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  #571 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2009, 09:34 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

Appreciate your response Aaron. Will give it a test run and report back. Forgot to ask, I assume you left the voltage to its default value of "auto"?
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Current rom: Silence X Lite Rom 6.1 Base
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Last edited by wizdumb; 05-06-2009 at 09:36 PM.
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  #572 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 09:41 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

ok, my g-alarm is not linked to my clock any longer for some reason -- how can i restore this functionality?
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  #573 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 09:42 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
The registry entries to change the softkeys are here:


For path put the full path to the program, text is what you want the button to say, and arguments are any additional program parameters which you most likely won't need.
thanks psyki -- i had seen these earlier, do you know the path for "programs" within TF3D?
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  #574 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

OK, here is my comprehensive bug / problem list for version 2.1 of psyki ROM, hope it helps someone. I am also modifiying my post #5 to include these as well. I have been taking notes yesterday and this morning, and what I am reporting I am able to verify, by trying once yesterday directly after flashing, before I did a clear storage, then again this morning after wiping the device and starting fresh. I also have one Exchange account and one Gmail account setup, and no other patchs or manilla mods done, so I'm running an unmodified psyki ROM v 2.1. I have not seen all of these posted by others, so if anyone else can confirm, that may be helpful:

First, let me just say I am doing this because I really enjoy your ROM, psyki, and I hope this will be helpful to you in tracking down and eliminating these issues.

1. ** Fixed in v 2.1 ** Text Messaging has problems in this ROM, seems to be related to the version of Rhodium. If you click a text from within the 'messages' tab, TF3D crashes and restarts - fix found by Zayebis!!, and psyki is working on it as well. Zayebis's fix is working, however I am still having issues (Inside the windows text messaging, not TF3D, that is working GREAT with this fix!). When you apply the fix, you may need to use total commander to overwrite the files. (Thanks Zaybis!) If you unzip from your phone directly into the windows folder you should not need it, though.

1a. ** problem in 2 and 2.1 ** Messaging address entry: This may also be related to the version of Rhodium, as I have seen it in other Rhodium, but here goes: When creating a new message, either email or text, and you have an address book you are working from: When you start typing an address in the To: field, two address completion fields pop-up. One is right below the To: field, and the other is directly above the keyboard. You must select the address from the top one first, then the one above the keyboard, or the message gets messed up and you have to start again.

1b. ** problem in 2 and 2.1 ** Messaging address deletion: closely related to 1a: When you have chosen an address this way and try to delete it, you cannot highlight it, but just have to press the backspace key until the address is gone. Not a biggie, also probably manilla 2 related, but I thought I'd report it.

2. ** Fixed in v 2.1 ** Data sometimes has problems connecting - may be related to having bluetooth turned on - Credit goes to Zaybis for this fix: Go to Settings/Connections/Wi-Fi/Wireless Networks/Network Adaptors/Bluetooth PAN Driver and select 'Use Server-assigned IP.

3. ** still has problems in v 2.1 ** Youtube player has problems - sometimes it will play, sometimes you get the 'Cannot play this video' message, etc. No fix yet that I know of, but try the youtube player posted by Technology1 Just make sure you don't have the Youtube player open while installing, or it won't be able to install. It may or may work for you. (Plays video for me, but no sound)

4. ** Preference not bug, Fixed in v 2.1 ** The "Rainbow" across the top is the DCI Battery guage - just shows how much power is remaining. Not a problem at all, just a customization that Psyki did. If you do want to remove it, just end the dci_battery.exe task using this task manager, (posted by newpl), then remove it from windows\startup. (Thanks psyki, newpl and all others who mentioned this fix.)

5. ** Preference not bug, Same in 2.1 ** If you don't like S2U2 - (The slide to unlock program), just remove 'S2U2 Enabler' from 'remove programs' (Thanks psyki) or go to settings -> S2U2-> S2U2 settings, and change whatever you like to make it work for you. For instance, you can change the 'Unlock to home screen' option to off, and when you un-lock it will take you back to whatever you were doing before.

6. ** Preference not bug, same in v 2.1 ** To remap your soft keys, follow Psyki's instructions here, or AaronP220's here:

7. ** Fixed in v 2.1, If you want the Finger keyboad back, use the cab to install it again ** The Software keyboard SIP (Finger Keyboard) can't be changed, at least to one of the already installed SIPS such as 'Full Qwerty' or 'keyboard' but you can download any other SIP keyboard you want and change to that. Update: LncGmz was able to change to an installed SIP using no2Chems SIP default changer (Thanks LncGmz) You CAN change off of T9 predictive text without changing software keyboards by using the hardware keyboard shortcut FN + space to bring up the T9 menu (Thanks sryans2004)

8. ** still has problems in v 2.1 ** Ringtones. Sometimes they may not work. Follow these directions to fix it. (Thanks again, newpl and psyki!)This is mostly working now, but there still are some random problems.

