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  #2311 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 12:49 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by brack21 View Post
Hows the noncookie version coming along.
Almost finished, got side tracked with working on the problem with MaxSense rom. For the next two days I am working 12 hr shifts and may not have time to get it post till Monday. Lets see what tomorrow has when it gets here. For now I need to get my butt to bed and get 5-6 hours of sleep before the 12 hour shift starts. Thanks! It's coming
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion
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  #2312 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 12:58 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Almost finished, got side tracked with working on the problem with MaxSense rom. For the next two days I am working 12 hr shifts and may not have time to get it post till Monday. Lets see what tomorrow has when it gets here. For now I need to get my butt to bed and get 5-6 hours of sleep before the 12 hour shift starts. Thanks! It's coming
NP take your time. Was hoping you get one out before you leave the TP2 hehe.
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  #2313 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
1- Not in your life time or at least till my server time is up in January 2011.

2 - Soon I will be asking for donations, not for my roms. They will always be free, but for all the dogs, cats, foxes (not the pretty ones), birds and many more that I rescue. Most of rescue dog live very long lifes (8-13 years), outside cats not as long (5-7 years). My food bill is over $200.00 per month and don't even want to say what the vet bill is. But I do most of that myself, shots, twitching of open wounds, etc. I have at this time 10 rescue dogs, 6 outside cats, 3 foxes, 3 German Shepherd's (My loves) 3 small rescue dogs.

3 - A picture of the love of my life! She is a greatest GS attack dog I have ever owned, she willing to take someones arm off and then come lick my face.

1 - Does this mean that my life is over in Jan 2011? I thought the world was ending in Dec 2012

2 - Once you start accepting donations you can count me in

3 - Does you wife know about the affair

4 - Sorry about the diagnosis
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  #2314 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 02:50 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

See, that's what I'm talking about. Actually, the modded ones don't look as bad as what the cap shows (well it probably is but it's smaller) on my phone. But it's better than those green ones! Anyway, I'm sure your's will be much (extremely) better! Can't wait!

So that's what I get for posting before I finish reading the thread! Looks good TW, definately going to replace mine (but I kind of figured that!).

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
If you want blue icons not a problem, will get some done this weedend and post for you to try.

Last edited by suntopper; 08-21-2010 at 03:17 PM.
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  #2315 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 03:44 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

TW: I was having the same exact issues you had. seemed like bad flash first time etc. I had synch problems. Texts were problems. It wasn't my xda uc script running in background causing it. I am sure to make that dialogue box go away. It happened after soft resets and continued to be a problem. I had text messages I sent that didn't go out until a soft reset etc.

on sprint max manilla
Thank you!
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  #2316 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 11:56 PM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Clean ram level 3 seems to always fix the problem without needing to Soft reset.

Let us know when your link is up to donate and expect a few donations from me.
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

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  #2317 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 11:30 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by daytona283 View Post
1 - Does this mean that my life is over in Jan 2011? I thought the world was ending in Dec 2012

2 - Once you start accepting donations you can count me in

3 - Does you wife know about the affair

4 - Sorry about the diagnosis
Yes, my love affair has lasted for 30 years! For 23 year I breed only the american GS. I thought we, the US had the best dog. Boy was I ever wrong, switch to the GS (AKA Wolfdog) breed from Germany about 7 years ago.
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  #2318 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
So please try this for me and see if it works for you.
1. Flash your phone
2. Boot into the 1st Home Screen, now XDA_UC does not always show that it running. Tap the top right taskmanger by the clock. Select to end XDA_UC, then soft reset the phone. Now send your self several message and then have a few other people send some also. See if the sms/mms message now is working. I have tried this method 3 times and it works for me. I now need you to say yes or no that it works for you. I think the problem is when XDA_UC running in the background on the 1st boot. Or the phone needs a 2nd restart after flashing. Try it and let me know.
I don't know if this helps or not. I ran the 1.5.2 (23563) all carrier provisioned to Sprint for almost a week. During that time I never had anyone mention anything about, nor did I notice any missing texts. I flashed the Sprint only version of 1.5.3 (23192) and have had very intermittent SMS results. I do know that I missed 4 last night during my work shift. I have been using Google Voice for texting work people and having the replies forwarded to my Sprint number. These are the messages that I know about.

I flashed back to 1.5.2 all carrier so I could do some more testing with it. I will update if I notice problems with it.

When I tested out Big's Sprint only version of the Max Sense I do recall having some issues (lockups mostly) with the message manager.
Fly safe, soar high, go far....\______________O_____________/

Last edited by dahoov; 08-22-2010 at 11:43 AM.
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  #2319 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 11:48 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

which rom is more stable now, the maxsense or the v10?
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  #2320 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129)

I've been watching you guys discuss the texting issue for a couple of days and I don't seem to have any problems. I'm on latest MaxSense 1.5.3. Maybe I don't understand the issue, but when I send a text, people respond. Just thought I'd throw my experience with texting out there...
Originally Posted by dahoov View Post
I don't know if this helps or not. I ran the 1.5.2 (23563) all carrier provisioned to Sprint for almost a week. During that time I never had anyone mention anything about, nor did I notice any missing texts. I flashed the Sprint only version of 1.5.3 (23192) and have had very intermittent SMS results. I do know that I missed 4 last night during my work shift. I have been using Google Voice for texting work people and having the replies forwarded to my Sprint number. These are the messages that I know about.

I flashed back to 1.5.2 all carrier so I could do some more testing with it. I will update if I notice problems with it.

When I tested out Big's Sprint only version of the Max Sense I do recall having some issues (lockups mostly) with the message manager.
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[HTC-PRO2] 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129) This thread Refback 10-06-2010 08:34 PM

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