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  #251 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2010, 10:50 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

Well few things I did was like the PIE fix (IE toggle)... TreoProRingerfix... and a couple registry settings that help me with features I like on the phone.

To unlock your screen you need a registry editor program for your phone. The one I use is CeRegEditor. Google it. Then navigate to this key and change the value..

The correct registry is HKEY_Current_User>ControlPanel>KeyTouch> on the OnIncoming registry, change value to 0 instead of 1. And it permanently unlocks it

I uninstalled a lot of shitware that acidhax preloads into the ROM which is completely uneccessary for me. To me, it seemed like it sped up a bit after I got rid of a lot of crap. Then just personal settings that make my phone better. I really cant list them off the top of my head. All I can suggest is to really just go throught EVERY menu on the phone and get familiar with it. You'll find it easier to navigate to different areas of the phone a lot quicker to fix simple problems that end up occurring...

Another problem I didnt notice with this ROM is that when you use IE Toggle to PIE... It doesnt load any web pages... Its functionality is basically broken. Another problem right now I"m having is that my phone just will not vibrate on any incoming calls.

Any other questions I can try and answer... I'm really familiar with this ROM so...

Last edited by flash67; 04-07-2010 at 11:00 PM.
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  #252 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 08:23 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

Originally Posted by flash67 View Post
Well few things I did was like the PIE fix (IE toggle)...

Another problem I didnt notice with this ROM is that when you use IE Toggle to PIE... It doesnt load any web pages... Its functionality is basically broken. Another problem right now I"m having is that my phone just will not vibrate on any incoming calls.

Any other questions I can try and answer... I'm really familiar with this ROM so...
I am having the same PIE issue as you. Did you find a fix? PIE loads but the webpage itself doesnt load. If I can get it working, I will be happy but that new IE is horrible.
  #253 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

Originally Posted by RichTJ99 View Post
I am having the same PIE issue as you. Did you find a fix? PIE loads but the webpage itself doesnt load. If I can get it working, I will be happy but that new IE is horrible.

Thats the exact problem Im having... Im begining to think this latest build is not too stable... My vibrator for my ringer is working intermittently and its really pissing me off.
  #254 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

Originally Posted by flash67 View Post
Well few things I did was like the PIE fix (IE toggle)... TreoProRingerfix... and a couple registry settings that help me with features I like on the phone.

To unlock your screen you need a registry editor program for your phone. The one I use is CeRegEditor. Google it. Then navigate to this key and change the value..

The correct registry is HKEY_Current_User>ControlPanel>KeyTouch> on the OnIncoming registry, change value to 0 instead of 1. And it permanently unlocks it

I uninstalled a lot of shitware that acidhax preloads into the ROM which is completely uneccessary for me. To me, it seemed like it sped up a bit after I got rid of a lot of crap. Then just personal settings that make my phone better. I really cant list them off the top of my head. All I can suggest is to really just go throught EVERY menu on the phone and get familiar with it. You'll find it easier to navigate to different areas of the phone a lot quicker to fix simple problems that end up occurring...

Another problem I didnt notice with this ROM is that when you use IE Toggle to PIE... It doesnt load any web pages... Its functionality is basically broken. Another problem right now I"m having is that my phone just will not vibrate on any incoming calls.

Any other questions I can try and answer... I'm really familiar with this ROM so...

OK... so here goes... The key you gave me did not work on my phone, but in the same key, there is OnCallToday and I set it to 0 from 1 and now it WORKS!!! so Thanks for the hints.

Here are my regtweaks for this ROM:
HKCU\ControlPanel\KeyTouch\OnCallToday is now set to 0 (Allows you to use the buttons on the screen when receiving an incoming call while phone is locked)
HKCU\ControlPanel\KeyTouch\OnIncoming is now set to 0 (Not sure but it does not seem to affect my phone)
HKLM\Time\NetworkTime\timezone is now set to 0 (Fixes the timezone reset by the network carrier where upon reboot or returning from Airplane mode, network time was being set by carrier)
HKLM\System\KeyTouch\IsAlignScreen is now set to 1 (Removes the need for an extra click of the Palm Dpad button to unlock your phone. Just slider is needed now)
Goto Start | Advanced Config and choose Phone Skin: Enabled (advised)
Goto Automatic daylight savings switch-over and set to DISABLED
To fix the Task Manager so that you can press and hold OK button, create a .lnk file to point to the Task Manager and copy it into Windows\AppButtons (I attached the zip file with this lnk file)

I also removed a bunch of software as I think it is bloatware(I really need my phone to work and not so much to play). But I did not keep track.

