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  #1951 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

I ran the graphics cab without issue. As far as I can tell it changed the "tab" icons to very pretty colorful icons. Is this the total effect? I haven't actually explored any other changes. One question (just because I'm curious), if I ran this cab on v9.8 would the slider icons change to the new ones?

BTW, my footprints has four toes!

I also assigned the memory program link to "cleanram". It just kind of made sense to me!

Last edited by suntopper; 08-03-2010 at 10:39 PM.
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  #1952 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
Totally! Thanks for taking the time to snap the caps. Also, when I do a soft reset, the labels go away! Of course this means you have no idea what the bookmarks link to . Agree this is probably a maxsense issue not jstine's rom. The normal internet "tab" works as always. Picture and label is captured and sticks around. You don't know of any registry edit that might allow us to change the spacing or size of the quicklink icons do you?
Take a look at the reg file I posted in #1940. You might find what you are looking for in there. 1st save a backup of your setup in Maxsense. Then copy the file as listed posting 1940 to your desktop in a safe place. Then open the rar file and play it and see what you can find, I need a nap.
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  #1953 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Did you do a save your setting, if not then DL this file and it will restore your settings. Save the file to your SDcard directory, Application Data, MaxSense.
yes I did,


You are aware that you can save and restore you max sense settings under the setting tab in your home screen right?

Maybe you should consider putting shortcuts in the utility folder, Max sense save and max sense back up.

But its not really needed. Just something to consider since its already in the rom.

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
ModmyPPC, here's a quickie for you to keep you from getting bored till I get more time to make some digital clocks. In the graphics update cab today are some analog clocks.

Dude Is there no end to your brilliance!?

Im not sure what I want maybe some different colors styles etc.

Also Some of the Analog clocks, The ones built in are not so cool
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

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  #1954 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Here, fresh out of post op. Take your choice which one.

No this cab will only work on MaxSense roms.

I wonder if this leaves me open for malpractice lawsuit. I placed one toe backwards?

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
I ran the graphics cap without issue. As far as I can tell it changed the "tab" icons to very pretty colorful icons. Is this the total effect? I haven't actually explored any other changes. One question (just because I'm curious), if I ran this cab on v9.8 would the slider icons change to the new ones?

BTW, my footprints has four toes!

I also assigned the memory program link to "cleanram". It just kind of made sense to me!

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 08-03-2010 at 09:44 PM.
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  #1955 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 08:46 PM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
yes I did,


You are aware that you can save and restore you max sense settings under the setting tab in your home screen right?

Maybe you should consider putting shortcuts in the utility folder, Max sense save and max sense back up.

But its not really needed. Just something to consider since its already in the rom.

Dude Is there no end to your brilliance!?

Im not sure what I want maybe some different colors styles etc.

Also Some of the Analog clocks, The ones built in are not so cool
I posted the file for people who install cabs and loose their setting (I'm not going to mention who) can restore to flash defaults.

What analog clocks would you like?
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  #1956 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 08:53 PM
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Smile Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

That's funny!
Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Here, fresh out of post op. Take your choice which one.

No this cab will only work on MaxSense roms.
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  #1957 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 10:46 PM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Did you get your connection issues resolved? Us VZW guys need to stick together.
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  #1958 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 07:56 AM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Didn't we (on other roms) have the choice of resolutions when picking wallpaper in CHT? If I hit HTC menu and then home wallpaper, it goes straight to MY Wallpapers.
Initialy on this rom, I didn't notice a resolution problem when I changed wallpaper. Now any wp I choose is blurry (too big for the screen).
I don't think I changed any settings. It coincides with when I installed the graphics cab, but I can't be sure it had anything to do with that.
I'd post a pic, but I can't find the screen shot app.
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  #1959 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 08:35 AM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Originally Posted by Jim8181 View Post
Didn't we (on other roms) have the choice of resolutions when picking wallpaper in CHT? If I hit HTC menu and then home wallpaper, it goes straight to MY Wallpapers.
Initialy on this rom, I didn't notice a resolution problem when I changed wallpaper. Now any wp I choose is blurry (too big for the screen).
I don't think I changed any settings. It coincides with when I installed the graphics cab, but I can't be sure it had anything to do with that.
I'd post a pic, but I can't find the screen shot app.
hey jim
are you on cht or maxsense?
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  #1960 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 08:37 AM
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Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download

Originally Posted by Jim8181 View Post
Didn't we (on other roms) have the choice of resolutions when picking wallpaper in CHT? If I hit HTC menu and then home wallpaper, it goes straight to MY Wallpapers.
Initialy on this rom, I didn't notice a resolution problem when I changed wallpaper. Now any wp I choose is blurry (too big for the screen).
I don't think I changed any settings. It coincides with when I installed the graphics cab, but I can't be sure it had anything to do with that.
I'd post a pic, but I can't find the screen shot app.
Here is the app I use.
Attached Files
File Type: cab ShakeAndSave_screenshot.cab (96.6 KB, 5 views) Click for barcode!
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