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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:29 PM
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RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 / Kitchen WM6.5_21876_5.17a .-. 1/27/10

Here is my version of Manila v2.5 aka SenseUI. With all the creature-comforts of a RSToyGuy Rom! Kudo's to OMJ - Sense OEMs, and Calkulin - Visual Kitchen Base!

Insert bold colored disclaimer here about how it is not my fault
if you mess up your phone
lose sleep
after Flashing this Rom...

Before flashing this ROM, you MUST be Unlocked!!!
How To: Unlocking, Relocking, and Flashing

(actual rom may vary slightly from images below)

Rom Download Links:

Sense 2.5 - WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post #867 - Updated 1/27/10)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - Generic Carrier Version)


Sense 2.5 - WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post #850 - Updated 1/23/10)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - Sprint Carrier Version)

Sense 2.5 - WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post #850 - Updated 1/23/10)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - "Clean" Generic Carrier Version)

Kitchen Download Links:
Instructions for Downloading the Kitchen

My VGA Visual Kitchen EXT's : rstg_VGAKitchen_EXTs_1_29_2010.rar

Here is what's inside my Touch Pro Rom Series:
My Stuff/Additions
"Google Translator"="1_4"

Misc Rom Notes:

See Post #2 for ChangeLog...

Older Version Archive:
rstg_Raph_v21869S.Sense.10 rstg_Raph_v21869G.Sense.10
rstg_Raph_v21869S.Sense.11 rstg_Raph_v21869G.Sense.11

Donations aren't necessary but are welcomed nonetheless
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-29-2010 at 03:00 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:30 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

What's inside the following OEM Notes:
Battery_Enh_v1.5 - battery polling tweak, and other misc battery tweaks.

Includes the following 17 Games:
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games ........................DopeWars, Kevtris, Pocket Sand, Pocket Video Poker, Tripzee.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Arcade ..............PacMan, Ms. Pacman, Frogger, , GemSwap, ICBM, Distant Galaxies.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Card Games ........Freecell, Hearts.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Strategy ............MasterMind, Rubik Cube, Chess, Pocket Sudoku, Crosswords.

--- Total Commander w/Tweak for 2 window mode, "\" and "\Storage Card\". And sorted by name.
--- PHM RegEdit
--- KeePass Password Manager
--- PIMBackup v2.8
--- Spb Screen Shot
--- Pocket Rar v3.71

zzz_My_Files_Dia_OEM - Custom Boot screens

zzz_My_Registry_OEM - I wonder...

zzz_My_Sounds_OEM - Customized Rom Sounds
- Ringer: Third Rock from the Sun Theme
- ActiveSync Connect: "Device Connected to activesync"
- ActiveSync DisConnect: "Device Disconnected from activesync"
- Text Messages: "You have a text message boss.."
- New Email: "New Email has arrived"

zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM - Customized Start Menu Sorted

