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  #2291 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 01:03 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

OK, looking for some quick advice on Plutonium - flashed it first thinking I would check it out and then check out the latest Neodium but am enjoying Plutonium so far. My question is how you guys handle open programs. Do you let Windows close things when it needs to or use the task manager to close stuff throughout the day? I am use to closing things when I am done with them, but if it does not slow the phone down, there are some things that I could leave open I suppose.
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  #2292 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 01:24 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

Originally Posted by CoryNat View Post
OK, looking for some quick advice on Plutonium - flashed it first thinking I would check it out and then check out the latest Neodium but am enjoying Plutonium so far. My question is how you guys handle open programs. Do you let Windows close things when it needs to or use the task manager to close stuff throughout the day? I am use to closing things when I am done with them, but if it does not slow the phone down, there are some things that I could leave open I suppose.
I use ArkSwitch to close my stuff
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  #2293 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 01:28 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
Its included with new JMZ provisioning in tools.I just installed it on top of my sprint cab
Not sure why you have these problem
it was on the Generic v1...v2 works great
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  #2294 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 01:35 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

Just a quick question before i flash the new generic Plutonium V2 rom.Does the new generic Plutonium V2 rom still come with the Cookie Monster app cooked in.If so then im just gonna stick with the 2 roms ive been switching off between.My favorite rom was Plutonium before the cookiemonster app became cookd into the rom.I absolutely dislike the Cookie app and how it makes my TP2 perform when i get all the tabs filled.After i fill all the tabs it then makes my device very sluggish,alot more lag on the slider,and pages/apps take longer to load.If anything i like just sense 2.5.I also do like Maxmanila.Maxmanila hasnt made my device noticeably slower or add any lag and the pages still load just as fast as with just Sense 2.5.Plus Maxmanila gives alot better custom look than CookieMonster,in my opinion, and has virtually no negative side effects.Like the negative side effects ive noticed while using the Cookiemonster app.I would absolutely love a new Plutonium release with only Sense 2.5 or with the Maxmanila app cooked in.Im hoping some other people want the same thing.No cookieapp cooked in the rom.Only Sense 2.5 UI cooked in.That way if anyone wants either the CookieMonster program or Maxmanila all they have to do is install it via cab file.Just my 2 cents on what i think would make the rom more appealing to a wider range of users. thanks for the excellent rom.
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  #2295 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 03:16 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

Cookie is a mod.Just dont fill up all quick links and change it to 3x3 with cht editor,it will work just like regular sense
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  #2296 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
Cookie is a mod.Just dont fill up all quick links and change it to 3x3 with cht editor,it will work just like regular sense
What he's saying is Max Manila CAN'T be install on top of cookie home tab.....So it would be nice to have the G-v2 with out cookie....
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  #2297 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

flashing latest neo...still have v9 on backup though just incase...

Edit : this is by far the fastest rom you created to date vin. only thing ive found so far is the the phone is in landscape and your at the manilla home screen the icons are like doubleupped on top of each other. so far so good though as always.

Last edited by jayweezie21; 03-23-2010 at 08:02 PM.
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  #2298 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 07:36 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

There's a bug in the sms window. When you try to type a name the auto complete comes and then there's an old auto complete also.
Using latest neodium.
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  #2299 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 07:55 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

..Running plutonium v9.
Could someone tell me why my audiomanager process strangely needs that much ram. i find myself with 28mb left of ram thru the day. see the screenshot attached
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  #2300 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: GENERIC & SPCS Plutonium +Cookie Available.Clean SPCS Neodium available!

is there anyway to remove the sprint programs (NFL, nascar, tv...etc.) to get more memory?
Evo 4G - Gingerbread CM7 / Deck's 2.3.3
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