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  #1261 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

Originally Posted by ostizzle View Post
Thank you for the help. I'm curious as to whether there is a way to have it automatically insert the picture into an MMS image when I select to send it from the album view. This is how it worked on Mighty's ROM. Also, when I select "MMS" from the shortcut menu, I'm brought to the standard text message editor. I have trouble believing that this is what NRG intended for this ROM and am wondering if there is something I need to tweak on my particular phone.

Edited to add: The solution you offered does not work for me because "insert" is greyed out in the menu.

I really prefer the look and feel of this ROM over Mighty but this is beyond irritating.
Which MMS fix did you download? Are you able to send pic messages at all?

Please remember to THANK me if I helped you!
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  #1262 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 04:49 PM
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Voicemail and Missed Phone in HTC Sense

Hi! Great ROM. When I use "Windows Default" for home screen, I see a notification on the today screen for missed call and new voicemails (they appear as numbers next to the Phone or Voicemail in the vertical navigation..pictures, music, phone*, voicemail*). Is there anyway to do this using Touch Sense without having to open the notifications on the top title bar of the today screen?
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  #1263 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 05:57 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

Well guys i am also getting the same deal breaking issues, I have tried both version 21869 and 28002. They are very similar of course for the differences in the start/close buttons being in the bottom. I came from mighty rom which i was using for the past 2 weeks and wanted to try nrg's since i liked it more for original TP. I would prefer to use 28002 because its just newer and catchier but....how do u close programs? u can click X but it wont close the program, also the drop down menu doesnt come down on the 28002 where i can see the % of the cpu ram being used, and the manila version of the volume doesnt show up which sucks and gets confusing lol. As for as 21809 goes its pretty flawless butt another issue on it is on the Opera 10, wuts the point of having a zoom bar if i cant zoom? We need a fix on this as soon as possible. But nrg has been amazing and i appreciate your efforts to have the best rom.
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  #1264 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 06:21 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

Originally Posted by japper88 View Post
Which MMS fix did you download? Are you able to send pic messages at all?
I installed the Verizon MMS fix listed on post #6 of this thread immediately after flashing.

I notice that there is no carrier provisioning menu after flashing as there was in the old version. Do I need to download the Verizon provisioning from somewhere?

So here's what I can do:

If I am in the inbox and go to "New", "Picture Message" I am taken to the MMS editor and can send myself a picture just fine.

If I send a video using this method, the video is received as a still image with audio playing.

If I am viewing a picture or video in the album, click on the envelope, and select "Messages", I am taken to the regular text editing screen.

If I take a picture, click on the envelope, and select "Send via MMS" I am again taken to the regular text editing screen.

If I record a video and click on the envelope, I am presented with two options: "Send via Agent" and "Send via E-Mail". Selecting "Send via Agent" does nothing.

Also, selecting MMS in the shortcut menu that comes up from the "Actions" softkey brings me to the regular text editing screen.

I love this ROM but this is driving me crazy.
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  #1265 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 06:39 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

Originally Posted by ostizzle View Post
I installed the Verizon MMS fix listed on post #6 of this thread immediately after flashing.

I notice that there is no carrier provisioning menu after flashing as there was in the old version. Do I need to download the Verizon provisioning from somewhere?

So here's what I can do:

If I am in the inbox and go to "New", "Picture Message" I am taken to the MMS editor and can send myself a picture just fine.

If I send a video using this method, the video is received as a still image with audio playing.

If I am viewing a picture or video in the album, click on the envelope, and select "Messages", I am taken to the regular text editing screen.

If I take a picture, click on the envelope, and select "Send via MMS" I am again taken to the regular text editing screen.

If I record a video and click on the envelope, I am presented with two options: "Send via Agent" and "Send via E-Mail". Selecting "Send via Agent" does nothing.

Also, selecting MMS in the shortcut menu that comes up from the "Actions" softkey brings me to the regular text editing screen.

I love this ROM but this is driving me crazy.
Well I could never access MMS through the album either, it would just send me to the basic message composer. MMS from "Actions" also brings me to the basic messaging composer. But the only way I can get to MMS is through menu -> insert in the basic message composer.

I'm on Sprint so maybe it's different. I installed the Sprint MMS fix and Mr. X's Sprint provisioning cab (so I could get SprintTV running). Maybe you need a Verizon provisioning cab. Sorry I couldn't have been of more help.
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  #1266 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 06:41 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

Originally Posted by japper88 View Post
Well I could never access MMS through the album either, it would just send me to the basic message composer. MMS from "Actions" also brings me to the basic messaging composer. But the only way I can get to MMS is through menu -> insert in the basic message composer.

I'm on Sprint so maybe it's different. I installed the Sprint MMS fix and Mr. X's Sprint provisioning cab (so I could get SprintTV running). Maybe you need a Verizon provisioning cab. Sorry I couldn't have been of more help.
Thanks again for your reply, bro. Anything helps!

Like I said, I just find it hard to believe that NRG meant for it to function this way...
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  #1267 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

I posted this on SSK's thread but if you use S2U2, you can use the S2U2 volume (in phone tab). This gives you the two bar volume control but it's much prettier than what we have now in 6.5.x. Even if you don't like S2U2 you can turn off the lock function and still keep the volume control. Only issue I have so far is it doesn't give you a tone to let you know how loud it is.

I keep jumping back and forth between energy and ssk. I just can't make up my mind lol. Thinking about flashing energy's 6.5.3 today. It's raining anyway.

Originally Posted by japper88 View Post
I tried both 23504 and 28002, they're not deal breaker bugs, just stuff I personally find annoying.
(1) the HTC volume skin doesn't work (so you get the plain vanilla winmo volume when you use the side volume buttons)
(2) when you click "x" programs don't close, and since there is no HTC task manager, it's a pain in the butt to close programs.

Aside from that no other real issues. Personally the second one is a real deal breaker for me though.

EDIT: I only spent a few hours with each build, I didn't notice any major differences. I think 28002 supposedly has better battery life and runs a little smoother.
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  #1268 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

I suppose I should also add that I am using 21869 Titanium Only.
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  #1269 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

what the hell is CityID? i got a error from CITYID couple mins ago. dont' evenknow what it is

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  #1270 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 08:32 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 / Titani

Originally Posted by djalbanian View Post
Well guys i am also getting the same deal breaking issues, I have tried both version 21869 and 28002. They are very similar of course for the differences in the start/close buttons being in the bottom. I came from mighty rom which i was using for the past 2 weeks and wanted to try nrg's since i liked it more for original TP. I would prefer to use 28002 because its just newer and catchier but....how do u close programs? u can click X but it wont close the program,....

You need to read back about 3 days into this thread. The X to close "issue" has been covered over and over


Originally Posted by twe90kid View Post
what the hell is CityID? i got a error from CITYID couple mins ago. dont' evenknow what it is
Here is the page full of the posts on CityID

I think all these great roms have people too spoiled, a majority of the little things people complain about are all tweaks or 3rd party apps that you should be learning how to operate yourself if they are not included in a ROM ... or not working properly if they are
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