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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2009, 07:37 PM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

I switched to the latest Verizon radio after running the latest Sprint radio. I am located in DC/MD and I have to tell you it's a superb radio. Coming in and out of the Metro (subway) tunnels it re-acquires the EV signal extremely fast from the 1x. I am running Energy ROM Standard, and I am not seeing the constant issues with Titanium weather errors, along with the the large dialog box that states the modem was not answered with the "Dismiss" button. GPS satellite location is solid. Internet speeds are pretty much the same. I not too sure about the battery yet. I'll report back on that after a couple days of use.
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2009, 07:46 PM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

Originally Posted by cmajewsk View Post
I switched to the latest Verizon radio after running the latest Sprint radio. I am located in DC/MD and I have to tell you it's a superb radio. Coming in and out of the Metro (subway) tunnels it re-acquires the EV signal extremely fast from the 1x. I am running Energy ROM Standard, and I am not seeing the constant issues with Titanium weather errors, along with the the large dialog box that states the modem was not answered with the "Dismiss" button. GPS satellite location is solid. Internet speeds are pretty much the same. I not too sure about the battery yet. I'll report back on that after a couple days of use.
I think you may be pleased with the battery life too. Anecdotally mine is better (even after switching regular email downloads back on) and when doing the YouTube torture tests it seems to be running noticeably cooler.

I'm almost reluctant to experiment with the Alltel.
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

Originally Posted by strra View Post
that's all incredibly difficult to read, but thanks for that because i was wondering what dcd was talking about
side note: does the fact that when i seen "smv" i thought "shadowmoon valley" make me a nerd?
In short, the carriers still use a Voice Codec from 1995 on their phones, when their networks and phones can use much newer Voice Codecs that provide noticeable improvements in voice quality while using less bandwidth.

Call it laziness or just stubbornness to go to the new codecs on the carriers' part. I wish they would implement the use of EVRC-WB as it can push 8 or 16 kHz sound with a comparable amount of bandwidth.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

Originally Posted by tx_jaycee View Post
Is there a way to tell what's the latest radio added? Is it worth showing the date the radio was added?
the date doesn't really matter, i don't think. every one has a different result depending on where you live. the stock radio may be better for someone than the latest one and vice versa
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

i quoted MACE's post in post 4. hopefully it'll get enough exposure.
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2009, 09:30 PM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

I just had a brief "run in" with the latest Alltel radio. Yikes. I couldn't get the Verizon 1.03.09 back on my phone fast enough. Signal levels all over the place (but mostly down), data down the drain, etc. Different radios are better for different people but I'll be sticking with this one for a LONG time. It's given my TP a new lease on life.

I never thought I'd say this, but thank you Verizon! Why can't Sprint program their radios this well?
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2009, 10:06 PM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 View Post
To enable SMV, you need to punch in ##PST#, select edit, put in your MSL, and select CDMA settings under the "View info" menu. Set EVRC Enabled to "Disable," set Home Page to "SMV," and set Home Orig to "SMV." Roam Orig is optional and you can use EVRC or SMV, but to avoid any problems when roaming, I'd advise keeping it set to Voice 13K.
Thanks for the very useful post! What kind of problems can occur by changing the Roam Orig selection from Voice 13K to something else?
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 04:28 AM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

Originally Posted by dcd View Post
I can't get a GPS lock at all on 1.12.20F or 1.12.31F. Any other radio gets a lock quickly on the same ROM (without hard reset) - so I think there is definitely a GPS problem with these radios.
Originally Posted by dcd View Post
to correct myself - GPS is working after removing the SUPL AGPS registry key. The 1.12 radios seem to have broken gpsmode=4, but (a)GPS in general works.
I've been running the 1.12.31F radio since you uploaded it to your space and I swear that after testing the speeds on it I thought I flashed to the latest 1.03v radio and this whole time the past day or 2 I thought I was running the latest verizon radio because I have been noticing that I have exceptional service everywhere I have been driving, looking down at my phone I see about 7 bars full coverage all the time, and just now I flashed to dcd 1.11 and was looking at my first powerup screen and saw I was still running 1.12.31F in fact, I was amazed because this whole time I thought the verizon radio was running and giving me great service but it's not, its the new one.

I have not had one single gps problem (and I really used it a lot today, good thing it wasnt broke on psyki rom), i'm going to install quickgps, download googlemaps, and see how long it takes to get a lock indoors from my bedroom right now on 1.11 + 1.12.31F....

...well nevermind quickgps wouldnt connect for some reason with the new rom, anyway after launching googlemaps for the first time on a fresh rom, clicking use gps, it took exactly 10 seconds to lock 7 satellites indoors, not bad, it works for me

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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 View Post
And if anyone wants to know what SMV is, it stands for Selectable Mode Vocoder, and it is a newer voice codec than EVRC, which is what carriers use currently. It isn't as new as the 4GV standard EVRC-B or EVRC-WB, but it has noticeably better call quality than EVRC while being more bandwidth efficient. EVRC-B is even more bandwidth efficient with higher call quality than EVRC, but in most opinions isn't as good as SMV. EVRC-WB (WB stands for WideBand) is the sister codec to EVRC-B and is a 4GV standard, but I haven't tested it much and the only way to enable it is through QPST. I haven't had much luck with the TP and EVRC-WB and Qualcomm won't say exactly what MSM chipsets support it. Let's just say I need to test EVRC-WB more to say it is useable. If it is, then it would be the preferrable vocoder to use.

To enable SMV, you need to punch in ##PST#, select edit, put in your MSL, and select CDMA settings under the "View info" menu. Set EVRC Enabled to "Disable," set Home Page to "SMV," and set Home Orig to "SMV." Roam Orig is optional and you can use EVRC or SMV, but to avoid any problems when roaming, I'd advise keeping it set to Voice 13K.
Does anyone know if these correspond to specific registry settings? I'm interested in incorporating this into UC.

Thanks in advance. Great info!!
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 10:49 AM
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Re: [JUL 12] *11 Radios Available* Updated Touch Pro CDMA Radio Archive Thread

I've been doing some real-world testing with the 1.12.31F radio on a relatively stock Sprint ROM (just power saving tweaks, timerwheelsize, and GPSMode = 4, 1.53_003 PRI), and I've med these observations:

Signal power for 1x varies from about -78 to -98 and for HDR about -70 (1/2 mile line-of-sight to tower) to -96. Signal bars jump around frequently from 5 bars to 1 or 0. Slot Cycle Index is at 1.

As for GPS, it is a little slow on the lock, but I am partially attributing this to the stock Sprint ROM. Newer HTC GPS drivers are probably better. Although, at one point, I had 11 satellites in use and nine locked. GPSMode 4 IS NOT broken on this radio opposed to what a previous poster said.

Heat on this radio is the best part. The phone doesn't get hot...ever.

Last edited by Mutiny32; 07-15-2009 at 11:10 AM.
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