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  #1701 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2010, 11:05 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
OK, not a big deal. Just glad it wasn't me LOL. I'll live to flash another day!

And Thanks again for all you do!

Finished the flash without the card in and it went by the "sim card detected" screen just fine. It just can't start sense. So maybe it is my storage care (in a way...).
same thing going on w/ me.
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  #1702 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2010, 11:17 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Something is up with Mediafire again. Just finished uploading the rom and it's not there. Don't have time to upload again tonight, will upload during the night and check again in the morning. Sorry guys Mediafire is a mess, when my contract expires I plan to move to a different server.
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  #1703 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

I found the last version 9.7 28xxx to be incredible. Before I flashed TW 9.7 I was running Android Froyo from my SD card about 50% of the time.
I used to flash TW ROM's on my old Samsung Omnia a few years ago & couldn't believe it when I found that he was cooking for the TP2.
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  #1704 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 12:32 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Question for all users?

Should I remove XDA Shutdown since CHT 1.8.5 has support for Sense restart and Device Restart in the quicklinks?

does it nvr paid attention to it. i always used xda. so i guess upto u ur the boss and if u say out its out. o and did u forget me ? i noticed when u reupd there was no 28xxx. still no 28xxx on first page. plz tell me ull put it back after mediafire quits messing up.
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  #1705 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 08:07 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Question for all users?

Should I remove XDA Shutdown since CHT 1.8.5 has support for Sense restart and Device Restart in the quicklinks?
My vote would be yes as there are many stand-alone packages available for the end user to chose from. I personal like slide to shutdown but it's not an issue to just through it into the XDA_UC folder and it's one less thing for you to worry about or possibly cause problems.
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  #1706 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 11:26 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Just an update, Mediafire still not taking any uploads. Tried 2x's and same thing, file never appears available on the server.
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  #1707 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 11:48 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms


Thought I would let you know I went and visited the dark side for a few days. After hearing some people mention MaxSense, I went and tried out bignadad's BigMaxSense ROM.

I must say that MaxSense is really cool. Lots of customization (sharp learning curve too), and a very nice interface. The various home screens just zip around the screen and make for a nice experience.

The version I tried uses the same sys you prefer (23563) so I was surprised at the instability.

Lockups were common and rather frustrating at times. Once I had to reset 3 times within about 30 minutes just so I could finish sending a text message.

Mostly I am writing to say that if you do get permission to use Max's stuff I will be looking forward to it but you may have some work to get it as stable and usable as your current series. Cookie is definitely slower, and does not have as much customization, but it just works. If I need my phone to do something I can count on your ROM every time.

I just finished flashing the latest 9.8 and now it's time to set everything up.

Thanks again for all your hard work, and the most stable ROMs I have tried.
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  #1708 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Originally Posted by dahoov View Post

Thought I would let you know I went and visited the dark side for a few days. After hearing some people mention MaxSense, I went and tried out bignadad's BigMaxSense ROM.

I must say that MaxSense is really cool. Lots of customization (sharp learning curve too), and a very nice interface. The various home screens just zip around the screen and make for a nice experience.

The version I tried uses the same sys you prefer (23563) so I was surprised at the instability.

Lockups were common and rather frustrating at times. Once I had to reset 3 times within about 30 minutes just so I could finish sending a text message.

Mostly I am writing to say that if you do get permission to use Max's stuff I will be looking forward to it but you may have some work to get it as stable and usable as your current series. Cookie is definitely slower, and does not have as much customization, but it just works. If I need my phone to do something I can count on your ROM every time.

I just finished flashing the latest 9.8 and now it's time to set everything up.

Thanks again for all your hard work, and the most stable ROMs I have tried.
I agree fully,

I think TW's roms are the fastest and most stable cookie and Sense have to offer. When he came here I believe he completely overhauled how a phone is suppose to behave.

BUT There is only so much you can do to sense and cookie. While your roms TW are extremely fast max sense blows cookie out of the water and the customizations are endless. That is only on bignadads rom running Windows 7 theme. Given the knowledge of STRICTLY running your roms since you came here and how you overhauled the way our phones operate, I cant imagine what you could accomplish with this UI interface. There are alot of little bugs in bignadads rom that you have fixed in your previous roms because we requested it and the speed of your work and updates is why I am still very commited to your work.

But sense and CHT 1.8.5 are in the past at least until cookie has something else to offer.

by the way this is in no way pushing you to make the rom just voicing my opinion its said with the greatest amount of respect to your work.
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  #1709 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 01:21 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

All Carrier Rom V9.8 Manila 2016 23563 CHT 1.8.5
Recent Doc, E-Reader, Call History,Facebook Tabs
No TV , Nav (Use this for Sprint if you do not want the All the Sprint programs pre-installed)

Available in 1st post!
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  #1710 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 01:24 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Si pudieras agragarle la estabilidad de TW ROM a BigMaxSence seria el mejor de todos los ROMS, Ojala y MaxSence te de permiso para modificar o arreglar that ROM.
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[HTC-PRO2] 8/17/10 V10 Sense 2.5, MaxSense 1.5.3 (Manila 2016-23129) This thread Refback 10-06-2010 08:34 PM

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