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  #1441 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 12:00 PM
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Re: 7/2/10 V9.6.1 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

The same problem with youtube with the keyboard open on this new ROM 9.7, here is a screenshot.
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  #1442 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 12:57 PM
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Re: 7/2/10 V9.6.1 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by Tkt View Post
The same problem with youtube with the keyboard open on this new ROM 9.7, here is a screenshot.
This problem happened in 9.6 as well.

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  #1443 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: 7/2/10 V9.6.1 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by Tkt View Post
The same problem with youtube with the keyboard open on this new ROM 9.7, here is a screenshot.
Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
This problem happened in 9.6 as well.

Let me know if continues in the V9.7 I just now posted. If so, then it's because of Youtube 2016. I did try it in landscape mode and did not get the graphics corrupts I see in the pictures.

Edit: Just checked Youtube 5 times open and close the KB. No video corrupts, but I am usb connected to the internet. Let me try with data connection and see if it happens. Video ok with data connection, please to trace your steps of what you did before using Utube. This will help in trouble shooting why you are getting this.
Also please explain why you open the KB in the first place with UTube? Are you uploading video and need to type comments?
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Last edited by Timberwolf671; 07-08-2010 at 04:04 PM.
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  #1444 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

"News Flash 7/8/10"
V9.7 Manila 2016 (23563 & 28232) Roms
Roms checked and checked again for basic functions.
This will my final version release for this build. Other than correction of found errors by users.
Color Themes available in post #3 (Now without dialer)
Color dialers coming at a later day!

Download Link available in 1st post.

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  #1445 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

how can i get (see attachment # 1) to reply with after selecting message from (see attachment #2 ) I have been looking all over and have not come up with a solution. I have tried a couple cabs but no luck..on post one this sms interface is what is shown as the client i guess if it is not possible to do it this way at least i will have an answer ...thnk you in advance!!!
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  #1446 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 05:32 PM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
V9.7 Manila 2016 (23563 & 28232) Roms

Guess I will skip this upgrade, I am fine with the excellent work you did to 9.6.1. Everything works fine. I do have one question. What is the difference between 23563 & 28232? I never know which to d/l, so I just pick the one my house is closest to.
Oditius...(Samsung Mesmerize) US Cellular
The wife says I send too much time on the computer. But I am not on it when I sleep? So that can't be true!

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  #1447 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 09:28 PM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by boots963 View Post
how can i get (see attachment # 1) to reply with after selecting message from (see attachment #2 ) I have been looking all over and have not come up with a solution. I have tried a couple cabs but no luck..on post one this sms interface is what is shown as the client i guess if it is not possible to do it this way at least i will have an answer ...thnk you in advance!!!
If you are asking how to reply to any message? In the 1st picture is a white box at the bottom that you type your reply message in. Hope that was the answer your were looking for. If not please try to ask the question in a different way, maybe I'm not understanding the question.

Thanks for trying the rom

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 07-08-2010 at 10:04 PM.
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  #1448 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 09:37 PM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by Oditius View Post

Guess I will skip this upgrade, I am fine with the excellent work you did to 9.6.1. Everything works fine. I do have one question. What is the difference between 23563 & 28232? I never know which to d/l, so I just pick the one my house is closest to.
If you happy with the smaller dialer pad then all is good. That was the biggest thing for me, always hitting the wrong # pad with the Sprint dialer. The other changes are not that big of a deal to force a flash. Give yourself a week before you start with flashing withdrawal.

I am trying out other xip & sys again to see if anything is better than 23563. For the question about 23563 vs 28232, it's who makes the branch. The only reason I do a 28xxx series is for hunter7773, he likes the program Saturn Liberty that will only run on 28xxx series and 23123 series so far.

212xx = AKU1, all builds leading up to and including WM 6.5
213xx = MOT motorola
214xx = ???
215xx = SAM samsung
216xx = HTC htc
217xx = COM1, continuing dev of -
218xx = COM2, continuing dev of
219xx = MD, feature test branch, pretty much dead now. (unstable features are added here, this tree is based on COM1, so older base OS code, but the UI/UX code is newer)
22xxx = SEMC sony ericsson
*230xx = COM3, continuing development
*234xx = COM4, appears to be abandoned.
*235xx = COM5, more GUI changes here. New Outlook Interface.
*236xx = LG Electronics Branch
*24xxx = Possible HTC branch
*25xxx = SEMC - Sony Ericsson
*280xx, 282xx = WMD. This is a continuation of com3 from 23090. Most of the changes appear to be with IE
231xx has threaded email
235xx has threaded email
236xx has threaded email.

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 07-08-2010 at 09:41 PM.
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  #1449 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 09:40 PM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

I think boots wants to click the message in the messaging tab and have it open in Windows messaging instead of HTC messaging. A lot of us want something like that, but I have never seen a way to do it.
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  #1450 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by mhhd00 View Post
I think boots wants to click the message in the messaging tab and have it open in Windows messaging instead of HTC messaging. A lot of us want something like that, but I have never seen a way to do it.
I have removed HTC messaging since it will not do mms only sms. Some are claiming to have mms working. But the user has to set different server info under options each time to get it work.

Sorry if I don't have the answer you are looking for. You know more about the phone than I do. I just use it for a brain replacement (32 passwords, that I can't change. birthdays, appointment sch., etc) and to talk on. I don't do alot of surfing and texting. If the basic work than I am fine with that for me.

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 07-08-2010 at 10:01 PM.
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