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  #2341 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

I don't see the freezing problem either...
Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
I don't get this with the freezing with text. I did 10 messages to my wife this morning in both portrait and landscape mode, check CNN, listen to 45 mins of music thru the bluetooth and did not have a problem. I am going to post a Maxsense tomorrow without sms/mms support in the rom. You will need to try several cabs and see which one works. The time I have problem with text is if I try sending or receiving on the 1st boot. Once I soft reset, no problems. Been running the rom the past 3 days without any issues. But I will continue to try and find what is common in those having problems.
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  #2342 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

What happened to the lite rom link?
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  #2343 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

I'm guessing the text thing is related to the maxsense only? I'm on the all carrier v10 with no such issues.

Just to let you know, I haven't got around to installing the icons you made for the CHT lockscreen. Instead I found the glass themed icons in the /windows folder and copied/renamed them. It fits better with the whole them IMO. I just did a search for email, sms, and phone with png extension. I don't understand why sometimes they're bigger than other times but I'm not losing sleep over it.

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  #2344 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by baudac View Post
What happened to the lite rom link?
Long weekend for me, maybe I can get it dine tomorrow and posted.
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  #2345 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Tomorrow ill flash the v10 and see what happens. it is possible for me that maybe because i overwrote the cooked in arcsoft with a different one and used the boostmmsfix, that could be causing my problem. Ill let you know what happens after i flash. The problem is when i go to send a message and open the sliding keyboard, my phone freezes, otherwise i can send it portrait with no problem. Im thinking maybe it has something to do with the qwerty keyboard and the sliding keyboard crashing somehow.
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  #2346 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 07:12 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by Nolimittodis View Post
Tomorrow ill flash the v10 and see what happens. it is possible for me that maybe because i overwrote the cooked in arcsoft with a different one and used the boostmmsfix, that could be causing my problem. Ill let you know what happens after i flash. The problem is when i go to send a message and open the sliding keyboard, my phone freezes, otherwise i can send it portrait with no problem. Im thinking maybe it has something to do with the qwerty keyboard and the sliding keyboard crashing somehow.
Thought about that also yesterday. Did all my messages in landscape mode with hard wired keyboard. Still no problem with messages. But I always watch the memory meter and if it gets below 20% I run Ramsweeper. Going back to 23563 for MaxSense and oem version of sms/mms and a post a beta version testing today.
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  #2347 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

By the way tim, i sent modmyppc about 15 different arcsoft programs, if you want to see them or use them, i can send them to you also.
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  #2348 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 11:42 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

I dont know how to host files, so maybe you can put them all together in a stickie so others can pick the one they want and download it, sort of how you do your dialers and theme cabs.
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  #2349 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 01:05 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by Nolimittodis View Post
I dont know how to host files, so maybe you can put them all together in a stickie so others can pick the one they want and download it, sort of how you do your dialers and theme cabs.
Well I have yet to test them but I thanked your posts.

Timberwolfs roms always have a working MMS and SMS Its something that Ive come to count on from TW. I think adding these files will just add to the confusion.

I will test them and see what works or just leave it alone. I found the fix! (clean ream level 3)

Its not that the rom is freezing or anythnig its just that the text message windows inbox wont open. and when it doesn't open we dont recieve texts or send them. It just wont launch sometimes. Other then that this rom is perfect and Ive been running it for like two weeks now.


Any word on max sense updates?
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  #2350 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
Well I have yet to test them but I thanked your posts.
Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post

Timberwolfs roms always have a working MMS and SMS Its something that Ive come to count on from TW. I think adding these files will just add to the confusion.

I will test them and see what works or just leave it alone. I found the fix! (clean ream level 3)

Its not that the rom is freezing or anythnig its just that the text message windows inbox wont open. and when it doesn't open we dont recieve texts or send them. It just wont launch sometimes. Other then that this rom is perfect and Ive been running it for like two weeks now.


Any word on max sense updates?

"News Flash"

MaxSense 1.5.4 Beta

Manila 2016 23563

This will be my last attempt to get sms/mms working for everyone. Different SMS/MMS files, sorry ModmyPPC I have removed the bubble message but will try to cab and upload for you. I have removed several programs to make room for memory for Max to run in. 44-46% available on 2nd boot after carrier selection. Bing is still in the but I removed goggle maps along withTouch Response. Page Pool set to 6 as default, please try this your 1st flash and see how it works. Appears to be just as fast to me as with 12, but you be the judge and jury of how your rom works. SMS/MMS tab still will not refresh screen until you move to another tab.

BTW: Sprint Epic ordered from BB. Just remember I will still be here for you just not pushing out as many roms as before. I have no plans to try manila 2017 or 2018, don't see any point in doing so. If there is a future update to MaxSense from Maxycy I will try to release another updated rom.

Thank you for being a member of my pack

One day I shall return in the form of Gods greatest creatures.

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 08-24-2010 at 02:15 PM.
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[HTC-PRO2] 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129) This thread Refback 10-06-2010 08:34 PM

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