Originally Posted by locvass
yeah, i need help with the kitchen  i'm newbies and so sutpid  tks. i only know how to up roms
Agree with Darrens advice below. I'm sure the chef would be more than helpful to help you out since the chef himself would know more regarding what specific options to "cook" in for you. That's what I've always known this community to be.
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
ya im saying the user needs to just cook it, hell if i get time i will put it together but im not on ppcg much and really busy.
Understood, but seemed like the poster was looking for the ROM specifically, that's why I asked him about about it (kitchen) and evidently poster is not comfortable "cooking" so great advise. If it doesn't work out I also downloaded the kitchen to try to help @
locvass too. Hopefully someone in the community will have the correct ROM @
locvass is looking for.