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darren.wlsn1 06-02-2010 06:17 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)
new black hands on dinik clock i added plus some clear cubed icons. my summer look i guess.

Young DC 06-02-2010 07:50 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1787655)
I love the glass,but custom images inside makes it hard to find things.Not all of them,but few needs to be changed.
I will ask Dinik for clear base so I can add original-look icons into it (like I did on Slacker radio icon).I took camera as base lol
Here is a sample (fileexplorer).Its more recognizable because of "stock" look

he has lots of them already in his thread, in a zip file

southphillysean 06-02-2010 08:00 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)
im loving the roms!!!!

bobbyblack 06-02-2010 08:34 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)
Hey people... Does Vinn's ROM have Anastasia Dailer?

neuteboomt 06-02-2010 08:43 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)
Nope, It comes with the Sprint Dialer skinned pictured here. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=117890

darren.wlsn1 06-02-2010 08:46 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)

Originally Posted by bobbyblack (Post 1788036)
Hey people... Does Vinn's ROM have Anastasia Dailer?

here if you want it.

CoryNat 06-02-2010 09:26 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 (Post 1788053)

Hey Darren - have you been able to get Dinik's dialer to work on Plut? I tried it and no luck. Might try again if it worked for you. Thanks.

neuteboomt 06-02-2010 09:31 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)
according to Vin he plans on porting over Dinik's dialer.


CoryNat 06-02-2010 09:42 PM

Re: June 01/2010 Co0kies with Anastasia flavor (Sense 2013,SYS 23569/21905)

Originally Posted by neuteboomt (Post 1788127)
according to Vin he plans on porting over Dinik's dialer.


Ah, even better. Thanks.

info[]box1 06-02-2010 09:48 PM

Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))


Originally Posted by alohanela

Originally Posted by info[]box1 (Post 1787710)
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))

hey vin im the glass look too. i see it as the new stock look. lol i dont mind the -at first it hard recognize icons-.. with your brain rom behind the theme we cant lose..

also im reporting great battery life on 6.6.5 glass rom, its stable and solid. trust me i been sitting at the airport on a 12hr lay over etc etc some real bs.. so i took the time to download, sd flash the updated v2 glass rom and really get into it..

All of that in between planes? I am impressed! But 12hr layover? FTW? I'm glad Vin keeps us busy! :occasion5:

lol..mind you im with the family which includes 3kids...layover=missed the 6am departed by 2mins so the next confirmed seats was 6pm..lol

so got some food and got close to an ac/dc outlet, login to ppcgeeks saw vin updated early this morning. i was good to go, downloaded uncompressed, extracted nbh file, wideawake sd flash app and bang..lol

the life of a ppcgeekers is great and wife supports me...lmao

vin great job..way to stay on the ball..

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