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  #6201 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 12:32 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by covkid66 View Post
I saw that on MobileSyrup today too. I may have to jump ship from Bell to Telus

Off topic sorry, but can anyone tell me if I can expect the same coverage with Telus as I get with Bell....or in my case don't get! I know they share towers, just not sure if they provide the same coverage based on any other factors??? I drop every single call at home with Bell and am really curious to know if I'd benefit with Telus. Rogers worked perfect when I was with them but I was forced to move to Bell (work phone)
Bell and TELUS have mutual roaming agreements. When in the city (in Toronto/Montreal) you are likely on TELUS towers but roam on Bell seamlessly in the suburbs. Vice-Versa for cities on the West Coast.

Service is identical. Anyone who tells you different is a liar or incompetent.
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  #6202 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 12:35 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
I had a problem like that, it was the email template, check this key and make sure it's set to "read_note.htm" and not "HTC_read_note.htm" or something.


Here is a known-good read_note.htm if you want to try that.
Thanks Psyki. That fixed things indeed, but I don't want to lose the htc formatting from htc_read_note.

It worked on all previous builds without issue :S
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  #6203 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 12:49 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
Bell and TELUS have mutual roaming agreements. When in the city (in Toronto/Montreal) you are likely on TELUS towers but roam on Bell seamlessly in the suburbs. Vice-Versa for cities on the West Coast.

Service is identical. Anyone who tells you different is a liar or incompetent.
So, I couldn't find anything, but I guess Telus & Bell don't have femtocells like the Sprint AirRave, huh?
I've used one and it's awesome.
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  #6204 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 01:31 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

[ ] CE OS 5.2.23001 (Build 23001.5.0.60)
[+] BootLauncher (1.0.19152530.1)
[+] CommManager(
[+] IME Engine Western JUICY (2.1.19162213.00)
[+] FullScreenPlayer (1.6.19153724.00)
[+] GSensorCalibrator (1.0.19121924.0)
[+] HTCScroll (2.0.19153028.1)
[+] LongPressEndKey (1.2.19143124.00)
[+] OperaBrowser (9.50.16983.0)
[+] QuickGPS (1.00.19131326.0)
[+] SmartTouch (1.0.32417.1) *fixes issues on RAPH & DIAM*
[+] StreamingMedia (3.1.19162030.00)
[+] TVOutPopUp (1.2.19142724.0)
[+] USBToPCPopUp (2.2.19143124.0)
[+] Wi-Fi Wizard (
[+] YouTube (1.6.19161426.00)
[+] Custom ModelID EXT packages
[#] Fixed UC AutoRun *RAPH800*
[#] Fixed xT9 glitches *thanks Juggalo_X/Ruskiyab*
[#] Updated Juicy black theme *thanks Lil' Rico*
[#] True stand-alone OperaBrowser
[#] Further reduced boot time
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  #6205 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
[ ] CE OS 5.2.23001 (Build 23001.5.0.60)
[+] BootLauncher (1.0.19152530.1)
[+] CommManager(
[+] IME Engine Western JUICY (2.1.19162213.00)
[+] FullScreenPlayer (1.6.19153724.00)
[+] GSensorCalibrator (1.0.19121924.0)
[+] HTCScroll (2.0.19153028.1)
[+] LongPressEndKey (1.2.19143124.00)
[+] OperaBrowser (9.50.16983.0)
[+] QuickGPS (1.00.19131326.0)
[+] SmartTouch (1.0.32417.1) *fixes issues on RAPH & DIAM*
[+] StreamingMedia (3.1.19162030.00)
[+] TVOutPopUp (1.2.19142724.0)
[+] USBToPCPopUp (2.2.19143124.0)
[+] Wi-Fi Wizard (
[+] YouTube (1.6.19161426.00)
[+] Custom ModelID EXT packages
[#] Fixed UC AutoRun *RAPH800*
[#] Fixed xT9 glitches *thanks Juggalo_X/Ruskiyab*
[#] Updated Juicy black theme *thanks Lil' Rico*
[#] True stand-alone OperaBrowser
[#] Further reduced boot time
What do you mean by "True stand-alone OperaBrowser?"
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  #6206 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 01:40 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
What do you mean by "True stand-alone OperaBrowser?"
I think/hope he means it's not always running in the background like it is now.

The answers to all your questions are HERE.

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  #6207 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 02:02 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
[#] Fixed xT9 glitches *thanks Juggalo_X/Ruskiyab*
Glad I could help
Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
Having a weird issue with 23001 though; I can't open my mail. Anybody know why... or better yet, have a fix?
That's odd. I'm running 23001 right now and no problems with email. What's the issue?
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  #6208 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 09:58 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by ruskiyab View Post
Glad I could help

That's odd. I'm running 23001 right now and no problems with email. What's the issue?
whatever rom you're running likely doesnt have the newest message enhancement oem from htc. there is a conflict.
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  #6209 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 09:59 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by dwizzy130 View Post
I think/hope he means it's not always running in the background like it is now.

previously i had to split opera into 2 cab installs, which wasted some space due to duplicates.

I have been able to make the Opera process exit-able as well though.
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  #6210 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090627 (21820.5.0.40) [UC]

good! Thanks!
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