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  #511 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 03:42 AM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

You shouldnt be seeing the Provisioning app at all and you use the exact same flashing method I do except for task29 but I know a few of my users use task29. which ROM is it that you are using and is it 2.5 version.

If I have helped you out or you enjoy my work please feel free to donate.

Helpful ROM cooking Info

How To: Registry edit to .cab
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  #512 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 04:18 AM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

Originally Posted by SBR_L3GION View Post
You shouldnt be seeing the Provisioning app at all and you use the exact same flashing method I do except for task29 but I know a few of my users use task29. which ROM is it that you are using and is it 2.5 version.

Iv tried both blue and stock-ark. same results.

I believe it is the 2.5
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  #513 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 05:45 AM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
if im not mistaken sbr is using ziggys auto provision (thanx ziggy) and you wont see a app. in remove programs because it auto provisions. you need a good signal for it to work though but it works fine. sbr can chime in.
Just FYI you wont see an app correct....but what I was talking about is if it provisioned correct it will show the prov cab in remove programs...anyways...sorry I fell asleep and did not get a hold of ya bro....will tonight for sure...

SBR I tried it out and everything is awesome bro!!!
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  #514 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

that is very odd are you downloading from my site or are they mediafire links.
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  #515 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 01:25 PM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
Just FYI you wont see an app correct....but what I was talking about is if it provisioned correct it will show the prov cab in remove programs...anyways...sorry I fell asleep and did not get a hold of ya bro....will tonight for sure...

SBR I tried it out and everything is awesome bro!!!
thanks very much for trying it out. It took me forever to figure out that bt bug but IM pretty sure it was my modified OEMDrivers Registry. I also added a provxml to the ROM which will boost the performance of the A2DP. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing .
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  #516 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

SBR_L3GION hello I love your rom so far is the best and proved not given me any problems so far and not seen any bug exept for what the signs on the keyboard that are poorly located but I ....... cause any problem because all I love your work so I hope you continue

excuse my bad English I'm using google translator
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  #517 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 02:10 AM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

whats going on with the twitter tab not working? I know its not a rom thing cuz i just switched to this rom from X's and it wasnt working there either
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  #518 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 02:30 AM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

Originally Posted by cnoevl21 View Post
whats going on with the twitter tab not working? I know its not a rom thing cuz i just switched to this rom from X's and it wasnt working there either
Its a twit(ter) thing, not any roms, its been highly discussed on the forums, especially, the NRG forum.
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  #519 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 02:12 PM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

So I am new to this rom and I have a few questions or bugs to report, some may be stupid but whatev. 1. How do u stop the phone from locking on standby? Its not turned on in cht editor and ive been trying to stop it from happening all day and cant figure it out. 2. what exactly is the Instant Messaging program? When I try to open it its just a blank white page with a blank white box in the upper left corner. 3. enabling "X" to close programs doesnt work, and its really annoying to have to go into the task bar whenever i want to close a program. 4.The "remove programs" doesnt fully open, but it can still be used properly so thats no biggy. 5. I usually run Astronaut Win 7 sms skin, but on this rom it shows up off, also not a big deal. 6. The restart device shortcut from cht doesnt work. when you click on it it asks "do you want to restart device" i hit "yes" but no restart happens. Lastly, ive noticed that this rom does not like ram sweeper, it runs it fine, it shows up that it saves ram, but then it doesnt fully close, the words "ram sweeper" stays in the upper left corner of the home screen and it never fully refreshes the homepage (calendar never fully opens and certain icons (contacts) dont form) you have to soft reset for it to go back to normal. Overall this rom is pretty good, its the first 6.5.x rom ive liked and that didnt get all buggy right out of the box. if anyone has any tips for the issues ive posted please let me know, thanks. Good work on the rom!

New thing to add...the zoom bar doesnt work.

Last edited by cnoevl21; 09-03-2010 at 06:50 PM.
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  #520 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 11:04 AM
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Re: 8/10/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5 XDA_UC *UPDATES* FIXES AND MORE

mms is not working, keeps saying message expired or not available i saw that other ppl were having issues with mms but i couldnt seem to find the fix, is there one?
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