I wasn't feeling any of the Nov. 4th 2.5 releases. As you can tell from the 30+ past pages, it's not a prime time release and therefore wouldn't make too much sense to put together a Guide that would do nothing more than invite TONS of "why doesn't this or that work" emails.
I have been installing them and playing with them...about to test out Nov 5th in a bit. If I can get the phone to a decent functioning stage with workarounds, tweeks, and fixes, I'll do a Guide.
The current Guide is for Oct 28th 23081, which is what I've had on my phone this past week and haven't had a single issue. In my opinion, it's the last release with 100% functionality.
You dudes can install a fresh version fo Opera and likely avoid the conflicts you're getting. ...same for things like MyPhone, Windows Live, etc. If the cooked in version doesn't work, try installing the program seperately to see if that helps.
Just FYI - texts will only send in 1x, not EV or whatever your carrier uses. I noticed that awhile ago and thought it was weird, but it's what's up. If the phone doesn't go into 1x mode, it will not send/recieve texts.
Great suggestion - I thought I'd take a stab at this in the past, but it's near impossible to really get something good going. I set up the Guide Thread instead, but that is a bit limited for now. Typically, when I find a new build to be stabe, I post the steps for configuring it [with links to fixes and such].
We have a VGA screen...the port is from a WVGA device, so things like this will be around until someone puts out an update to the 2.5 port. ...same deal with landscape support. I think 2.1 didn't have landscape for a bit. ...patience.
He's likely cooking in a different soft keyboard...that may be linked to the base builds or something beyond my noob-mind's understanding. We have a fix, so it's not really an issue.
...it's Keep My Tones, and everyone should have this program! Owns.
There are work arounds [using pop settings], or try installing a Windows Live cab.
If I'm understanding correct, when you go to bootloader [the tri-color screen] Active Sync disconnects? Yes, this is expected behavior...I don't knwo why they reference Active Sync in flashing instructions. the important thing is that yo're connected to the PC via USB. In the tri-color screen, the bottom white section should say "USB" to confirm you have a USB connection active. If it says "serial"...this is not good for flashing.
...is Touch Pro Tweeks cooked in still? That's what I use to change up teh softkeys. I'd need to double check it on 2.5.
Keeping your SMS inbox light will dramatically improve speed. It's a pain, but I try to keep it within the few hundred range if I can. Less is better.
Battery life is going to continue to be an issue, especially as more "cool animated features" are running on our ROM. There are all sorts of battery recommendations in the Guide for getting on better footing. ...check it.
OK...let's see if we can get this new 2.5 release gunning. If it's goldy enough for weekend play and i can get the core functionality working, I'll do up a Guide.