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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2012, 03:05 PM
Baseman's Avatar
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To the forum mods....

I have a question, why don't you have an LG section like you have for HTC, Motorola and Samsung?

I do realize when these sections were created the number of posts about each manufacture was added up and the top 3 got their own special section. But this leaves LG kinda in limbo. And LG does have a pretty big market share. Kinda seems like a big oversight!

Yes I am an LG owner/user. I am looking for help on how do to a few things and I feel without the proper LG section, that help won't be found.

Please forum people, reconsider your lack of an LG section.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2013, 12:53 AM
Thundaar2000's Avatar
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Re: To the forum mods....

I agree!
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