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  #941 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2009, 10:55 PM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

This ROM (or any ROM for that matter) cannot be built for everyone. Try it if you want, or don't try it. If you do try it and don't like it, switch back to something else.

Seems like you really shouldn't have any right to criticize his posting style or his grammar when you don't even know when to use "piece" or "peace".

Originally Posted by harlot011104 View Post
I just have to say SOMETHING...


wth does this mean, everything this guy types seems like a reeeealy bad ebay post. Why is this rom such a big deal, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
Thank you, said my peace Yo
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  #942 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2009, 11:34 PM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
So JNUTS, what do you think of the new task manager Showcase "X" in the cloaked mode, no problems in TF3D/2D mode anymore... You can see all the running adds at any time now and "X" out anything...
Honestly bro, my own opinion is its more hassle than its worth. Before, I could have just hit today, and went to titanium and hit the task manager. this option, Im still going into a second screen, which even takes way longer to load. Not a fan of it at all. I prefer the taskfacade, with what you had before, if the original task button cannot be implimented. Once again, my opinion, its your rom.

AND HOW COME I CANT NAVIGATE TO MY STORAGE CARD, FROM ACTIVE SYNC. HUGE PROBLEM. I have to copy everything to and from my device. That sucks. IVe never seen this filters file, but its not in there either. Whats up?
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  #943 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

Originally Posted by jnuts5423 View Post
Honestly bro, my own opinion is its more hassle than its worth. Before, I could have just hit today, and went to titanium and hit the task manager. this option, Im still going into a second screen, which even takes way longer to load. Not a fan of it at all. I prefer the taskfacade, with what you had before, if the original task button cannot be implimented. Once again, my opinion, its your rom.

AND HOW COME I CANT NAVIGATE TO MY STORAGE CARD, FROM ACTIVE SYNC. HUGE PROBLEM. I have to copy everything to and from my device. That sucks. IVe never seen this filters file, but its not in there either. Whats up?
JUNTS you don't have to go a second screen to "X" anything out like you had to do with the Titanium or see running apps, if you were in the TF3D Mode... How come you cannot navigate to your storage card from ActiveSync? Evidently, you are not aware how the new showcase "X" works, first of all, it's cloaked, it does not show on the taskbar, but it's there...

The last icon on the left is what you want to work with and from what you are saying is, you have not experimented with the Showcase "X" enough to know how it works or you are not aware of what this icon was all about... I explained this several post back on how everything works... Once you understand how things work, you will be able to bring up activeSync from any screen.... I suggest you take your time and play with this a little and find out the In's and outs of how this thing works, enjoy...
Yet To Be Technology....!

Last edited by Technology1; 08-03-2009 at 08:40 AM.
  #944 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 09:01 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

JNUTS, I can navigate to the above screen in the TF3D/2D, TriPod/Quad Pod Mode from anywhere, any time... The Showcase "X" set no limitations on your TP at all... Actually, it opens a new dimension, because now you two task managers at work.... The above photo was taken from the new "Vulcan StarShip MultiMedia Super ROM", TF3D/D2 Tripod/Quad Pod Mode compatible, not yet released to the public at large....

Last edited by Technology1; 08-03-2009 at 09:12 AM.
  #945 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 09:02 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

Ive experrimented with it. Read your post. You touch the corner and slide your finger over to the left. It then takes you into ANOTHER SCREEN, that says showcase. Ive figured it out, even made some exclusive options in there like second today and taskfacade. I know how to use it. I just dont like it. It doesnt always load right away. I played with showcase settings and all of that. Jst not a fan. Its like a semi driver using a step ladder to get in his truck. by the time he pulls it out, sets it up, gets in and puts the ladder away, he could have just jumped up in his truck with a little more work. I was just wanting to keep the side rail. LOL. thats my anology at least. Why would the cloaked "x" option, keep me from seeing whats in my storage card? I dont get that. Its not like its not syncing. I see storage card, and it says my available memory. But nothing shows up when i click on card. I can get in my device fine. Theres no screen from within, im tryin to pull up active sync. Im trying to plug my phone into the computer and drag and drop stuff on and off my card. Im not talking about the phone screen.

And honestly, it wouldnt even be a problem now, cause titanium is not in this. So touchflo would be set on the today screen. Therefor your original setup would have done just fine and showed up in the corner. Its all good bro. Its not that big of a deal. Like i said, taskfacade is doing the trick for me. Im anxiously awaiting your next release.

Last edited by jnuts5423; 08-03-2009 at 09:25 AM.
  #946 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

Now I agree with you on the Storage Card issue, that's one of the reason why I will not released the next version so fast, untill this issue is resolve, enjoy...
  #947 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 09:26 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

The Showcase not loading fast, that's in your favor, did you know by doing it this way, very, very little battery power is used... This was done by design....
  #948 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 09:59 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post

JNUTS, I can navigate to the above screen in the TF3D/2D, TriPod/Quad Pod Mode from anywhere, any time... The Showcase "X" set no limitations on your TP at all... Actually, it opens a new dimension, because now you two task managers at work.... The above photo was taken from the new "Vulcan StarShip MultiMedia Super ROM", TF3D/D2 Tripod/Quad Pod Mode compatible, not yet released to the public at large....
LMAO nice Technology1 your using coolsac kitchens man aint those great haha so do you like having the top taskbar like that if not let me know i can tell you where those are located to remove out of the kitchen if you want.
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  #949 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 10:12 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn View Post
LMAO nice Technology1 your using coolsac kitchens man aint those great haha so do you like having the top taskbar like that if not let me know i can tell you where those are located to remove out of the kitchen if you want.
My main man, the horn of Texas, now any good college football teams in Texas this year...? Urgent, read your good news PM immediately....
  #950 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 10:22 AM
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Re: Over 2000 Global TV Stations, Digital Movies, FM Radio, YouTube, MultiMedia Super

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
My main man, the horn of Texas, now any good college football teams in Texas this year...? Urgent, read your good news PM immediately....
umm UT baby Hookem Horns, were going to be OU like we did last year but got robbed in the BCS, anywho i responded to your email man.
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