Change Log:
To do:
- Tweak battery
- Tweak Start Menu more
Version Sense v5.1x
Version Sense v5.17
- Added apps_Fart_Machine_V2 - hibby50's fart recordings
- Added apps_no2chem_nueTools_nuePackageInstaller - OEM installer
- Added apps_PDACraft_paint_v1.1 - Paint for the PocketPC
- Added apps_PockeTwit_v76 - Twitter
- Added apps_Sliding_Sound_Pack_v2 - 20 Sliding Keyboard Sounds
- Added apps_TinyTwitterPPC_v1_8_4 - Twitter
--- GInvaders; Caver; Diamond Beer v2; Tangled Bugs; Pipes; Rubik; Connecting Jigsaw
--- Net Hack; ICBM; Dope Wars; Cubicle Chaos; Crosswords; Click Ball; All Mobile Mines
--- NavTetris; Pocket Uno; BattleShip; Chess; Soduko; Tripzee!
- Added apps_UltraG.265.133.ARM - Another paint program
- Reverted to Office classic...done.
- Removed that funky graphics pack...done.
- Upgraded to NetCF v3.7...done.
- Added Change Screen 2.78...done.
- Updated Program_Tab_Manila_2_5_V_1_0_3...done.
Version Sense v5.16
- Fixed issue with scrolling blurr in AppointmentEditor_1_0_1920_2410...done.
--- Replaced SharedResource_1_0_19213622_00...done.
--- Replaced HTCFramework_1_5_19213632_00...done.
- Fixed problem with messaging sim card error...done.
- Tweaked problems w/HTC Album...done.
- Added apps_FONT_ENHANCEMENTS. Nice new look!...done.
- Added Touch InCall Screen Tweak 1.2.0...done.
- Several other misc tweaks/enhancements...done.
- Restored older initflashfiles.txt. Custom menus...done.
Version Sense v5.14
- Added fix for occassional graphics problem to Locker RC2.1...done.
- Removed gfxboost, caused problems with the camera not working 1st time...done.
- Added Program_Tab_Manila_2_5_rstoyguy and populated w/stuff...done.
- Upgraded to Office 2010...done.
- Added Apps_TPC_Task_Manager_X2_6_5_3...done.
- Added NoData, fixes data always on...done.
- Upgraded to OperaMini 5 beta 2...done.
- Removed other transparent mods...done.
- Fixed Tweeter footer page text...done.
- Added Vet_Transparent_Clock_and_Panels...done.
- Managed some start menu duplicates...done.
- Several other additions/tweaks. Hey it's been a week or so!...done.

Version Sense v5.13
- Updated to Manila_1921_Home_Locker_RC2.1...done. 
- Updated to HTCSense_amarullzNoMessagingClient_2.0.0-BETA3...done.
- Added apps_eReader_PocketPC_v3_03...done.
- Upgraded to apps_WindowsLive_v10.7.0500.2000...done.
- Added apps_WMMarketPlace_v1.1.1109.0000...done.
- Added Games - x_Sliver_Minesweeper...done.
- Added Navigation - TeleNav_Sprint_PPC_5_5_18...done.
Version Sense v5.12
- Upgraded to amarullzNoMessagingClient_2.0.0-BETA2.1...done.
-- Now with messaging in landscape!...done.
- Added HTC BirthDay_1_2_0_0.  Taskbar "candle" notifications...done.
- Upgraded to Album 3.2.19291925.1...done.
-- Fixes the Pic&Vid Tab dance to change BG4ALL...done.
Version Sense v5.11
- Fixed Opera 10 beta 2 and set as default in Manila...done. 
- Clock set to clear background...done.
- Added Skyfire v110.13052 browser...done.
- Optimized Mail, Calendar, Picture, and Music Tabs. Fast!...done.
Version Sense v5.10
- Upgraded to Manila_1921_Home_Locker_RC2...done.
-- All ya gotta do is turn it on in "Settings-Personalize-Manila Locker".
-- Suspend TimeOut set to 30 seconds.
- Fixed GoogleFish internet issue...done.
- Disabled Internet Connection Bubble...done.
- Fixed problem that wouldn't let users set BG4ALL...done.
-- Ya still gotta do the "Album" dance to change.
- Added PhoneCallHistory-White...done.
- Several Misc Registry fixes...done.
Version Sense v5.09
- Fixed Album Art not updateing properly...done.
- Disabled Home Locker in settings...done.
- Added Badger's Manila Icons...done.
- Removed Curtain and Panel graphics...done.
- Updated apps_QuickMenu_2_8_414_w6_Manila...done.
- Added apps_LumosSetupV10RC2...done.
Version Sense v5.08
- Deleted iLock from S2U2 to disable it, but left in the rom...done.
- Added Batteries to S2Us...done.
- Upgraded Manila_1921_HOME_LOCKER_RC1...done.
- Relocated hTorch in startmen...done.
- Added  SIP - Swype 1.0.3644.3645...done.
- Replaced StartMenu Orb with HTC Logo Icon...done.
Version Sense v5.07
- New Dialer for Sense - QILIN_PhoneCanvas_VGA_amarullz...testing.
- Fixed shortcut in 12 QuickLink for Bing...done.
Version Sense v5.06
- Update Total Commander/CE v2.52B2...done.
- Tweaked on StartMenu (program rearranging)...done.
- Added "disabled" S2U2 v2.14 for inqiring minds...done. 
- Added Manila_v2.1_USA_Cities_Weather_DB...done.
- Added PPC_Manila_2_1_WeatherCityEditor (slow w/USWeatherCities)...done.
- Removed SprintTV, never worked anyway...done.
Version Sense v5.05
- Fix icon's #10, #11 on 12_QuickLink launcher...done.
- Fixed Flipping Clock...done.
- Fixed GSM SMS error...done.
- Fixed SMS Messaging...done.
- Unlocked BG4All where it can be changed...done.
Version Sense v5.04
- From XDA Updated: 
-- Core, stock, Internet Tab, 12 QuickLauncher, 
-- HTC Messaging Client w/ PeopleMessageClassic v1.50...done.
- Updated CleanRAM to 1.91...done.
- Tweaked Stock Tabs content with custom stocks...done
- Replaced circles animation wallpaper w/ vevito's winter animation...done.
Version Sense v5.02
- Add Custom LockScreen...done.
- Change to Tachi Dialer...done. 
- Tweaked InterNet Push Settings...done.
- Tweaked 20 ShortCuts a little...done.
- Switched to Sprint_Arcsoft_MMS_5_0_82_79...done.
- Added Finger Keyboard no Arrows...done.
- Added Generic Carrier version.  "S" is Sprint, "G" is Generic...done.
How to setup User Customization Links:
For UC here are a couple good threads: User Customization setup
and the original over at xda: [App] ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here
and...Post Your SDconfig.txt, provisioning.xml, etc. Files Here!

