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  #291 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 11:53 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

Originally Posted by delawaresace View Post
hay DCD, i'm loving 2.06. i am how ever having problems with classic word correction again.
I install the dcd XT9_IME 1_5_33988_0.cab and then the classic word completion and that fixes everything perfectly! Since his 1.xx+ ROM's
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  #292 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 07:15 AM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

hey DCD,

I sent you a PM with that reg edit.

thanks... Jarrod
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  #293 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 07:23 AM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

Originally Posted by LilRico View Post
I install the dcd XT9_IME 1_5_33988_0.cab and then the classic word completion and that fixes everything perfectly! Since his 1.xx+ ROM's
i use opera mini as my web broser and with DCD latest X9 and the classic word completion i can not input passwords when i'm logging on to places (like ppcgeeks). usually when i input the password it would come up as an *, but with the above setup i see the letters and after hitting "OK" the field is not filled in.
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  #294 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 03:58 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

DCD, you just got my donation. I am a n00b (duh). How do I auto install cabs as part of the flash? Also, I assume that to change the release, I just replace the RUU file in the kitchen.

Thank you for your hard work!
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  #295 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 04:18 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

check out Sashimi
Another day, another rom:
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  #296 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 04:26 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

SITUATION: When attempting to cook a modified battery icon in to the kitchen -- in particular when adding a phcanOverbmp.dll and the corresponding registry to enable it -- the updated graphic style will show but appears to be stuck at 100% regardless of actual remaining battery. (for example, I am around 30% actual right now, and it shows 100% on the taskbar, but correctly under Settings>Power)

Anyone have an idea why? I have spent all morning (and part of last night) researching this, trying things, and re-cooking to no avail. I am new to both cooking, and to taskbar mods -- so bear with me please. If I don't use a phcanOverbmp.dll the 'stock' battery icon (loading from shellres if I understand correctly) works fine. I have tried a variety of different phcanOverbmp.dll versions (maybe not enough?). I also don't seem to have any trouble with the rest of the taskbar -- I can replace shellres.192.dll and tapres.192.dll and as long as I also include an updated CDMA_RSSI_PPC.dll all the rest of the taskbar icons including signal look great. The battery icon (via phcanOverbmp.dll) is turning my hair grey. I have made myself dizzy trying to put to good use the information I found here and in tsowen's thread here. I figured I would ask here before I do anything drastic like sacrifice a chicken...

Any advice?

EDIT: I am not editing my own DLLs, I am just downloading ones already made, so I have never done anything with sdkcerts or the like -- I have assumed thus far that the phcanOverbmp.dll versions I have downloaded were already 'signed' -- is my frozen battery possibly related to certificates or signing?

EDIT2: Working now! Ended up removing the nueBattery in EXT and putting in a different OEM of nueBattery, and now all my battery icon versions work. Not sure why that helped.
ROM Taste Good!

Last edited by askwhy; 08-19-2009 at 08:50 PM.
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  #297 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 05:36 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

Originally Posted by askwhy View Post
SITUATION: When attempting to cook a modified battery icon in to the kitchen -- in particular when adding a phcanOverbmp.dll and the corresponding registry to enable it -- the updated graphic style will show but appears to be stuck at 100% regardless of actual remaining battery. (for example, I am around 30% actual right now, and it shows 100% on the taskbar, but correctly under Settings>Power)

Anyone have an idea why? I have spent all morning (and part of last night) researching this, trying things, and re-cooking to no avail. I am new to both cooking, and to taskbar mods -- so bear with me please. If I don't use a phcanOverbmp.dll the 'stock' battery icon (loading from shellres if I understand correctly) works fine. I have tried a variety of different phcanOverbmp.dll versions (maybe not enough?). I also don't seem to have any trouble with the rest of the taskbar -- I can replace shellres.192.dll and tapres.192.dll and as long as I also include an updated CDMA_RSSI_PPC.dll all the rest of the taskbar icons including signal look great. The battery icon (via phcanOverbmp.dll) is turning my hair grey. I have made myself dizzy trying to put to good use the information I found here and in tsowen's thread here. I figured I would ask here before I do anything drastic like sacrifice a chicken...

Any advice?

EDIT: I am not editing my own DLLs, I am just downloading ones already made, so I have never done anything with sdkcerts or the like -- I have assumed thus far that the phcanOverbmp.dll versions I have downloaded were already 'signed' -- is my frozen battery possibly related to certificates or signing?

When using custom battery icons/taskbars you may need to install nuetools battery utilities. I am also using tsowens taskbars and they work fine

This is what I use http://www.nuerom.com/nueDownload/download.aspx?id=105

Last edited by viper8u2; 08-19-2009 at 05:38 PM.
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  #298 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 06:49 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

Originally Posted by viper8u2 View Post
When using custom battery icons/taskbars you may need to install nuetools battery utilities. I am also using tsowens taskbars and they work fine

This is what I use http://www.nuerom.com/nueDownload/download.aspx?id=105

Thank you for the tip and link -- so far no joy.

First, I tried cooking in the CPL, and when that didn't help I tried installing the nueBattery from his site that you linked to (had to manually navigate site, direct download link goes to his homepage). It is still behaving the same way. One additional bit of info about the stuck battery icon -- it won't change to show when the phone is plugged in and charging either -- just 100% battery all the time...if only it were so...if only it were so...

I don't know what the difference is between the driver you get from his site and the version that's cooked in, but no2chem nuebattery is one of the 'other chefs' EXT packages in the kitchen with a filename of battery.dll, and I didn't mess with that. Again, thanks for the suggestions -- I will take any I get.

EDIT: Which tsowen pack are you using Viper?

EDIT2: Working now! Ended up removing the nueBattery in EXT and putting in a different OEM of nueBattery, and now all my battery icon versions work. Not sure why that helped.

Last edited by askwhy; 08-21-2009 at 11:33 AM.
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  #299 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

for the record my kernel is cert patched and you never need sdkcerts

posting via mobile, working 16 hour shift, will look later.
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  #300 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 07:40 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.06

Originally Posted by dcd View Post
for the record my kernel is cert patched and you never need sdkcerts

posting via mobile, working 16 hour shift, will look later.

Awesome, and thanks! Good to know about the certs.

If you turn up something later when you get time, great. If not, no worries at all. Sixteen hours! The last thing you need to do after that is worry about an icon. Anyways, trying to figure this out has in turn led to learning a few dozen other things, and I love having a puzzle to solve. I am having such a blast with your kitchen and ROM base. Don't work too hard man!

EDIT: I may have it working! Well, it is working -- what I mean is I may also know why. I need to do a couple tests to confirm, but it seems possible that swapping the nueBattery in EXT for a different OEM of nueBattery might have done the trick. No idea how they might differ. I will report back soon...

EDIT2: Yes, that seems to have worked. Not sure why though -- they are both nueBattery.

Last edited by askwhy; 08-19-2009 at 08:52 PM.
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