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  #971 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★


Delayed hardware keyboard. Is it my imagination? Why does it seem slow?


Delayed push email? Anyone? Or is it just my gmail thats having issues?


"Windows Media"

Can't even open it. Or if it does open, I only get sound off a video file - and it locks up.


Anyone else with similar issuse?
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  #972 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 11:05 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

looking for a solution I liked the whole shocase thing..quick menu is a nice touch..the finger friendliness of showcase is nice..when I install the cab found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=530564, I need to edit the registry for mainlla in the default setting to make it work so it allows manilla to load..when i go to to key...hklm/software/apps/enatives...i dont know what value to edit it as...i know the chef knows how..cuz he is a G..ace u probably got the 411.any help would be appreciated..thanks folks=D>
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  #973 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 11:29 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
it was manilla htc sense but i had that disabled and was running titanium only. I'm sorry for sounding like a newb but if i disable the tf3d then htc sense doesn't have anything to do and should run normally. also i loaded the 2.1 version not the 2.5. thanks for any help. i'm going to try nrgz 2.1 and disable tf3d and see what happens. I can't lie that updated feature looks alot better, i need that.
so after futher investigation i found out that is the htc messager. I always thought that the htc messaging client was the manilla messaging screen, NO this is 10x better then that and winmo messaging screen. I dont know why anybody wouldn't want this. Now the reason i believe people didn't want this at first was because mms wouldn't send, i wonder if that problem has been fixed? if it has been fixed i would recommend that nrg start using that, it looks so much better.
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  #974 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 11:44 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

I played around with 23504 standard R2. It was okay. It ran pretty smooth. Still no HTC volume fix, the htc dialer was back, but it looked weird since the keypad key didn't fit right with the larger softkeys. There was also the message tab icon overlay issue (only when there is an unread message. The calendar tab icon overlay issue was fixed. Had to manually delete the provisioning startup thingy. Everything else seemed to work fine. Also the iphone-like "bounce back" on scrolling is there.

Okay time to mess around with the 21864 standard R2. Probably going to stick with the 21864 for now. Simply because it gets annoying that you can't "x" out of some programs with build 23504, dunno why MS did away with that, I personally just find it annoying that I have to look around inside a program's menu to find exit.

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  #975 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 11:57 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

hmm anyone having issues with texting messing up incoming calls?
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  #976 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

Originally Posted by japper88 View Post
Simply because it gets annoying that you can't "x" out of some programs with build 23504, dunno why MS did away with that, I personally just find it annoying that I have to look around inside a program's menu to find exit.
/agree - It's a decent idea but some kind of convenient Task Manager should be in there... I'm sure it'll be in the official taskbar

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  #977 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 12:32 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

Originally Posted by badwolf View Post
running the 23504 r2 is there a way to remove the extra oval behind the clock?
I would also like to know if there is a fix for this? I liked the way the weather clock looked in the Nov 3 release.
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  #978 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 12:38 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

for all of those people that were reading my posts wondering what the hell i was talking about, here are pics of the new htc messaging client. the way the messaging screen shows the pics is a nice feature, plus the in thread messaging looks so much nicer.

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  #979 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 01:31 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

quick bug report, when every thing loads up the quick menu..is small..once i load up opera 9.7 and open a few pages opera text is zoomed out really far, if i open up keyboard it resizes, but the quick menu becomes very large...funny i like the quick menu like that..just try it and report the findings..who does the beta testn..i have alot of time on my hands at work so if u need some1 who sleeps with there phone too test roms...i'll be there...lol
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  #980 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 01:40 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (23504/21864) ★ Sense 2.1 / Titanium ★

Running into the following when trying to use either R2 of "Standard" ROM release, when executing ROMUpdateUtility.exe:

The exception unknown software execption (0xc000000d) occurred in the application at location 0x10016621.

The usual click OK and Cancel at the bottom of the window.

I've re-downloaded and extracted the archive; and I've tried this on 2 other laptops, a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise box; and on my gaming system. The errors are all 100% identical.
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