I had it working fine this morning, then it just stopped. I did a soft reset and that seemed to fix it, but the intermittently not working thing worries me.

Also, In 2.1, after a fresh flash or hard reset, there is no ringtone set. I just did a fresh flash to confirm this morning.

Also, you may have to select a ringtone from the TF3D sounds menu, not the Phone > Options menu or you get the "Ringtone Corruption" message. This was not happening after this mornings fresh flash, however, so it may have been a fluke.

9. ** Same in v 2.1 ** If you don't like the themes, fixes, and other cabs or programs showing up in your Programs menu, you can remove them by following psyki's directions here. As psyki says, this is more of a feature of psyki ROM, not a bug.

10. ** Same in v 2.1 ** To adjust the touchscreen sensitivity, follow the instructions found by LncGmz here: - (Thanks LncGmz) or use Diamond Tweak (posted by AaronP220 here) to change the settings without going into the registry

11. Battery Life - still not great in v 2.1 - however, and I have not confirmed this, there is at least one report (from AaronP220) That it is much improved by using these settings in Nue's underclocker program, nueDynamicClock. (There is a new version, 1.2, here, by the way)
Get to the program by going to settings - processor.

12. RSS Hub program shortcut corrupt. I have verified this.
Rocking the MightyROM Final WM 6.1 (Still can't handle any WM 6.5 ROM)
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  #575 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:36 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

battery life and heat -- i am running telus 1.04.05V and not getting a full day of battery life -- are there any tweaks that i should run -- i have the processor clocked down to 256 on suspend with no issues so far, but still battery is hurtin'
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  #576 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by schnebs1 View Post
OK, here is my comprehensive bug / problem list for version 2.1 of psyki ROM, hope it helps someone. I am also modifiying my post #5 to include these as well. I have been taking notes yesterday and this morning, and what I am reporting I am able to verify, by trying once yesterday directly after flashing, before I did a clear storage, then again this morning after wiping the device and starting fresh. I also have one Exchange account and one Gmail account setup, and no other patchs or manilla mods done, so I'm running an unmodified psyki ROM v 2.1. I have not seen all of these posted by others, so if anyone else can confirm, that may be helpful:

First, let me just say I am doing this because I really enjoy your ROM, psyki, and I hope this will be helpful to you in tracking down and eliminating these issues.

1. ** Fixed in v 2.1 ** Text Messaging has problems in this ROM, seems to be related to the version of Rhodium. If you click a text from within the 'messages' tab, TF3D crashes and restarts - fix found by Zayebis!!, and psyki is working on it as well. Zayebis's fix is working, however I am still having issues (Inside the windows text messaging, not TF3D, that is working GREAT with this fix!). When you apply the fix, you may need to use total commander to overwrite the files. (Thanks Zaybis!) If you unzip from your phone directly into the windows folder you should not need it, though.

1a. ** problem in 2 and 2.1 ** Messaging address entry: This may also be related to the version of Rhodium, as I have seen it in other Rhodium, but here goes: When creating a new message, either email or text, and you have an address book you are working from: When you start typing an address in the To: field, two address completion fields pop-up. One is right below the To: field, and the other is directly above the keyboard. You must select the address from the top one first, then the one above the keyboard, or the message gets messed up and you have to start again.

1b. ** problem in 2 and 2.1 ** Messaging address deletion: closely related to 1a: When you have chosen an address this way and try to delete it, you cannot highlight it, but just have to press the backspace key until the address is gone. Not a biggie, also probably manilla 2 related, but I thought I'd report it.

2. ** Fixed in v 2.1 ** Data sometimes has problems connecting - may be related to having bluetooth turned on - Credit goes to Zaybis for this fix: Go to Settings/Connections/Wi-Fi/Wireless Networks/Network Adaptors/Bluetooth PAN Driver and select 'Use Server-assigned IP.

