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  #321 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 07:06 AM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

youtube pics.
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  #322 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 07:21 AM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by deck View Post
youtube pics.
Is a release today still looking feasible?
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  #323 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 08:42 AM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Hey Deck is your new update going to have new taskbar fix or are you going to include a task bar with it? I am still rocking your 6.5 dude still very stable since I flashed on wenesday.
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  #324 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 10:07 AM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by deck View Post
im here! as promised before, here are a few screenshots of what i have been screwing around with. For everybody that has asked me about the custom taskbars, at this time, the latest build of WM6.5 has changed .dll layouts and paths to where icons and what not were stored. So i took it upon myself to do some snooping and see what i came up with. First let me thank tsowen and conflipper for their icons that i merged into 1. Tell me you think! also check out the next post for some screenshots of youtube working in opera!!!
hey deck the new taskbars look awesome. did you get a chance to check out the wmwifirouter?
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  #325 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 10:36 AM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Hey Deck very nice job on the task bars I like velly muchie just waiting to flash your update. Great screen shots on the youtube me like velly muchie to. I was a flashing ho till I found your ROM. Thanks for the intervention. You velly nice amelican. If any of my coworkers saw what I wrote they would understand they think I am Asian but I am not I am from the island of Guam so I kinda act like those stupid Asian parodies you see in the movies when I want to be a smartass no point intended to you just losening up the tension for the wait to flash your ROM. Me so solly anyways you have a talent that not everyone has like me so keep up the outstanding work. Carry on SOLDIER WHOA. oh I just got out of the Army so solly for the rambling just waiting to flash this is addictive you know almost as worst than ice you should know what that is living in Cali. I need to stop rambling on good work Bra laterz.
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  #326 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

I have yet to flash this ROM. By what I have read it seems like I will take the blundge. But I have a couple questions first. I am using a Sprint Touch Pro phone.

1) Has there been any reported problem with the phone not ringing?
With my current rom there is a problem with this. When I get a phone call the phone does not ring. When I go to the notification to change ringtone all the ring tones it says are corrupted. But if I get an email, I have the notification set to Rooster and it works just fine. In the folder called Ringtones it is empty.

2) While Windows Media player on pause. I scroll over to email. When I come back from reading my email to Windows Media player I have to reload what I was listening to. Mostly I listen to Audio Books. I would love a better media player then this Windows ver.

Thanks for any answers to my questions. I am very very new at this flashing thing. But after seeing a ROM on my friends phone I just had to try it.

Enjoy the day and have a great Holiday

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  #327 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by Ryoken View Post
I have yet to flash this ROM. By what I have read it seems like I will take the blundge. But I have a couple questions first. I am using a Sprint Touch Pro phone.

1) Has there been any reported problem with the phone not ringing?
With my current rom there is a problem with this. When I get a phone call the phone does not ring. When I go to the notification to change ringtone all the ring tones it says are corrupted. But if I get an email, I have the notification set to Rooster and it works just fine. In the folder called Ringtones it is empty.

2) While Windows Media player on pause. I scroll over to email. When I come back from reading my email to Windows Media player I have to reload what I was listening to. Mostly I listen to Audio Books. I would love a better media player then this Windows ver.

Thanks for any answers to my questions. I am very very new at this flashing thing. But after seeing a ROM on my friends phone I just had to try it.

Enjoy the day and have a great Holiday


thankfully deck's rom doesn't have the corrupt ringtone issue that other roms do. as far as the media player have you tried using the built in audio manager?
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  #328 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by Ryoken View Post
I have yet to flash this ROM. By what I have read it seems like I will take the blundge. But I have a couple questions first. I am using a Sprint Touch Pro phone.

1) Has there been any reported problem with the phone not ringing?
With my current rom there is a problem with this. When I get a phone call the phone does not ring. When I go to the notification to change ringtone all the ring tones it says are corrupted. But if I get an email, I have the notification set to Rooster and it works just fine. In the folder called Ringtones it is empty.

2) While Windows Media player on pause. I scroll over to email. When I come back from reading my email to Windows Media player I have to reload what I was listening to. Mostly I listen to Audio Books. I would love a better media player then this Windows ver.

Thanks for any answers to my questions. I am very very new at this flashing thing. But after seeing a ROM on my friends phone I just had to try it.

Enjoy the day and have a great Holiday

Hey Bra as far as this ROM is concern it a go for download it is the best by far 6.5 ROM i have downloaded with TF3D in it the only bug I have found is that you cant use custom task bar for it it messes with the volume controls other than that dont hesitate just do it. Deck is working on an update where we can watch youtube and maybe evan hulu on opera and a fix for the task bar I have been using it since wenesday with no problem and I use my PRO very heavily for work.
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  #329 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 04:40 PM
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Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Not ONLY do I thank you for reply to my questions but also being so timely and nice. I know sometimes when a new learner, Newbie I believe they are refered to as, asks a question they are made to feel a little small if not stupid. Glad that is not the case here so far that I have seen.

As for the built in Audio Player I did not know there was one. I know there is an mp3 trimmer and a audio booster but I did not know there is a audio player other then Windows Media Player. And that one I just don't care for.
When I had the Sprint Stock ROM I tried to download and install realplayer but that did not work at all. Only thing it wanted to do was play movies.

If you could point me in the direction to this built in audio player that would be FANTASTIC.

I have found one other little problem. And I do mean it is little.
When you go to weather and go to add a different city you have the alphabet running up and down on the right hand side. Well some of the letters are crunched into other letters. Like G is partially into the Letter H and right on down the line. But this is such a little problem from what I had going on with other ROM.

So far in the 90 minutes I have been running this ROM it has been GREAT. I am finding it really easy to get around in and find my way.

Oh sorry just remembered one other thing.

In china many people there have cell phones and you can set it to play different things when someone calls in. Is that possible here? If so what would I need to be able to do that? My brother-in-law in china has this really nice music you get when you call his phone. Not that I call him I don't know chinese but my wife does.

Thank you all again very much.
Please have a great day and enjoy the holiday

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  #330 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2009, 05:01 PM
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Talking Re: *ROM* *5/20* *SsS-ROMv0117* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

I have a question Deck at the risk of sounding stupid. I have the ver117u (dying for the wait of ver118u) and when I tried to update Opera with the new cab posted on this thread it gave me a not successful message, not a valid certificate, it did the same thing with new resco explorer but not when I updated google maps. Just wondering. Thanks. I did search and have read this forum form start to finish in case I missed something. Thanks again. Waiting for ver118u with bated breath.

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