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  #181 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 11:51 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
I don't know what Dinik will do or how he will feel.. But I completed the wait cursor for his Taskbar and I am going to release it here and on his thread. I have had the xpressyoucell beta team trying it out and I went a different was than the originals I put up.

I hope you like it. I know I do and it is a little different than the usual wait cursor. I sometimes just open stuff

EDIT: the first ca=b is for the original design rotating square. the second cab is for the new stationary square with rotating colors. Sorry for the mix up. Got to go change the version on the Dinik XDA thread oops!
up so I can see it
was scrolling threw the roms and noticed this, thanks. i personally like the original wait cursor you previewed (not spaced) so i downloaded that 1 and everything works great except my battery is reverse always showing below 20% even thou its not (more like 80% it says in task manager) i previously had diniks lastest tb1.5 installed and it was working fine so was wondering what possibly you may have changed 4 this difference? or if it was possible 2 provide just a cab 4 the wait cursor to install on top of his tb?

im also not on the xpress rom (sorry ) but like i said the original tb worked 4 the battery %

thanks 4 any help dap, cuz this def. finishes off the tb nicely

in case you were wondering why not on this rom, xpress...i wouldnt mind trying this out w/ the full anastasia theme (i normally stray from pre themed roms) but if there was a lite version as far as apps an such (basicly only stock apps stay + the theme) then i would jump right over 2 this rom. most of the apps included, i have other apps i use so thats why i like stock but that plus this theme would be great, hint..wink, wink

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  #182 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
was scrolling threw the roms and noticed this, thanks. i personally like the original wait cursor you previewed (not spaced) so i downloaded that 1 and everything works great except my battery is reverse always showing below 20% even thou its not (more like 80% it says in task manager) i previously had diniks lastest tb1.5 installed and it was working fine so was wondering what possibly you may have changed 4 this difference? or if it was possible 2 provide just a cab 4 the wait cursor to install on top of his tb?

im also not on the xpress rom (sorry ) but like i said the original tb worked 4 the battery %

thanks 4 any help dap, cuz this def. finishes off the tb nicely

in case you were wondering why not on this rom, xpress...i wouldnt mind trying this out w/ the full anastasia theme (i normally stray from pre themed roms) but if there was a lite version as far as apps an such (basicly only stock apps stay + the theme) then i would jump right over 2 this rom. most of the apps included, i have other apps i use so thats why i like stock but that plus this theme would be great, hint..wink, wink


None of us had that problem with the mod. I didn't change anything with the battery or the TB other than the BMPs for the wait cursor. Let me check my folders I do believe I have other versions that you may try out and have better luck with.

There is a Clean rom that has no preinstalled theme from XYC. That one is the only one that has CHT 1.8, as Cookie hasn't officially released 1.8.5 to the public.

EDIT: Try these out. Just different names to tell the difference. Try them by themselves and if it doesn't seem right install the Dinik 1.5 TB first then the add on or wait cursor.

Last edited by dapbmonkey4u; 06-19-2010 at 09:54 AM.
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  #183 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

so XYC you working on a cht 1.8.5 ROM at the moment..?? I'm on this most recent ROM which is great but I want CHT 1.8.5 and not as a downloaded cab, seems to work better when its cooked in..?? Anyways just checkin so I should kno whether or not to put something on to hold me over hahaha...

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  #184 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 05:21 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by jdmsohc22 View Post
so XYC you working on a cht 1.8.5 ROM at the moment..?? I'm on this most recent ROM which is great but I want CHT 1.8.5 and not as a downloaded cab, seems to work better when its cooked in..?? Anyways just checkin so I should kno whether or not to put something on to hold me over hahaha...

He is on a getaway right now. The ass Chef is working on 1.8.5 for XYC and fine tuning it. I would expect something but unfortunately I don't know for sure.
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  #185 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
He is on a getaway right now. The ass Chef is working on 1.8.5 for XYC and fine tuning it. I would expect something but unfortunately I don't know for sure.


And for when ive been awake longer than usual

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  #186 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 09:27 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

haha... k cool thanks for that info...
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  #187 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
None of us had that problem with the mod. I didn't change anything with the battery or the TB other than the BMPs for the wait cursor. Let me check my folders I do believe I have other versions that you may try out and have better luck with.

There is a Clean rom that has no preinstalled theme from XYC. That one is the only one that has CHT 1.8, as Cookie hasn't officially released 1.8.5 to the public.

EDIT: Try these out. Just different names to tell the difference. Try them by themselves and if it doesn't seem right install the Dinik 1.5 TB first then the add on or wait cursor.
thanks 4 the cabs/wait cursors, ill give them a try an see wats up.

oh, by clean rom, i meant clean as in added apps (like none added apps-all stock) but keeping the theme anastasia.

thanks agian

EDIT: seems like the wait cursor add on.cab is the only 1 that works 4 me (gives me your wait cursor while keeping the battery % correct) i install this cab only after i install the anastasia tb v1.5.

thanks agian dap

Last edited by kjhadfield; 06-19-2010 at 11:31 PM.
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  #188 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

How can he consider camping at a time like this? does he not know how long I have been waiting for his next ROM and on top of it all there is a new CHT version!!!! He has seriously let me down, HAHAHA....have fun dude...looking forward to the next ROM.
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  #189 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

I grew tired of the laggy Energy ROMs but I absolutely loved the dinik Anastasia stuff. So, I though I would give this a try. It's fast. Like, really fast....and smooth. Good job man. I'm also happy to see you have not updated to the new cookie yet. It's getting to bloated. The reason people loved cookie when it first came out is because it was not overdone like MaxManila. Anyway, just thought I would let you know I appreciate the work and look forward to seeing more.
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  #190 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 03:31 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Hey XpressYourCell, silly question lol, but where is the Storage Card located on the phone? I can't find it.
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