprint ever gets the iPhone it should be a 4G variant. The power users that want this phone will pay the premium as proven by the outrageous prices AT&T charges and the horrible customer service they received yet they flashed the iPhones with pride.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised though if AT&T and Jobs had some back door deal preventing Verizon from releasing a LTE version for x amount of months anyway, so Verizon might be 3G only for the foreseeable future anyway.

Last edited by testacon; 01-11-2011 at 06:27 PM.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 06:57 PM
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Re: Gizmodo just reported NEW iPhone to Verizon news...

I'll wait till there's a 4G (LTE) version, then I'll get interested. Until then my Droid Incredible is doing just fine.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2011, 12:17 PM
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Re: Gizmodo just reported NEW iPhone to Verizon news...

I just went to Verizon and as much as I like the Iphone I want to see how it does. Even though I believe it'll do great especially considering how well phones with android do on there and if I'm not mistaken use just as much if not more data than other smartphones since Android OS is very popular especially with the Droids.

As far as around here I've heard more "I'm leaving At&t to go to Verizon with the Iphone" which around here would make sense because At&t is so behind on their coverage and just now getting 3g in this area. They are very slow in getting their stuff together around here that CDMA is the better choice for us.

So I can see where Verizon getting the Iphone 4 is a good idea considering there are so many people who do want it that don't have the coverage in their area that At&t claims to have. That and also the current Verizon customers that have been waiting endlessly for an Iphone to come out since the rumors began.
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