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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 08:53 AM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Manilla and the HTC dialer together eat about 20Mb right out of the chute. The Windows Mobile 6.5 CHome today screen is about 5Mb - not as much as Manilla. The Windows dialer is about 1Mb vs. HTC at 10Mb. Getting rid of those two and running 12Mb I haven't run into any memory problems - in fact I've just stopped checking it.

However I agree - on my 20771 with both Manilla and HTC dialer, I used 10MB and 8MB. I noticed a speed difference, but even 10MB cuts it close on memory.

Dang Verizion, what kind of a rectally-cranial-inverted idiot thought whacking 96MB of memory out of the phone was a good idea...
ROM: WM6.5 nk.exe (Da_G), sys 23518 (Da_G), VZW OEM pack (scrosler)
Apps: Manila 2.1 (yozgatag), Leo dialer (pyrorob)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2009, 11:38 AM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS View Post
Manilla and the HTC dialer together eat about 20Mb right out of the chute. The Windows Mobile 6.5 CHome today screen is about 5Mb - not as much as Manilla. The Windows dialer is about 1Mb vs. HTC at 10Mb. Getting rid of those two and running 12Mb I haven't run into any memory problems - in fact I've just stopped checking it.

However I agree - on my 20771 with both Manilla and HTC dialer, I used 10MB and 8MB. I noticed a speed difference, but even 10MB cuts it close on memory.

Dang Verizion, what kind of a rectally-cranial-inverted idiot thought whacking 96MB of memory out of the phone was a good idea...
I got bored last night... So...
I've used a Resource Hacker to extract all the Bitmaps of the Tachi Phone Canvas and converted them into Monochrome 4 bit bitmaps. The Images in the "phcanImages.dll" is 10 MBs, i've shrunk them down to under 1MB.
Then I got rid of all the other bitmaps that I don't use. The answer Slider, back ground, buttons... I've adjusted the image dimensions to 1x1 and recompiled the "phcanImages.dll" the entire Tachi Skin EXT is under 1MB. and the Tachi Phone Canvas is at 3.

This actually saves me 6 megs in program memory! and I can dial out using Manila 2.1 which requires Tachi to dial out of favorites.

The Bitmaps are very dirty as this was my initial test, i'll begin creating a very clean one shortly.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2009, 12:24 PM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Originally Posted by jucytec View Post
I got bored last night... So...
I've used a Resource Hacker to extract all the Bitmaps of the Tachi Phone Canvas and converted them into Monochrome 4 bit bitmaps. The Images in the "phcanImages.dll" is 10 MBs, i've shrunk them down to under 1MB.
Then I got rid of all the other bitmaps that I don't use. The answer Slider, back ground, buttons... I've adjusted the image dimensions to 1x1 and recompiled the "phcanImages.dll" the entire Tachi Skin EXT is under 1MB. and the Tachi Phone Canvas is at 3.

This actually saves me 6 megs in program memory! and I can dial out using Manila 2.1 which requires Tachi to dial out of favorites.

The Bitmaps are very dirty as this was my initial test, i'll begin creating a very clean one shortly.

Strong work man!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 09:02 AM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Just bumpin this up. I'd be excited to try out the slimmed down Tachi dialer!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 12:17 PM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Jucy - can you start a thread for the slimmed down dialer so this one stays on XIP stuff? Post a link to your thread here.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS View Post
Jucy - can you start a thread for the slimmed down dialer so this one stays on XIP stuff? Post a link to your thread here.
Sorry... I did not mean to go off topic.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 06:06 PM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

What I would LOVE to see is a rom with these upgrades and smaller size DLLs, etc..
you know, for us simpletons who own a Verizon HTC TP...

Also, is the GPS hack working? bored had it working, then on all three of my phones, it stopped.. Then one worked, then none, now i have not checked in a few months but I am on the hunt for the newest greatest rom to flash all three.
The new lighter kernal would be nice..
Only thing I really need is the wifi router and a slim and clean rom because I use www.pocketmax.net phone alarm and that thing conflicts with most aftermarket stuff and its a hog.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2009, 01:07 AM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Originally Posted by dewild1 View Post
What I would LOVE to see is a rom with these upgrades and smaller size DLLs, etc..
you know, for us simpletons who own a Verizon HTC TP...

Also, is the GPS hack working? bored had it working, then on all three of my phones, it stopped.. Then one worked, then none, now i have not checked in a few months but I am on the hunt for the newest greatest rom to flash all three.
The new lighter kernal would be nice..
Only thing I really need is the wifi router and a slim and clean rom because I use www.pocketmax.net phone alarm and that thing conflicts with most aftermarket stuff and its a hog.
Sounds like you've been a bit out of touch... Verizon released the GPS Unlock Update a long time ago...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2009, 02:54 AM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

Originally Posted by jucytec View Post
Sounds like you've been a bit out of touch... Verizon released the GPS Unlock Update a long time ago...
Well, if you got an extra min, edumacate me...
Otherwise, TY for the search quest.
But WOW, R u saying Verizon finally gave in? Wow Drama.. I can not WAIT to find out.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2009, 03:50 AM
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Re: CDMA Verizon Touch Pro XIPs - WM6.5 Native Kernel 23047 23053

I am sorrry, r u saying verizon finall did what is right and made the harware FREE o do what it should do?

If so, please share....
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