I do not run the TreoProRingerFix as I used to have the problem with 6.1, but not since 6.5 and this ROM...its worked flawlessly and without the update.

I do not run the PIE Toggle fix... not even sure what that fixes, but instead I like running the Opera Mobile Browser.

My data connection is very stable and the phone itself is very stable.

The one thing I would love to fix is during the compose email, when adding users to the "To" fields, depending on the theme (yes.. I had no idea that a theme would affect this) the search ahead feature that I came to love in 6.1 is gone. So I always need to perform the extra step of checking for names or I get prompted that there are unknown names in the email. I am using the Ron Arad orange theme and this feature is broken, while the Graphite Theme works perfectly.... What I notice is that any theme that has the "rounded" icons along the bottom of the screen do not work, but those with the square icons along the bottom of the screen work fine.

So you are all wondering why I can't use the Graphite theme? Cuz its dark and sucks, plus many menus do not show the text so you have to remember where to click on your screen as these buttons are "invisible".... I just wanna fix the other themes to work this way. This makes sending emails and SMS messages so, so, so, much faster....

Themes not working for "contact name search ahead" when composing messages, but damn the icons and colors are beautiful:
Classic Blue
DVF Green
IsaacMizrahi Purple
Rock and Republic Black
Ron Arad Orange
Vera Wang Red

Themes working for "contact name search ahead" when composing messages, but has invisible icons making it impossibble to use:

Take a look at the 4 images. In the Graphite.jpg, you will see how I typed 2 letters "bu" and it pulled up all kinds of email addresses for me to select. Notice in ronaradorange.jpg and how doing the same thing shows nothing...

Likewise, notice in graphite2.jpg, there are buttons/menu items missing at the top... but this happens throughout the whole theme. Yet in ronaradorange2.jpg, the buttons are rounded and the menu items are all there.

I even went as far as using windiff and comparing the whole registry between the two themes but there is nothing I can really see that is related to this feature....

Attached Images
File Type: jpg ronaradorange.JPG (63.0 KB, 37 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ronaradorange2.JPG (38.8 KB, 31 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Graphite.JPG (78.6 KB, 33 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Graphite2.JPG (52.3 KB, 33 views) Click for barcode!
Attached Files
File Type: zip Task_Manager[1].zip (159 Bytes, 11 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by bullmoose20; 04-09-2010 at 02:41 PM. Reason: added images to describe the "theme" problem
  #255 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 04:21 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

Originally Posted by flash67 View Post
Thats the exact problem Im having... Im begining to think this latest build is not too stable... My vibrator for my ringer is working intermittently and its really pissing me off.
I am having this same problem. I am running the TreoRingerFix thingy-ma-bobber but that didn't help the vibrate....only the audible ringer. Anyone else having this problem?

Besides the vibration issue (which in itself is a major issure), with RealVGA and my own personal tweaks, everything else seems to be working great, and I am happy. I do have one minor issue with RealVGA but it's a RealVGA issue not a ROM issue.
  #256 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 05:55 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

I recently took my phone completely apart right down to taking the screen out... Cleaned the shit out of it and then put it back together. For some reason my vibrator (lol) is working again. Not sure why but thank god it is.

Only reason I use PIE toggle is because LogMeIn.com used to work on the older IE... not on the newer one. So right now I cant access my desktop from my phone
  #257 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

When im typing a contact name in sms composer, with graphite, it shows all the contact thar are concordant with the letter i typed, but if i select another theme like ron arad orange the drop down menu is something like drup up menu. (view the pics)

additionally, the same problem that boolmose has, on some themes there are missing buttons.

is there any reg tweak to correct the sms drup down menu, the missing buttons is not important to me because i use ron arad orange theme.

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  #258 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2010, 12:50 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

after a number of flashes, i just cant get the treo alert pro LED notification to work. im reverting back to an earlier rom
  #259 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

even flashing to my old rom that it worked on, didnt work! still no led alert, with treo alert pro. acidhax, can you help me?
  #260 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: [March/03] MatBee 6.5.5 ROM - 5.2.23541

Originally Posted by delly47 View Post
even flashing to my old rom that it worked on, didnt work! still no led alert, with treo alert pro. acidhax, can you help me?

flash dance it once

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