Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
To those asking, I can update the sig I currently use if anyone would like something different, otherwise feel free to use the one I am. All I ask is for a thanks and acknowledgment for it as bikeanddestroyx has. Any suggestions about a new one are welcome as well.
One thing I have noticed, whenever I hit the x to close a program the battery icon next to it highlights like it is being selected as well. Not a problem as nothing unwanted happens, just FYI.
Please help contribute to my PPC Glossary!
Last edited by ChaosTheory; 07-02-2009 at 04:52 PM. |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
Im changing the taskbar on the next build im really liking GadgetFreaks taskbars though! |
Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
Chaos Theory appreciate the response but I'm gonna stick with this one i whipped up. Anyone is welcome to snag it from me as well.
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Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
lovin the ROM but for two small issues...
First as already stated Pandora dost work. some C++ error or whatever. No biggie... Second and this one is killing me... the Hardware Keyboard. when I am in Opera and say typing into the google search block "Disable wake on SMS touch Pro" after I hit the Space bar my cursor turns red and a thin red underscore line appears connecting the cursor to the last word. if I dotn pause and wait for the line to dissapear (mayby 2 seconds) then the thing trys to auto correct my words and ends up jumbling the hell outta them. never seen this before. I belive that at some point in the last 3 months I saw someone post this same issue up, but I havent found it or the solution. hasnt happened on any other ROMS, justthis latest Demolition. Im actually about to go back to the last stable Demo just to get away from it. Please for the love of all that HTC holds sacred someone help me! but otherwise I love the ROM.
Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
schollianmj - Fix for Pandora is up at post 1453.
Another small issue I found, Titanium weather does not let you uncheck the auto updates box under settings |
Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
it doesnt? damn it, did it work before the fix? |
Re: ||JULY 2 Demolition 2.0 beta 4 Titanium|| ||23001||
nope that wasnt it. the little line is stil there and the typing is still getting messed up if I dont wait and pause between words. it only happens in Opera though.... maybe it is something with this Opera build....
ok, this only happens in Opera. if I just install a new cab for Opera will it replace the cooked one? I tried PIE and the typing works just fine. this is only Opera. |