Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL
Panther_CDMA (treo pro CDMA) Hard-SPL is here now!
thanks to CFay for testing ![]() Instructions: first, if you have GSM treo pro (NOT CDMA, NOT SPRINT/VERIZON/TELUS), this is not intended for your device. see this post on GSM treo pro's current status: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...7&postcount=55 steps: 0) if you have Vista or Windows 7, make sure you have latest WMDC. 1) download Hard-SPL package from attachment, extract to an empty local folder. 2) you must Have Phone Synced with PC in Windows Mobile! 3) run PANTHER_CDMA_HSPL exe from the folder 4) follow steps in the program! 5) it should go to tricolour screen now, i.e. SSPL mode, and show 0.32.SSPL. now follow steps in the RUU that's launched by now. 6) SPL flashes, device automatically reboots, job done. if you get any errors, follow the instructions offered by the program. 7) to confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen!) and verify the screen shows 0.36.CMONEX. NOTE: you will not see the SPL version during normal boot! to enter bootloader mode to see version: with the device turned on, press and hold the Camera button along with the Power button, then press the reset button with the stylus tip, then release the Camera and Power buttons when bootloader tricolour screen appears. NOTE 2: anyone having problems with the device entering SSPL automatically or problems with USB connection after SSPL was loaded, please copy SSPL-Manual-PantherCDMA.exe from the SSPLManual.zip attachment to the device and run it. then once the screen is in SSPL, run RUU manually. i.e. you run the RUU on the PC, if it isn't obvious. NOTE 3: this is unsigned Hard-SPL. no limitations on flashing ROMs. also, this has overwrite protection, if someone needs to revert to stock SPL for warranty reasons, a stock SPL downgrade package will soon be posted. NOTE 4: do not use this RUU to flash anything else! this is only intended for flashing the HardSPL. finally, if you wish to thank me with a donation, you can do so by clicking the link the HardSPL program offers, or here: http://hpcmonex.net/htc/pantc/panther.htm enjoy
Main device: Athena (x7500)
![]() Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones. Donations To cmonex Last edited by cmonex; 10-01-2009 at 08:32 PM. |
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