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ffkip911 10-26-2010 02:56 AM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core
remember back to the TP1 days---when we could unlock our phones and get pong??? that was cool

ffkip911 10-26-2010 02:59 AM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core
Hey STAT, BTW, go to the main cdma forum page....look at Vin's thread, you'll see a paperclip.....(that's where all the cabs are stored)

statchmoe 10-26-2010 03:51 AM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core
Hey guys,

Thanks for getting back... I read for over an hour and didn't see that info... lots of posts! One more question... I downloaded the Sept 14th pluto, which does have cht. It also has that extremely cool looking glass dialer. The newer releases don't have that skinned... any info on getting that dialer for the newer releases??

darren.wlsn1 10-26-2010 04:01 AM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core

Originally Posted by statchmoe (Post 1981409)
Hey guys,

Thanks for getting back... I read for over an hour and didn't see that info... lots of posts! One more question... I downloaded the Sept 14th pluto, which does have cht. It also has that extremely cool looking glass dialer. The newer releases don't have that skinned... any info on getting that dialer for the newer releases??

bro first post says what roms contain (cht or not) plus post above your other post the user states what he installed and cht is one of the items.
as for dial pads try these and btw site does have a search feature which i just used for this link.

and this link which i think is what you want, thank vin for all his hard work please.

statchmoe 10-26-2010 04:31 AM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core
You guys rock! Thanks for all the timely info!! And thanks Vin for your cool rom. I am enjoying it already!

kirstein 10-26-2010 10:09 AM

Re: Confused...

Originally Posted by statchmoe (Post 1981384)
So I flashed the latest 2 roms, OCt 24th and 17th plutonium... Neither has Cookie Home TAB? Am I dumb or is it not there? And why is it not there? I would love some enlightenment...


yeah, as others have said, Vin is holding off on baking CHT 2.0 into a Rom until it comes out of beta. you can get CHT here and install it yourself:


alohanela 10-26-2010 11:08 AM

Re: Confused...

Originally Posted by kirstein (Post 1981524)
yeah, as others have said, Vin is holding off on baking CHT 2.0 into a Rom until it comes out of beta. you can get CHT here and install it yourself:

[Manila][04-Oct-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta - xda-developers

Also, if you install the beta, don't forget to get the latest fix. It addresses most of the major bugs found so far.

Final version will be out soon! 8-)

savior02 10-26-2010 04:06 PM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core
found a bug on the test rom..in the text messaging tab if you leave it open and you get a text it doesnt show until you open the message with pocket outlook. also volume controls are broken when on the youtube or media player app it gives you the ugly windows volume controls.

darren.wlsn1 10-26-2010 04:09 PM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core

Originally Posted by savior02 (Post 1981797)
found a bug on the test rom..in the text messaging tab if you leave it open and you get a text it doesnt show until you open the message with pocket outlook. also volume controls are broken when on the youtube or media player app it gives you the ugly windows volume controls.

2nd issue is probably the taskbar your using, which one ya using?

savior02 10-26-2010 04:35 PM

Re: Oct 24 Plutonium-TEST ROM.SYS 28240,Sense 2019 core

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 (Post 1981799)
2nd issue is probably the taskbar your using, which one ya using?

ahhh your right i forghot about that I havent really used one in a while Im using the Dark Ninja Desire Taskbar V3 with battery percentage what about you?

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