Known Issues:
- None

- To "reset" BG4ALL, navigate to the "Photos & Video" tab and open album then close it. This "unlocks" the setting in bg4all tab functionality from both the SettingTab or the Main-Menu-HomeWallpaper. You must open Album from the P&V tab every time.

Rom Quirks and How To:
Get rid of QuickMenu : Delete \windows\startup\QuickMenu.lnk, reboot.

Get rid of Batti Battery Guage : Delete \windows\startup\Batti.lnk, reboot.

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-26-2010 at 10:50 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:38 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Glad to see ya back up and running man, I'm on to the pro2 now but hope to see some good success here.!

Last edited by purian23; 11-27-2009 at 10:41 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:40 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Flashing now!! From reading the additions, I just miss Opera 10... I kinda got used to that
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:45 PM
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Talking Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Hi RT, hands on rom, dl ur last one. Let ya know later!!!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:48 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

flashing right now
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:54 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Originally Posted by purian23 View Post
Glad to see ya back up and running man, I'm on to the pro2 now but hope to see some good success here.!
I'm back, but I am thinking this christmas thing is gonna take a bit of my attention not...

Originally Posted by SonorityGenius View Post
Flashing now!! From reading the additions, I just miss Opera 10... I kinda got used to that
Opera 9.7, Opera 10, and Opera Mini is there! You didn't miss the part about all the creature-comforts of ME now did ya.

Originally Posted by GIZELLE View Post
Hi RT, hands on rom, dl ur last one. Let ya know later!!!
I hope it will work for ya.

And welcome abort all!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
I'm back, but I am thinking this christmas thing is gonna take a bit of my attention not...

Opera 9.7, Opera 10, and Opera Mini is there! You didn't miss the part about all the creature-comforts of ME now did ya.

I hope it will work for ya.

And welcome abort all!
Awesome!! I am finding it VERY organized, feature packed!! =D> Though I miss having the start menu on the bottom its a small loss
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 12:16 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Is 6.5 lockscreen disabled?I also had autorun issue (I had to manually soft reset).Everything runs great.Let you know if I'll find something else.

Last edited by vin255764; 11-28-2009 at 12:21 AM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 01:16 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Originally Posted by SonorityGenius View Post
Awesome!! I am finding it VERY organized, feature packed!! =D> Though I miss having the start menu on the bottom its a small loss
The Start Menu on the bottom wasn't introduced until later versions of 6.5, I can't recall any of the 21000+ builds having the start menu at the bottom.
Sprint Touch ProIf we helped in any way, be sure to let us know.
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