Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105
Using Beta 4 here ... very nice ROM for 6.1. I have to admit I was rather shocked that after nearly 3 hours of using the phone, the battery meter dropped a little. Usually it's down to 60% with other ROMS. It did last nearly all day and I like it. I'm a power user and have BT running all day long. The volume is EXCELLENT!
The only two bugs that I've found (for using it one day) was the letter picker doesn't line up properly (in contacts screen). Pressing P for example, might bring up L instead. Z brings up T, so you have to scroll down to hit the lower letters. The other bug is most likely due to a video driver update. Some games (older ones actually) just don't show up. The game starts, but the screen never changes. You're stuck seeing the program menu. I've seen the same with Juicy's newer roms. Games like Quartz 2 and Chukchi are two that I know of.
My only complaint about the newer 6.5 ROMS is the lower volume with the ring tones. Some people mention it but most don't seem to notice it. My WMA files are maxed for volume and with 23009 & 23016 I've noticed decreased volume almost to the point of not hearing the phone. I have grown used to the newer 6.5 ROM and would love to see one of yours. I just hope the volume level is as good as it is in Beta 4.
John Becker -- Beck PC --
EVO 4G ... after 8 years of Windows Mobile devices, I've given up on WM toys and switched to Android. This is the way mobile should have been!