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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 10:37 AM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

Originally Posted by sky1000 View Post
I have been following this little issue for a while now....So what is this issue impossible to fix or no because it's starting to seem like this thread is dead now......PLEEEEEAAASE SOMEONE POST A CAB OR SOMETHING THAT WILL FIX THIS PROBLEM PLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAASSE LOL.
I am still looking into the issue.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

I have removed the Sprint 2.1 original manila themed RETRO rom due to some incompatible items which were most likely dependant upon Windows Mobile 6.1. I will continue to keep the Sense 2.1 Retro ROM available and update as necessary. Enjoy guys!
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 12:44 AM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

that is cool that the 6.1 is removed but the 2.1 is having the same issues as the 6.1 was having with the contacts saving correctly. I used the 6.1 and added the weather editer and it was by far the fastest rom I have used on this site but the problem was that the contacts would not save when attempting to enter a new contact in the device. I did not have any issues with this rom at all except for the contact issue which remains an issue with this 2.1 rom just like the old reliable 6.1 you posted.

I would be happy if you can post a cab that will allow the done button to work when saving a contact to the device and I will rock out the 2.1. I cant use this 2.1 without the contacts being able to save to the device though.

If you post a cab to fix this issue I am sure I can get the 6.1 to work for me and or I can rock out this sweet 2.1. I would just be happy if you could fix the contact issue cause I am able to fix all the other little bugs with my reg editor program for each of these roms.

Thanks for all you do and for looking into the bugs for these kick butt roms and if you get a chance please post a cab to fix the contacts issue that allows us to save our contacts because these roms would be perfect if they are fixed.
If I helped you in anyway please hit the
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Last edited by ahawke01; 05-11-2010 at 12:48 AM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 07:14 AM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post
I have removed the Sprint 2.1 original manila themed RETRO rom due to some incompatible items which were most likely dependant upon Windows Mobile 6.1. I will continue to keep the Sense 2.1 Retro ROM available and update as necessary. Enjoy guys!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 07:09 PM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

While I love my TP2, I have gotten fed up with the slow response times to open SMS, email, browsers, etc. I have pre-ordered the EVO, so I decided to flash my TP2 with a more stock-like Sprint ROM (Sense 2.1, WM 6.5). I installed this one and my phone has come back to life. I think my main slowdown issues before were due to a combination of Sense 2.5 and Cookie home tab.

While I miss some of the features of 2.5 and Cookie, the speed greatly outweighs missing those updated features. Our phones weren't intended to run Sense 2.5 and the lower spec hardware compared to native 2.5 phones (i.e. HD2) makes a difference.

For anyone that has been using 2.5 for a while, I dare you to go back to a Sense 2.1 based ROM and get back the responsiveness you may have forgotten existed.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 08:50 AM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

Originally Posted by stroths View Post
While I love my TP2, I have gotten fed up with the slow response times to open SMS, email, browsers, etc. I have pre-ordered the EVO, so I decided to flash my TP2 with a more stock-like Sprint ROM (Sense 2.1, WM 6.5). I installed this one and my phone has come back to life. I think my main slowdown issues before were due to a combination of Sense 2.5 and Cookie home tab.

While I miss some of the features of 2.5 and Cookie, the speed greatly outweighs missing those updated features. Our phones weren't intended to run Sense 2.5 and the lower spec hardware compared to native 2.5 phones (i.e. HD2) makes a difference.

For anyone that has been using 2.5 for a while, I dare you to go back to a Sense 2.1 based ROM and get back the responsiveness you may have forgotten existed.
I pre-ordered my Evo last Friday! lol Can't wait to get it!!! I flashed back to 2.1 for the hell of it, and it is a considerable difference - forgot how fast my phone could be!

edit: Chris, kimi_sae_ireba over at XDA a while back ported the mail and the calendar tab from 2.5 to 2.1 - it would be awesome if you could get those in your 2.1 ROM!

edit 2: found the cab for the 2.5 email port (cab attached to post), still looking for the calendar port.

edit 3: here's the files needed for the 2.5 calendar tab on 2.1:

(at the bottom of the Tweaks/Mods section: Sense 2.1 Email Tab Add-on V3 ported from Sense 2.5* (VGA and WVGA, WVGA fix) screenshot)

(this is for the Calendar Appointment Mod)

Last edited by chino331; 05-23-2010 at 03:46 PM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 12:03 PM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

ROM update will be posted today with working contact add function as well as some other asthetic tweaks. I will also try ro add the Sprint 2.1 version back into the mix as well for those who liked it
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: ★[4/22/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post
ROM update will be posted today with working contact add function as well as some other asthetic tweaks. I will also try ro add the Sprint 2.1 version back into the mix as well for those who liked it
Can't wait!
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: ★[5/25/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee


-Corrected Contacts not saving properly
-Corrected "All Settings" shortcut in manila not going to settings page
-Organized WinMo Settings sub-menu shortcuts
-Enhanced HTC Black theme (larger menu selections for easier viewing and selecting)

Last edited by chris1683; 05-25-2010 at 04:11 PM.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 05:21 PM
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Re: ★[5/25/10]★ SPRINT LOVER'S ROM -Retro- | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Spee

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post

-Corrected Contacts not saving properly
-Corrected "All Settings" shortcut in manila not going to settings page
-Organized WinMo Settings sub-menu shortcuts
-Enhanced HTC Black theme (larger menu selections for easier viewing and selecting)
SWEEEET!!! Downloading now!
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