3. ** still has problems in v 2.1 ** Youtube player has problems - sometimes it will play, sometimes you get the 'Cannot play this video' message, etc. No fix yet that I know of, but try the youtube player posted by Technology1 Just make sure you don't have the Youtube player open while installing, or it won't be able to install. It may or may work for you. (Plays video for me, but no sound)

4. ** Preference not bug, Fixed in v 2.1 ** The "Rainbow" across the top is the DCI Battery guage - just shows how much power is remaining. Not a problem at all, just a customization that Psyki did. If you do want to remove it, just end the dci_battery.exe task using this task manager, (posted by newpl), then remove it from windows\startup. (Thanks psyki, newpl and all others who mentioned this fix.)

5. ** Preference not bug, Same in 2.1 ** If you don't like S2U2 - (The slide to unlock program), just remove 'S2U2 Enabler' from 'remove programs' (Thanks psyki) or go to settings -> S2U2-> S2U2 settings, and change whatever you like to make it work for you. For instance, you can change the 'Unlock to home screen' option to off, and when you un-lock it will take you back to whatever you were doing before.

6. ** Preference not bug, same in v 2.1 ** To remap your soft keys, follow Psyki's instructions here, or AaronP220's here:

7. ** Fixed in v 2.1, If you want the Finger keyboad back, use the cab to install it again ** The Software keyboard SIP (Finger Keyboard) can't be changed, at least to one of the already installed SIPS such as 'Full Qwerty' or 'keyboard' but you can download any other SIP keyboard you want and change to that. Update: LncGmz was able to change to an installed SIP using no2Chems SIP default changer (Thanks LncGmz) You CAN change off of T9 predictive text without changing software keyboards by using the hardware keyboard shortcut FN + space to bring up the T9 menu (Thanks sryans2004)

8. ** still has problems in v 2.1 ** Ringtones. Sometimes they may not work. Follow these directions to fix it. (Thanks again, newpl and psyki!)This is mostly working now, but there still are some random problems.

I had it working fine this morning, then it just stopped. I did a soft reset and that seemed to fix it, but the intermittently not working thing worries me.

Also, In 2.1, after a fresh flash or hard reset, there is no ringtone set. I just did a fresh flash to confirm this morning.

Also, you may have to select a ringtone from the TF3D sounds menu, not the Phone > Options menu or you get the "Ringtone Corruption" message. This was not happening after this mornings fresh flash, however, so it may have been a fluke.

9. ** Same in v 2.1 ** If you don't like the themes, fixes, and other cabs or programs showing up in your Programs menu, you can remove them by following psyki's directions here. As psyki says, this is more of a feature of psyki ROM, not a bug.

10. ** Same in v 2.1 ** To adjust the touchscreen sensitivity, follow the instructions found by LncGmz here: - (Thanks LncGmz) or use Diamond Tweak (posted by AaronP220 here) to change the settings without going into the registry

11. Battery Life - still not great in v 2.1 - however, and I have not confirmed this, there is at least one report (from AaronP220) That it is much improved by using these settings in Nue's underclocker program, nueDynamicClock. (There is a new version, 1.2, here, by the way)
Get to the program by going to settings - processor.

12. RSS Hub program shortcut corrupt. I have verified this.
RSS Hub - how did you fix this?
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  #577 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by yotoad View Post
RSS Hub - how did you fix this?
I don't know of a fix - probably re-installing would do it though, if you can find the cab. It shouldn't be too hard to find.
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  #578 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by schnebs1 View Post
1a. ** problem in 2 and 2.1 ** Messaging address entry: This may also be related to the version of Rhodium, as I have seen it in other Rhodium, but here goes: When creating a new message, either email or text, and you have an address book you are working from: When you start typing an address in the To: field, two address completion fields pop-up. One is right below the To: field, and the other is directly above the keyboard. You must select the address from the top one first, then the one above the keyboard, or the message gets messed up and you have to start again.
The fix for this has been posted here several times. I'm not sure why Psyki keeps ignoring it.

Originally Posted by kessomatt
Just as I suspected, it was the the MS suggestion conflicting with manillas suggestions. The below reg edit will fix this problem.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Inbox\RecipientAutocompl ete]
"DisableIMEContextInAddressFields"=dword:00000 001
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  #579 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:48 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by bigray327 View Post
The fix for this has been posted here several times. I'm not sure why Psyki keeps ignoring it.
Thanks! Adding that to my post #5, must have missed it...
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  #580 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:49 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 5] <!--PsykiROM v2.1--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21043 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by bigray327 View Post
The fix for this has been posted here several times. I'm not sure why Psyki keeps ignoring it.
so does that reg edit disable the built in suggestions or the manila suggestions?
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