Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (21501.5.0.70) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*
RE: Background for all tabs with facebook fix.
I use this in my own rom without any problems but YMMV. The only weird thing about the showaco alltabsBG fix (as you probably know if you've used it) is that it messes with the landscape background. Personally I'm ok with that... Just drop these manila files into your windows directory and back up the originals if you want. http://switz.org/AllTabsBG-Facebook-Fix.rar This should also fix the problem with manila going dark and freezing when you access the menus in the contact tab. |
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Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (21501.5.0.70) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*
Showaco AllTabsBGv2.2a.cab is the one I use... |
Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (21501.5.0.70) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*
As for the error you are getting I don't know, I think I read you are using a newer facebooksdk.dll than in my ROM? I'm downloading your ROM right now so I'll take a look. Here is the manila file merdin gave me. http://switz.org/26948339_manila.rar |
Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (21501.5.0.70) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*
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Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (21501.5.0.70) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*
Originally Posted by boxer112
![]() Juicy........... just wondering will you ever make a rom with 21043 or lower (Juicy 6). Love Juciy 7(6.5) but it's just not there yet..... Your rom(juicy 6) is the fastest i have ever used(I TRIED THEM ALL...6.5 and 6.1)). I even tried cooking my own... Anybody can cook their own rom, but It's still Not JUICY. If your in a good mood and got some time in your hand... Could you make a rom just like Juicy_6_090328H..but with updated OEM. If not thats COOL.. I'll just keep using Juicy_6_090328H, and update by cab.I thought I would ask. Thanks No...I Don't use MANILA. I use WAD. Juicy 6 is way faster overall than Juicy 7.
Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (21501.5.0.70) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*
![]() I will keep playing with it. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't trying the impossible
Telus Touch Pro Unlocked > JUICY 8 - Build 090723H > Telus Radio 1.07.01V
Re: World Clock to G-Alarm
perhaps he is using some other cab. |
Re: [ROM] [Apr 29] JUICY 7 - Build 090429H (21501.5.0.70) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*
set the schedule to every half hour, make sure it's bookmarked and within ur schedule. you will see a checkmark displayed on the internet tab.
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